American Airlines and Labor Negotiations

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just heard company and union talking
NMB told AA they can not go back on thier original table position stay tuned.....talks are back on

That doesn't ring true. The NMB wouldn't tell the airline they "cannot" go back on their table position.
That doesn't ring true. The NMB wouldn't tell the airline they "cannot" go back on their table position.
True thay can suggest that. They can also suggest a 30 day cooling off period during the holidays, or they can suggest talks will resume after the first of the year.
Either way the association refuses to inform the membership and takes it for granted
True thay can suggest that. They can also suggest a 30 day cooling off period during the holidays, or they can suggest talks will resume after the first of the year.
Either way the association refuses to inform the membership and takes it for granted
NMB will be on holiday soon until January 2020. Either a miracle agreement happens or nothing happens until then.
True thay can suggest that. They can also suggest a 30 day cooling off period during the holidays, or they can suggest talks will resume after the first of the year.
Either way the association refuses to inform the membership and takes it for granted

30 day cooling off may not be the right term, they can certainly put the negotiations on ice for a period of time.

The biggest issue may the negotiations with the APA and APFA rather than holidays.
NMB will be on holiday soon until January 2020. Either a miracle agreement happens or nothing happens until then.

Don't be surprised if the heavy lifting is done and the current issue is about the legal liabilities. Time, isn't a commodity that favors the Association, at this point.
The sfo ua mx have a card drive going against the ibt but its crazy that they left amfa.
Hopefully, there is a jcba at AA and the mx dump the ass for amp.
Is it fact or rumor on the card drive in SFO against the teamsters? And who is the organization performing said card drive??
Maybe they have seen the light with Horizon returning back to AMFA and they want to do the same. And if all that is true, I would think the AA mechs would pursue AMFA over AMP as AMFA is already up and running and ready to go. But either would be great for them. I still say I would like to see UAL and AA mechs come on over to AMFA, but, as long as they stick with a C&C union it would greatly improve all aspects surrounding the mechanics at AA and their contract, emphasis on "greatly"...
Don't be surprised if the heavy lifting is done and the current issue is about the legal liabilities. Time, isn't a commodity that favors the Association, at this point.
Couldnt say, they refuse to keep the membership informed. The membership will be the last to know
Time, isn't a commodity that favors the Association, at this point.

the longer this goes, i don't believe time favors parker/isom.

here's parker's opening statement to analysts & shareholders on oct. 25:

we had significant operational challenges in American in the first half of the quarter as we continue to work on negotiating an industry-leading contract we want for our TWU and IAM team members.

hmmm, ok...industry-leading.

he followed up with:

We've been on mediated talks through the National Mediation Board since early September. Those are our first talks since April, and both parties have agreed not to discuss the content of those talks publicly at the request of NMB. But you should know that we're very focused on reaching an agreement, which is fair to all involved and ensures our operation is back on track. Now we recognize that beyond these two factors, the status quo is not an option.

the status quo is not an option. yet, it seems as though the company is nurturing the status quo, by not offering an industry-leading contract and using mcbryde's ruling to hurt all of us financially.

i hope he doesn't believe everyone in the world is 11 years old and he 'really' means the largest (money-wise) contract = industry-leading.

of course it will be the largest, we have the largest workforce of assoc. work groups.

the best was this question, from the analyst from morgan stanley:

Rajeev Lalwani -- Morgan Stanley -- Analyst

All right, that's helpful. And then as a follow-up, just maybe for Derek as well, broadly on labor. I don't want to talk about specific contracts, but broadly on labor. Do believe that you've got to step up wages to get the buy-in of employees.

I mean that was sort of the strategy at United. It seems to be successful for now. But maybe I'm not thinking about it or approaching it the right way that that may be needed to deliver on some of what you're describing?

Doug Parker -- Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

Yes. Look, as we talk to our employees, the biggest thing we need to do for our team is provide a reliable operation. We -- and thanks to some great front-line leadership have done a really nice job of taking care of our team. We have, as you are well aware, needed to increase compensation across the board to get our wage levels to where their peers in other airlines are, because they certainly deserve to be paid really as much or more as those that are doing similar jobs at other airlines.

But the issue we are dealing with now as it relates to the team is we need to give them the tools they need to do their job, which they do so incredibly well. That's best going to take care of our customers. And we have been doing that. When we don't run, we don't have operational excellence; our team ends up bearing the brunt of that.

They end up not being where they are supposed to be. They end up having inventory over time. They end up having unhappy customers. All of which impacts the run off.

So what we know and it's important in operational excellence as to our customers and to our shareholders is really important to our team. And that's all those reasons why we are so committed to making sure it happens. And we believe doing that will do more for our team than anything else can do right now.

Rajeev Lalwani -- Morgan Stanley -- Analyst

OK, great.

if i was a neutral, i'd assume the union wants more work, exceptional/industry-leading benefits, including profit sharing and pay. i don't believe that was the case? the assoc. just wanted to keep the work we all had the past 5 years, as aa earned over $20 billion.

in an era of unprecedented record profits, our company balked at another week VC. these guys are stunning analysts; leading an airline with a disgruntled workforce during these boom times for airlines.

no need for tough talk or insults. just tell these guys that we have time, the next contract you negotiate will be for crop-duster pilots.
Don't be surprised if the heavy lifting is done and the current issue is about the legal liabilities. Time, isn't a commodity that favors the Association, at this point.
Yea, I know four years and counting.
The right people for a new union or getting a deal done?
paul, he was referring to replacing the union. I too have been told that there are folks behind the scenes working on it. And as stated before, these are good and reliable sources. Will take some time though so be patient.

F RLA Softies do something
You are completely off base trying to suggest that they do something. It would be suicidal at this point and you suggesting something to be done just want to see these groups completely fail.
You believe Delta Fleet Service is doing well?

You heard it here first, I could be wrong, as I understand their situation they are Unlimited Part Time...

well for profit sharing this year, the delta guy got 14.1% of his wages and the united guy got 2.8% of his wages and i got 1.4%. not only do they have a more generous profit sharing program, but right now, they also earn more per hour than me.

united also works their RJs in their hubs...thousands of more shifts, desirable ramp-connecting shifts that we have lost the past few decades due to aa's internal outsourcing with envoy.
just heard company and union talking
NMB told AA they can not go back on thier original table position stay tuned.....talks are back on

Says you?

Don't believe it. The rumor mills always picked up about meetings and progress when the rumor mills about card drives also ticked up. It happened everytime AMFA or AMP was doing card drives.
Hate to say it but, you guys will remain status quo until after the holidays. And BTW, the NMB would not "tell" the co. that they can't do or will do anything. They can simply only make suggestions that might bring both parties closer to an agreement, and the same goes with the union. The NMB would never tell the co. how to run their co.
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