American Airlines and Labor Negotiations

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The most important update was that AMFA officially signed on to the mechanics attempt to secure collective bargaining. It ordered 25,000 a-cards yesterday that are specific to American AIrline Mechanics. The previous cards floating around in MIA weren't part of this specific batch.

I'm not sure when AMFA will actually put the new cards out but once it does, I doubt 2 months pass before AMFA secures the sufficient support. Not having a collective bargaining agent sucks, so I fully support the mechanics on this initiative to attain collective bargaining.

Peterson chose the wrong path and will be kicked up to management where he belongs once the TWU lays him and other staffers off.

Hopefully, Fleet isn't far behind.
The most important update was that AMFA officially signed on to the mechanics attempt to secure collective bargaining. It ordered 25,000 a-cards yesterday that are specific to American AIrline Mechanics. The previous cards floating around in MIA weren't part of this specific batch.

I'm not sure when AMFA will actually put the new cards out but once it does, I doubt 2 months pass before AMFA secures the sufficient support. Not having a collective bargaining agent sucks, so I fully support the mechanics on this initiative to attain collective bargaining.

Peterson chose the wrong path and will be kicked up to management where he belongs once the TWU lays him and other staffers off.

Hopefully, Fleet isn't far behind.

i actually gave you a winner rating for that one.ill take a 100 cards please. this farce has gone on long enough.
That was funny. He didn't even realize he negotiated away his entire craft. But it got worse. Some things were missing at the Local. A phone speaker inadvertly was left on after a call to management and it recorded his buddy saying some things that led to a suspension. His buddy was eventually moved up in the IAM. But the criminal on here was lucky and told to leave otherwise there would have to be an investigation into the unrecovered dabbling.
Come up with some new slander already, your lies are old.
The most important update was that AMFA officially signed on to the mechanics attempt to secure collective bargaining. It ordered 25,000 a-cards yesterday that are specific to American AIrline Mechanics. The previous cards floating around in MIA weren't part of this specific batch.

I'm not sure when AMFA will actually put the new cards out but once it does, I doubt 2 months pass before AMFA secures the sufficient support. Not having a collective bargaining agent sucks, so I fully support the mechanics on this initiative to attain collective bargaining.

Peterson chose the wrong path and will be kicked up to management where he belongs once the TWU lays him and other staffers off.

Hopefully, Fleet isn't far behind.
You saying another card drive for the Title 1 and title 2 guys is in the works? I hope the people doing this have a way to get everyone onboard or else it will be another drive that fails to get enough support. Those pesky title 2 guys are worse than the holdouts we have in title 1. The IAM guys? That's something I can't figure out yet. Maybe I won't anymore.
He is a scammer. Still trying to get inside and rip off the members again. If he ever got into fleet service, he would contract it all out.
And probably loot the treasury.
Worse than management. Ripping off members is the worse.

Exactly. The harm he has caused labor is very real.

Yea that's it. Too busy to do one very important thing when your negotiating a contract for the people that pay your union salary.

I can understand why in 2019 it would be hard to even get out a quick note to the masses. Text and email blasts take forever to send/receive.

(sarcasm, of course)
Association Update:

The Association’s Executive Negotiating Committee met this week in Washington, D.C. with members of the National Mediation Board and representatives from the carrier.

Limited progress was made this week, and that is encouraging.

Our goal is not simply to reach an agreement with the company. Our goal is to reach the right agreement for Association members. We need to ensure any agreement provides the wages, benefits and terms that you have earned and deserve. That is why your continued patience and solidarity is so important.

Future negotiation dates are currently being discussed with American and the NMB.
Sisters and Brothers,

The Association’s Executive Negotiating Committee met this week in Washington, D.C. with members of the National Mediation Board and representatives from the carrier.

Limited progress was made this week, and that is encouraging. After the carrier wasted the entire summer refusing to negotiate with the Association, any movement is a positive sign.

Our goal is not simply to reach an agreement with the company. Our goal is to reach the right agreement for Association members. We need to ensure any agreement provides the wages, benefits and terms that you have earned and deserve. That is why your continued patience and solidarity is so important.

Future negotiation dates are currently being discussed with American and the NMB.
Association Update:

The Association’s Executive Negotiating Committee met this week in Washington, D.C. with members of the National Mediation Board and representatives from the carrier.

Limited progress was made this week, and that is encouraging.

Our goal is not simply to reach an agreement with the company. Our goal is to reach the right agreement for Association members. We need to ensure any agreement provides the wages, benefits and terms that you have earned and deserve. That is why your continued patience and solidarity is so important.

Future negotiation dates are currently being discussed with American and the NMB.
See you after new years!
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