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American Airlines and Labor Negotiations

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For the last time, the whole committee hasn’t been in the room since January of 2017.

Pretty lame that the GVP of the IAM is okay with this. Your membership deserves better.

I really don’t fathom how a WN AMT thinks he knows what’s going on at AA?

Maybe he wonders how someone that hasn't turned a wrench since TW existed knows what's going on?
For the last time, the whole committee hasn’t been in the room since January of 2017.

This just didn’t happen.

Ask CB or Prez.

I really don’t fathom how a WN AMT thinks he knows what’s going on at AA?

No sir. If this is the case then why did the Pres of 514 and 568 post like they were expected to be in the same room. Read second para in 568 update from Pres. (I added the quotes on 2nd para to highlight it for you)
And BTW I have spoke and asked CB and Perez at length in the past and they were still at the table after the Jan 2017 decision to bring in the new EC so you sir are wrong saying that they have not been at the nego table since the EC joined the nego's.
Allow me to assist you:

"As presidents from different locals began to arrive"
Arrive in SFO for nego's.
"we were informed that we (pres. and reg NC) would not be joining the hearing."
Now why would they have to be INFORMED if they were not expected to be at the table that day?
Instead of being seated at the nego table as expected by the reg NC.
"we were TOLD (not asked) that we would be PLACED (not by choice) in an adjacent room where they would receive updates throughout the day on what had been discussed."
It is crystal clear that all reg NC members were clearly expecting to sit at the table to nego until they "were informed" after they arrived. This is the first time the reg NC was removed from the table entirely by the EC. It has not been happening since day one back in Jan 2017.
Here's 568 update by Pres.:

Negotiations update from TWU Local 568

A quick update from our trip to SFO to meet with mediators and the International:

"As presidents from different locals began to arrive, we were informed that we would not be joining the hearing. Instead, we were told that we would be placed in an adjacent room where we would be receiving updates throughout the day on what had been discussed."

The final briefing was a detailed one, where important financial, medical and scope details were shared. Progress was made on TA’s, and even though the company was nickel and diming on some financial aspects, our union was able to make fair agreements with the company. It is extremely important for us to show the mediators and the company that we are all united in order to obtain a fair contract.

We also raised questions about the current government shutdown and the effect it could potentially have on the National Mediation Board (NBD), being that the board is an agency of the Federal government. We were told that they were federally funded until September 2019, which is very important to us. This means that our hearings will not be affected and negotiations will not stall due to a lack of federal funding. We expect to meet again in FLL on the following dates: January 29, 30, 31.

All presidents are committed to working together to get the best contract for our members – a contract we all deserve and is long overdue. More in depth details will be shared at the General Union Meeting on Monday, January 28, 2019.
The GVP is on the Executive Committee, along with Alex and Gary Peterson and Tom Regan and Tim Klima.
One last time WN AMT, the whole NC hasn’t been in the room for two years.

The President of 568 was at negotiations for the first time this week ever as he was just sworn in.

Please stop with the wrong information.
For the last time, the whole committee hasn’t been in the room since January of 2017.

This just didn’t happen.

Ask CB or Prez.

I really don’t fathom how a WN AMT thinks he knows what’s going on at AA?

I know it's hard for you to fathom. But ask the weez how many times it's happened to him in the past, and yes it is embarrassing when this happens all the time to you guys isn't it?
One last time WN AMT, the whole NC hasn’t been in the room for two years.

The President of 568 was at negotiations for the first time this week ever as he was just sworn in.

Please stop with the wrong information.
Thats the whole point.WHY arent they in the room?Its what we elected them for
I know it's hard for you to fathom. But ask the weez how many times it's happened to him in the past, and yes it is embarrassing when this happens all the time to you guys isn't it?

GVP I have never even once been able to get the better of Old Swampy here. He’s just way too smart for me. I’m begging you not to try and tangle with this guy. He’s sharper than a tack holding up an old Farrah Fawcett poster.

God Bless you Swamp you brilliant Rocket Scientist you.
Alex Garcia, Mike Mays, Gary Peterson and Andre Sutton are all still American Airlines Employees. They could leave the Union tomorrow and they would go right back to the Stations and Jobs they had before they got to where they are now.

BTW Personally I’ve known Alex longer than anyone who is a TWU Local President today by far. Almost 16 years.
Thats another thing up these salaries to 150k they are going to be more loyal to the union than the employee.The hand that feeds you type of thing.
Thats another thing up these salaries to 150k they are going to be more loyal to the union than the employee.The hand that feeds you type of thing.

The problem we have here on Forums in these threads is the separate experiences each of us have had being under our respective Unions.

Take you for example Al. You had a much better experience working under US Management prior to your fellow employees voting in the IAM in your mind. 1978 to 1995 are your old Salad days. I mean taking away your Pension all the way back in 1992 and then a few years later throwing it on the PBGC, who gives a rats ass about that right.

Anyway Al I’m sorry but I don’t give a chit about your bylaws amendment vote any more than you or your goofball friend gave a chit about my President getting a 70% stipend increase that I never got to vote on.

Hey you get the chance to vote if you think CB or P. Rez or your own LGA Rep deserve a raise. Something I didn’t get.
And remind us all why they were removed?

Because they were infighting like maniacs remember.

Everyone on Forums was saying it weren’t they.

Who the hell wants to have a bunch of guys that hate each other and can’t get anything done because of it continuing to negotiate for the collective?
Because they were infighting like maniacs remember.

Everyone on Forums was saying it weren’t they.

Who the hell wants to have a bunch of guys that hate each other and can’t get anything done because of it continuing to negotiate for the collective?
"The Association has hampered the Local Presidents ability to do their jobs"

For the last time, the whole committee hasn’t been in the room since January of 2017.

This just didn’t happen.

Ask CB or Prez.

I really don’t fathom how a WN AMT thinks he knows what’s going on at AA?
As promised:
Actually. After further checking. We are both wrong. After going over all updates since Nov 2016 I have found some interesting updates.
Yes I was wrong stating they were recently removed. However it has not been since Jan 2017 it actually (according to the updates) occurred around mid 2017 not Jan. All updates starting mid 2017 indicate "EC" only updates. But it seems as if it was quietly done and no announcement was made that threg NC was removed.
Now, WHY were they removed? 2 years later and still nothing.
Why would the elected NC be removed. Now I would fully understand IF the EC joined the reg NC to help expedite contract talks, but to remove the entire reg NC is absolutely wrong and not fair to the membership at large.
Again I do apologise as I was under the influence that the EC and regNC were working together at the table. I still feel very strong that the membership is not being correctly represented by the international level moving in and removing the elected NC from the table. I guess we will all see what this EC agrees to with the company when the T/A comes out and then everyone will know what was agreed to.
On a second note: If this asso. would give better detailed information there would be no confusion. Lack of communication is a key element to a very organized and strong support from your membership. An uninformed membership is the exact opposite.
I will add this to other threads as well, but please answer why this was done and where was it ever announced in writing that the EC was the only ones at the table?? Again sorry for the confusion and misinformation.
"The Association has hampered the Local Presidents ability to do their jobs"


Correct. Political posturing to appease the voters.

Why do you think my old President finally joined the NC only months before the Local election here? (Too little too late)
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