Message from President Danker TWU Local 514
Wanted to give you a quick update.
The negotiating team is not in the room with the mediators.
We are in a big room where we are receiving updates to what is happening. At the end of business Tuesday Klima, Peterson and Reagan gave us a detailed review of the financial positions and what delta plus means as of today’s date including Delta’s profit sharing plan.
On Wednesday the update was reviewing all healthcare positions as well as meeting both mediators. We went around the room and introduced ourselves. When it got to me I stood up, said my name and that I get paid a nice salary to represent the interest of 4200 people in Tulsa, TWU local 514. I told them it’s a tough thing for me not to be aloud to do my job. I said we should be aloud in the room so we can observe the proceedings. After everyone else finished Eva Durham, one of the mediators spoke directly to us telling me “she understands it’s frustrating but you can’t get a deal done in large groups”.
Today we are told we should get a review from the company’s positions on healthcare. The Association has hampered the Local Presidents ability to do their jobs but Rollie, Gary S. and I are committed to work as closely as possible with each other and the executive committee to get the best deal possible for our members.