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American Airlines and Labor Negotiations

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Question for those who want to vote now.

If what we were voting on had the language “When and where so directed” attached to more of the work we perform say Lavs, Encoders, Transfer Drivers, Freight and Mail House would we still want to have that vote?

Would it actually be wise to have that vote?

Here in the current IAM CBA are all the examples of “When and where so directed”

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13 Feb 2017

All American Mechanic and Related, Stores, and Fleet Service Employees Represented by the TWU/IAM Associations

June 27, 2016

I want to take this opportunity to introduce myself to all of you. I am Joshua M. Javits, a full-time professional mediator and arbitrator. I am a member of the National Academy of Arbitrators, a roster arbitrator for the American Arbitration Association and Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, and a former Chairman and Member of the National Mediation Board. By agreement between American Airlines and the TWU/IAM Associations representing Mechanic and Related, Stores, and Fleet Service Employees, I was appointed as a Neutral to assist the parties in the seniority integration process resulting from the merger of American Airlines and US Airways.

According to federal law, known as the McCaskill-Bond Amendment, in airline mergers the integration of seniority must be fair and equitable. The law further provides that when the employees of a craft and class at the two merging carriers have the same representative, in this case the TWU/IAM Associations, the merger policy of the representative shall be applied. Here, the parties have already established the basic principles to guide this seniority integration in their April 24, 2013 Agreement Regarding Seniority List Integration, specifically that the primary basis for seniority integration will be the date of entry into an employee’s basic classification. In May 2016, the parties further agreed upon a procedure to implement their 2013 Agreement and appointed me to act as the Neutral in that process.

The seniority integration process agreed to is less formal and more cooperative than a standard arbitration proceeding and will involve several phases.

  1. Initially, I will engage in a fact-finding process in order to understand employees’ current seniority arrangements and identify potential issues impacting the integration of seniority lists. As part of this process, I have already requested certain background information from the Company. In addition, on June 21, 2016, I met in Washington, DC with the Associations’ seniority integration committees and joint collective bargaining teams, which include members from both pre-merger Carriers. These were very productive sessions and I appreciate the participants’ insights regarding potential issues and areas of concern.
  2. Also, as part of the fact-finding process, I will consider any written comments or information regarding the integration of seniority lists that any employee represented by the TWU/IAM Associations wishes to submit. Comments must include: employee name, employee number, job title, and station. Comments must be sent by regular mail or email to the following so they are received no later than July 31, 2016:
Attn: Neutral Joshua M. Javits

c/o Guerrieri, Clayman, Bartos & Parcelli, P.C.
1900 M Street, N.W., Suite 700
Washington, DC 20036


  1. Once the fact-finding process is complete, I intend to engage further with the Associations’ seniority committees in order to reach consensus on the integration of lists to the fullest extent possible.
  2. At the conclusion of this fact-finding andmediation process, I will issue a Report and Recommendations regarding the integration of seniority, as well as proposed integrated lists. The Report and the proposed lists will be promptly published to the membership for review.
  3. Following the publication of the proposed lists, affected employees will have 45 days to file in writing any protest they may have regarding their placement on the list. Details regarding how to file a protest will be provided in conjunction with the publication of the proposed lists.
  4. I will consider all timely filed protests and issue a final and binding determination with respect to each. After deciding all protests, I will issue final integrated seniority lists, incorporating any necessary adjustments or corrections in light of my protest determinations. It is intended that the final lists will issue by December 1, 2016. However, the Company has agreed that it will not implement the final lists until new joint collective bargaining agreements have been reached and ratified.
Throughout this process, I will be assisted by the Washington, DC law firm of Guerrieri, Clayman, Bartos & Parcelli, P.C., which has extensive experience in airline seniority matters. I look forward to assisting the parties in achieving a fair and equitable seniority integration.
13 Feb 2017

All American Mechanic and Related, Stores, and Fleet Service Employees Represented by the TWU/IAM Associations

June 27, 2016

I want to take this opportunity to introduce myself to all of you. I am Joshua M. Javits, a full-time professional mediator and arbitrator. I am a member of the National Academy of Arbitrators, a roster arbitrator for the American Arbitration Association and Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, and a former Chairman and Member of the National Mediation Board. By agreement between American Airlines and the TWU/IAM Associations representing Mechanic and Related, Stores, and Fleet Service Employees, I was appointed as a Neutral to assist the parties in the seniority integration process resulting from the merger of American Airlines and US Airways.

According to federal law, known as the McCaskill-Bond Amendment, in airline mergers the integration of seniority must be fair and equitable. The law further provides that when the employees of a craft and class at the two merging carriers have the same representative, in this case the TWU/IAM Associations, the merger policy of the representative shall be applied. Here, the parties have already established the basic principles to guide this seniority integration in their April 24, 2013 Agreement Regarding Seniority List Integration, specifically that the primary basis for seniority integration will be the date of entry into an employee’s basic classification. In May 2016, the parties further agreed upon a procedure to implement their 2013 Agreement and appointed me to act as the Neutral in that process.

The seniority integration process agreed to is less formal and more cooperative than a standard arbitration proceeding and will involve several phases.

  1. Initially, I will engage in a fact-finding process in order to understand employees’ current seniority arrangements and identify potential issues impacting the integration of seniority lists. As part of this process, I have already requested certain background information from the Company. In addition, on June 21, 2016, I met in Washington, DC with the Associations’ seniority integration committees and joint collective bargaining teams, which include members from both pre-merger Carriers. These were very productive sessions and I appreciate the participants’ insights regarding potential issues and areas of concern.
  2. Also, as part of the fact-finding process, I will consider any written comments or information regarding the integration of seniority lists that any employee represented by the TWU/IAM Associations wishes to submit. Comments must include: employee name, employee number, job title, and station. Comments must be sent by regular mail or email to the following so they are received no later than July 31, 2016:
Attn: Neutral Joshua M. Javits

c/o Guerrieri, Clayman, Bartos & Parcelli, P.C.
1900 M Street, N.W., Suite 700
Washington, DC 20036


  1. Once the fact-finding process is complete, I intend to engage further with the Associations’ seniority committees in order to reach consensus on the integration of lists to the fullest extent possible.
  2. At the conclusion of this fact-finding andmediation process, I will issue a Report and Recommendations regarding the integration of seniority, as well as proposed integrated lists. The Report and the proposed lists will be promptly published to the membership for review.
  3. Following the publication of the proposed lists, affected employees will have 45 days to file in writing any protest they may have regarding their placement on the list. Details regarding how to file a protest will be provided in conjunction with the publication of the proposed lists.
  4. I will consider all timely filed protests and issue a final and binding determination with respect to each. After deciding all protests, I will issue final integrated seniority lists, incorporating any necessary adjustments or corrections in light of my protest determinations. It is intended that the final lists will issue by December 1, 2016. However, the Company has agreed that it will not implement the final lists until new joint collective bargaining agreements have been reached and ratified.
Throughout this process, I will be assisted by the Washington, DC law firm of Guerrieri, Clayman, Bartos & Parcelli, P.C., which has extensive experience in airline seniority matters. I look forward to assisting the parties in achieving a fair and equitable seniority integration.
Your point, of course you have to stick your nose into everyone's conversation, just like sniffer does. Might want to send that to Danker, he is the one questioning it...comprende
Your point, of course you have to stick your nose into everyone's conversation, just like sniffer does. Might want to send that to Danker, he is the one questioning it...comprende

You’re beginning to become confrontational again? I thought we were going to put that behind us?

The question is was Dale Danker a part of the Seniority Integration team and if he was then he shouldn’t have anything to question and the time to file protests are now long since passed.

Dale is unfortunately under a tremendous amount of pressure currently by his members there in TUL. Personally I think it’s a disgusting display myself since I think he’s a good guy just trying to do the best he can.
So again, your point of showing the letter to me was what? I made a point that after all those things Racer said the Association was negotiating on our behalf including Scope, wages etc...
I mentioned something he did not which was seniority and made the point (which is fact) that Danker was not happy about that, evidenced by the legal reps. Racer responded with his question and I responded with a question as well. Was he on the Integration team, I'm assuming he was. Did it he still obtain legal rep...I believe he did...So again, not sure of your point. As for Danker being under pressure from his members, you know that for a fact or is that just another assumption. I gave you credit for doing your research, but sometimes though bro I think you just throw it out there to show people how smart you are. Absolutely zero reason to post that letter after my post, I don't care. I didn't obtain Lawyers and I'm not a mechanic...just a simple point to Racer.
So again, your point of showing the letter to me was what? I made a point that after all those things Racer said the Association was negotiating on our behalf including Scope, wages etc...
I mentioned something he did not which was seniority and made the point (which is fact) that Danker was not happy about that, evidenced by the legal reps. Racer responded with his question and I responded with a question as well. Was he on the Integration team, I'm assuming he was. Did it he still obtain legal rep...I believe he did...So again, not sure of your point. As for Danker being under pressure from his members, you know that for a fact or is that just another assumption. I gave you credit for doing your research, but sometimes though bro I think you just throw it out there to show people how smart you are. Absolutely zero reason to post that letter after my post, I don't care. I didn't obtain Lawyers and I'm not a mechanic...just a simple point to Racer.

# 1 Dale shows a lot of emotion in videos so much so that I know he’s being genuine. There are numerous examples of his passion showing through but the strongest display was that Town Hall where even Parker himself claimed or fein’d concern for his emotional state.

# 2 This Card Drive is originating out of his Local and it’s been his Local that’s been facing the brunt of Maintenance cuts both through new Aircraft coming into the Fleet and the Company wanting to raise the outsourcing percentage. (Go to the 514 FB page and read the AMP comments on the last posted update)

# 3 Any Lawsuit regarding Seniority Integration both Dale and Rollie know is frivolous and will not be taken up by any Judge. It will be regarded as most are as an internal Union issue and one that was already agreed to by both parties (TWU/IAM) contractual agreement.

Sad to say but retaining Legal services over this issue smacks of either Political or pressured motivations. I’m assuming the latter?
AMP organizing committee information sheet

“ You guys don’t know what you are doing!”
Quoted - Pat Kinnamon – Local 514 Chairman of Maintenance

We know exactly what we are doing, and can even explain why we are doing this.


Here is a quote from the Railway Labor Act
The RAILWAY LABOR ACT § 152. General duties

Employees shall have the right to organize and bargain collectively through representatives of their own choosing. The majority of any craft or class of employees shall have the right to determine who shall be the representative of the craft or class for the purposes of this chapter.


We have all waited for the Association to produce that “quick” Joint Collective Bargaining Agreement (JCBA) that Sean Doyle TWU International Representative promised us at meetings held on the Tulsa Base. TWU promised us a ballot, promised us the Association was the fastest way to the JCBA. Now we know the truth. The Association requested AA Management to keep all proceedings in negotiations secret.

After 3 years of sitting and waiting, many of us on the Tulsa Base have finally had enough. Enough Lies, Enough Misinformation, Enough Broken Promises, Enough Silencing of our Local Leadership. The Association even removed our President Dale Danker from the negotiating room asking him to be the water boy for those still in the room. Talk about a slap in the face. This left Local 514 without a voice in the negotiating room.

American Airlines management began disclosing the details of the company’s proposal, and told us why they agreed to secret negotiations, and why they decided to come out with the facts. Basically the Association lied to management destroying the credibility of our union.

Management knows we don’t support this Association. Management knows we never got to vote. Management knows the Association is an illegitimate representation and that we didn’t choose this and allowed by the Railway Labor Act. And since Management has lost all respect for the Association, negotiations have indeed completely stalled.




To obtain the vote promised by the Railway Labor Act, we must sign authorization cards showing interest of at least 50% plus one of the eligible members in any craft or class.
Our craft or class is designated by the National Mediation Board.

And this Craft or Class is made of everyone in Title 1 and Title 2 along with planners, schedulers, trainers, ect. Or it is easier to say everyone except Stock Clerks and Fleet Service Clerks whom have their own craft or class and can also do what we are doing on their own accord.

Here are some Highlights of the AMP Constitution and why we chose this path.
AMP is an independent union just like the American Airlines Pilots and Flight Attendants. Both have been respected and treated far better than we have since American and USAir merged.

AMP prohibits the blackout of communication to membership, including contract negotiation proposals from Management and the Union.
AMP will return the line station locals removed by TWU International. And the President and Vice-President of each Local will sit on a Board of Directors; giving a voice back to membership in different locations across the system.

AMP will be made up of only members from the Mechanic and Related craft or class. We will no longer be combined with other groups and called “ground workers”. We will demand the respect that maintenance professionals deserve. Our piece of the negotiation pie will no longer be looted by other work groups simply because they out number us. We will be the majority in AMP.

AMP will have direct election of National Officers and recall of National Officers. The days of good ol’e boy appointees will become a thing of the past.

AMP is an independent union only representing American Airlines members in the craft or class of Mechanic and Related. This will keep the focus of National Officers and Board of Directors only upon our needs as employees of American Airlines.

AMP dues base will be $1.4 million per month based on the 2 hours pay per month dues rate. $16 million per year. Remember both the AA Pilots and the AA Flight Attendants started similar independent unions from a startup and succeeded. We can too!

AMP will be One Union, One Voice voted on by the membership via the National Mediation Board ballot. No more Dual Fighting Unions destroying our jobs.

AMP will immediately request AA management to engage in negotiations to quickly complete contract negotiations. We will be focused only on Mechanic and Related issues instead of 7 work groups negotiating at once as with this illegitimate Association.

The Positives of AMP and making this move now are extremely beneficial to the Mechanic and Related Craft of Class that we cannot delay. We need to sign the authorization cards to get a ONE Union, ONE Voice vote by the membership and quickly correct this horrible wrong.

This is a grass roots movement to eliminate the Association. Which is nothing more than an illegitimate un-voted on abomination of Unionism as it is meant to be.

So again, your point of showing the letter to me was what? I made a point that after all those things Racer said the Association was negotiating on our behalf including Scope, wages etc...
I mentioned something he did not which was seniority and made the point (which is fact) that Danker was not happy about that, evidenced by the legal reps. Racer responded with his question and I responded with a question as well. Was he on the Integration team, I'm assuming he was. Did it he still obtain legal rep...I believe he did...So again, not sure of your point. As for Danker being under pressure from his members, you know that for a fact or is that just another assumption. I gave you credit for doing your research, but sometimes though bro I think you just throw it out there to show people how smart you are. Absolutely zero reason to post that letter after my post, I don't care. I didn't obtain Lawyers and I'm not a mechanic...just a simple point to Racer.
I’m not sure what you are asking in regards to seniority. Are you asking if the association was on the same page?
Update from Juan Elvira TWU Local 512 President.

July 20, 2018

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

The Executive Negotiation Committee briefly met with the company this week and will try to meet next week. The progress has been a slow crawl, but hopefully, they can get the scope wrapped up with the company.

Equity Update, the International has met with Officials of the IRS and have all the necessary paperwork filed so they can process the refund that is owed to us. Once accomplished, they can proceed with the final distribution.

In a few weeks, the Senate will take up the FAA Reauthorization bill. Its Good news for airline workers, this bill would move the essential safety priorities and protect jobs. Please take the time to call your Senators and ask them to vote for this bill.

512 Strong
Juan Elvira
T.W.U. Local 512
You’re beginning to become confrontational again? I thought we were going to put that behind us?

The question is was Dale Danker a part of the Seniority Integration team and if he was then he shouldn’t have anything to question and the time to file protests are now long since passed.

Dale is unfortunately under a tremendous amount of pressure currently by his members there in TUL. Personally I think it’s a disgusting display myself since I think he’s a good guy just trying to do the best he can.
Honestly, you need to SERIOUSLY educate yourself about these things. Just running off at the lip talking in complete foolishness is your cup of tea nowadays. Same with CB. You two just run at the lip and are clueless. At least you just BS and don't lie like CB about the LUS medical.
And in a twisted way, have legitimated the reasoned and logical NYer. And, to be sure, I do not share NYer's desire to see a vote, but I understand from his perspective why he and 100% of TWU want a vote minus Weez and other Lehiveites.

It doesn't matter if Danker was on the 'committee'. Anyone could still have filed a lawsuit since it breached the MBA. I didn't but would have. The decision benefitted LUS but it was certainly in violation of civil rights. The only issue is whether or not Danker missed the SOL. I think he did. Certainly he had ample time to file but chose not to. So, what is Danker and other key people doing? I believe they are forcing accountability as your boy Alex has aligned with Madman Sito (still not sure how much Sito is paying him). And Danker is also probably rooting out the opposition argument to get Alex' official stance on paper. That's the story JetBlue Dave!

BTW, the AMT will most likely be able to file this fall. They had a nice conference call the other day with some key members from CLT which surprised me. More surprising was PIT. PIT has always been an IAM stronghold due to blindness, but has seen the light and how the Association is non functional since it isn't the IAM or TWU. In fact, the level of support from PIT is somewhat odd to me. I wouldn't be surprised if the IAM is behind it but I have no idea. One thing is for sure, Madman Sito will backstab anyone, Alex doesn't know that. So Sad.

Gosh I love how I'm not a member in bad standing and keep sticking it up Sito's arse! Your boy 700 guaranteed I would be put in bad standing and prohibited from running for office. LMFAO

I'm in charge now!
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Update from Juan Elvira TWU Local 512 President.

July 20, 2018

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

The Executive Negotiation Committee briefly met with the company this week and will try to meet next week. The progress has been a slow crawl, but hopefully, they can get the scope wrapped up with the company.

Equity Update, the International has met with Officials of the IRS and have all the necessary paperwork filed so they can process the refund that is owed to us. Once accomplished, they can proceed with the final distribution.

In a few weeks, the Senate will take up the FAA Reauthorization bill. Its Good news for airline workers, this bill would move the essential safety priorities and protect jobs. Please take the time to call your Senators and ask them to vote for this bill.

512 Strong
Juan Elvira
T.W.U. Local 512
A lot less emotional than the bonkers post by Sito and Alex that may cause our unions to get sued BIGTIME for what appeared to be a called work action. I can guarantee you that companies copy those golden eggs that dumb union leaders write about apparent work slowdowns. Hint: never a good idea to write to the members about doing a slowdown. The fact that Sito and Alex got pissed off and emotional and wrote that last update is indicative of them having ZERO support on the floor. When you have ZERO support, you have to shout it loud. But shouting work slowdowns loud, as that letter appeared to do, will be costly to our union since the company will no doubt get a judge to collect any losses if there is a slowdown. I texted Mike Klemm that I was very disappointed that he put out that letter because the last thing I want is the company to bag all remaining monies from my district. At any rate, shouting and screaming "Slowdown's is in poor taste and shows there is no support when you have to scream things like that. Sheesh. Just my opinon and I hope it is wrong, but the command, "Must" let the company know" is a called work slowdown as I read it.
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