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American Airlines and Labor Negotiations

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Wrong! I've done many card drives and the numbers come up short because title 2 just doesn't get onboard. Every drive title 2 never participated in signing enough cards to make a difference. I've had conversations and arguments with some of them. They just are not interested or believe in the ramp support over M&E groups. The replay you mention is a nasty cycle from one drive to the next. I remember a drive years back when Kansas city did not want to sign because they were told that if they signed cards the company was going to pull the 767 heavies and send the work back to Tulsa.
They even voted Yes on a contract to keep the place going. Tulsa guys told them they were being played. Contract passed and Kansas city was history. During one drive it's certain line stations that held out, other drives was Tulsa. Some drives Tulsa and line stations together signed by came up short. Only two drives were filed and unfortunately the NMB allowed an inflated eligibility list to be used. So take all these drives that we came up short in one way or another title 2 always held back. That's a large number of cards left on the table. If we had the same percentage of title 1 and title 2 sign cards we would have enough cards to file. Instead its always a struggle to finish that last 15 to 20% of cards.
I agree about coming up short. We all have come up short. Collectively as a group Title 1 has showed up in low numbers. What's the percentage of eligible members bother to even cast a vote. And as far as being played we ALL have been played like a Nashville fiddle. I agree with a lot of what you say however Title 1 has the lions share of the Mechanic and related members but can't close the deal because of the low number of Title 2 guys that do vote . The things that make you go hmmmm.
Kind of like the largest Title 1 base Tule many years ago voted in a Title 3 president. There were about 80 fleet service members in Tulsa at that time . Who did that blame fall on? Title 1 needs to own their shortcomings brother but I will end by saying this we have all lost and been played well. All the hardworking employees on the ground deserve much better than what we are getting. Day in , day out those planes are going out full of passengers safely because of all the below the wing employees . Its a real shame how this is playing out.
Happy Thanksgiving!
If there was another card drive, (I think I would like to see an AA organic union like AMP, kind of like APFA and APA) would the IAM and TWU title i & ii be onboard with new unions. Curious especially to find out how the IAM would feel about replacing the association. Their half of the ass hasn't really been too bad to them from what I see. Not sure if TWU title ii has been sufficiently screwed to want to replace the association.
So as we approach the holidays and the end of the year with no contract in site it’s truly sad that we the members have been lied to screwed over by not just AA but by our own leaders.
We are loosing money everyday this drags on prob 10000 or more just this year.
So what the hell good are the dues we pay if we have to put up with this kind of s%&%+
It’s truly a sad day at AA to see this group being treated so poorly for all that we do to try and make it a success
I have heard a few different "rumors" as to whats going on. Since the association wont give out any information i would think it safe to say we are screwed for the holidays.
No talks last week per the nmb and surely no talks for this week (thanksgiving). I would guess we are done for the year. Supposedly the rumor of a contract before Christmas MAY be true. However which Christmas was not clear.

Have we had enough yet?
Yes, but we should not be surprised.
I doubt any serious progress will be made in negotiations for us in the coming weeks wrapping up the 2019 year. With the APA and APFA negotiations beginning in 2020 that leaves many questions about the seriousness of our negotiations when priorities are more than likely going to change on the company side.
The APFA already started negotiations, they had an early opener and have already TAed six articles.
If there was another card drive, (I think I would like to see an AA organic union like AMP, kind of like APFA and APA) would the IAM and TWU title i & ii be onboard with new unions. Curious especially to find out how the IAM would feel about replacing the association. Their half of the ass hasn't really been too bad to them from what I see. Not sure if TWU title ii has been sufficiently screwed to want to replace the association.
an organic union is the best. Just has to have the right people in charge first and they need patience. AMP leadership got pissed off and scrapped the PO box. Basically, throwing out their baby with the bath water. Can't have any bi polar peeps running it only to sabatoge it if they are pissed they only get 40% of the cards. Patience wins organizing drives.
The APFA already started negotiations, they had an early opener and have already TAed six articles.
Both APA and APFA had early openers in January of 2019. They exchanged proposals and other concerns to be addressed. Here we are end of 2019. It's a slow process. It's obvious this new management team is not negotiating in the best interest for all groups. With five labor groups on the property and most of the contracts becoming amenable around the same time one would think you would make those a priority to maintain labor peace and good employee relationships. Unfortunately this team has shown to be anti-labor and anti-union in its approach in contract negotiations. Then they wonder why relationships and work force motivation is at an all low on a daily basis. We have the highest cancellations rates, the largest workforce that has no motivation and leadership to excell.
Customer complaints are higher than normal and the average. The company keeps blaming the MAX grounding and the unseen job action of the association. They point fingers at the unions, employees for the woes. That's not how you lead. To lead you need to take responsibility and lead with a positive business model. The AmericaWest business model doesn't work here at AA. They need to grow with the airline and move along with the current events and stay competitive. Losing the TAM deal to Delta and a OneWorld partner was one big example at AA falling asleep. Who's next to leave OneWorld? Qatar, British Airways?
I'm just a cog in the wheel going for the ride. Sometimes we are not just going for the ride but being taken for a ride. Fortunately for many retirement is approaching soon.
I feel sorry for the future hires and how they may be treated or told how to do their jobs. For me this will be my last contract if we get one before the next BK filing. I see a five or six year JCBA and then more years too follow into negotiations following our current path. So basically airlines may sign a four or five year agreement with the unions and actually get six to eight years while it's in the amenable time frame.
So whenever we get a JCBA and it's a X amount of years just add another two to four years to it.
Nice scam don't you agree?
Here is a reminder. According to Peterson, Danker, and Reeves we were close to JCBA in July 2018 a full year and half has passed and we still know nothing more now than we knew then. And they claimed that the membership would be satisfied with their work. Not only is the entire membership of this Association, It is time for the Mechanic and Related group to make the change and separate from , Fleet Service, IAM, TWU, and the Association.
AMFA cards will be available starting next week.


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an organic union is the best. Just has to have the right people in charge first and they need patience. AMP leadership got pissed off and scrapped the PO box. Basically, throwing out their baby with the bath water. Can't have any bi polar peeps running it only to sabatoge it if they are pissed they only get 40% of the cards. Patience wins organizing drives.

You are so full of crap. All you do is post negative false information about everybody and everything. AMP organizers did not get pissed off. We kept the card drive and the P.O. BOX for over a year, and based on card count, and inability to get coworkers to sign, we shut down that card drive. Tulsa AMP Organizers have now joined with line stations and are in full support of the AMFA drive that will be in full swing within 2 weeks. Meanwhile you do nothing but complain about those of us that are trying to correct the wrong as you sit on your ass typing negative falsehoods on your keyboard. Got off the forums and up off of your whimpering, crying, lazy ass and actually initiate something beneficial to your craft and class demise with the Association!!!

Show proof we had 40% of the cards signed! If that were remotely true we would have continued!
It has become abundantly clear that you are not a doer, but instead a big coward that does nothing but complain about those trying to do something. GET LOST

You did not get screwed running for elected office, nobody wanted your lazy whining ass in a leadership role!

You have no medical education but from your keyboard declare bi-polar diagnosis about people you don't know and have never met. You are not a leader, you are a cry baby without solutions or the ability to get off your ass and make change.
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Here is a reminder. According to Peterson, Danker, and Reeves we were close to JCBA in July 2018 a full year and half has passed and we still know nothing more now than we knew then. And they claimed that the membership would be satisfied with their work. Not only is the entire membership of this Association, It is time for the Mechanic and Related group to make the change and separate from , Fleet Service, IAM, TWU, and the Association.
AMFA cards will be available starting next week.
And to add since the AMP drive started last year our contract has become amenable, mediation has been filed, we are under mediated negotiations, a lawsuit was filed against the association, a lawsuit and a permanent restraining order against the association was won by the company and it is the end of 2019 entering the holiday season with no indication of further meetings between parties. Yup, I'd say we are close to an agreement and the association is doing a great job. If I missed anything please feel free to add to the list.
And to add since the AMP drive started last year our contract has become amenable, mediation has been filed, we are under mediated negotiations, a lawsuit was filed against the association, a lawsuit and a permanent restraining order against the association was won by the company and it is the end of 2019 entering the holiday season with no indication of further meetings between parties. Yup, I'd say we are close to an agreement and the association is doing a great job. If I missed anything please feel free to add to the list.
I think you summed it up well.
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