She doesn't. Somehow this was a decision made between the mediators and the exec cmte only. The nego cmte wasn't even informed until after they all arrived in SFO. That is what is BS!!!How does Eva know our union executive team is trustworthy??
Why weren't any of them informed prior to the trip? Why weren't at least a Pres from each local allowed in? The large group statement is still a cover up and BS.
Also take note of all the updates, none are detailed in any way shape or form. All say "progress". Hmmmm. I smell something fishy coming out.
Let me guess, the same "NEW" rules will be retained for the upcoming FLL meetings at end of Jan.? And will from here on out??? This is complete BS.
NONE I repeat, NONE of any of the groups in any other mediation were reduced from their regular nego cmte. Not Pilots, F/A's, mechanics ramp NONE.
Here we go again with a fast and final T/A coming rather quickly, make sure you guys read it all in detail.