You swear by your handlers. Go ask them to show it to you. Better yet, ask them to show it to the members and let the members vote. The economy is stalling and our window is finally closing. The next offer may be less.
C’mon man stop talking to your fake handle (yourself) and answer my questions. What’s the matter, Cat poop on your tongue?
Wait a minute here. How can there be a next offer when you said the Company gave us the “Last Best Offer”?
BTW my handlers said they never got that last best offer. So I’m asking you to show it? C’mon prove them liars Dimmy.
How much exactly will I be making in wages on DOS?
Will Profit Sharing be made contractual like it is at UAL and SWA?
What will be the percentage yearly increases in wages? 1%, 2%, 3%, ?, ?
Will it be a 5 year deal and will we have any early openers?
Will there be an industry reset if Delta or United leapfrog us?
How much will my Medical be and what is the percentage the Company can raise it yearly?
Will the Association be able to audit the Company’s medical expenditures?
What will the Part Time cap be?
Will I be Full Time protected in my City?
Did the Company agree to Penalty Hours or Easy hours?
What about the language as far as when we go to lunch?
Can I still walk for lunch on my 6th hour?
What will the Scope be like as far as Station Staffing?