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American Airlines and Labor Negotiations

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You guys try really hard when you take the wrong position.

The Judge ruled to abrogate the contract. The fact the Company chose not to do it doesn't take away the ruling and the fact the APA voted down a deal and an abrogation was ruled. The point being made was the APA and some on the Maintenance side of the TWU mistakenly believed the Judge wouldn't time for an abrogation. Which he did.

The merger, not the APA, dictated the change from 20% to 17%, as it created more value Anna made the bigger cuts more difficult to get approved.
So basically there is no deal there isn’t going to be a deal and we out here in realville must continue to wait until all the future born dues members are protected
So that means at least another year maybe more.
Total BS and unacceptable
It’s time to sue this disastrous ASS for stealing mine and yours dues money for totally misrepresenting us
The members need to consent to this delay because the NC is requiring them to wait years. The deal isnt going to get more total.
The union could recommend a no vote, but members need to vote
You guys try really hard when you take the wrong position.

The Judge ruled to abrogate the contract. The fact the Company chose not to do it doesn't take away the ruling and the fact the APA voted down a deal and an abrogation was ruled. The point being made was the APA and some on the Maintenance side of the TWU mistakenly believed the Judge wouldn't time for an abrogation. Which he did.

The merger, not the APA, dictated the change from 20% to 17%, as it created more value Anna made the bigger cuts more difficult to get approved.
this is wrong the company lowered the ask after the apa voted the agreement down. we do not need any alternative facts
The bottom line here is we are loosing out now on increased wages and benefits.
The union always complains that there will be loss of work or jobs yet I’ve been around 35 plus and I still see hiring going on I have people I work with who have been here for longer but every time we are told we have get stuff in the language.
So here we are now with no new agreement no better pay and no end in site.
So if the company is to blame then so be it but I think it’s both and again the company is the one benefiting right now as we just save them money by not paying us what we deserve and they don’t care how long it takes but there are a lot of us that don’t have many years left and we want to benefit from this merger but we are screwed

This was reaffirmed; evidently, the talks have pretty much broke down. The company is dead set on phasing out title II over time, and the International doesn't want to lose the headcount - so it is holding up talks as a result. To be clear, we are losing north of $30K per year for jobs for people - who are not even on payroll. This money is gone for good as there has been no talk of retro pay beyond a Association proposal. The company also wants to try to save money by having clerks get involved more with aircraft movement.

The Association is scared to death of the restraining order, and potential fines, so you won't hear a peep out of them one way or another. The company is fearful of disruptions during the upcoming holidays, so they continue to negotiate - to create the illusion that they are negotiating in good faith. If not for the holidays being so close they would have walked away already.

These items have been an issue since the talks started, nothing new. Shite is not looking good for us, as we have nobody in our corner. As if morale could get any worse, this stale mate has no light at the end of any tunnel.

So, keep your chin up, and continue to go the extra mile for the company that loves you so much.
absolutely the problem i have with the association is taking the membership for granted and not putting any information out. the one tool a union has an informed and motivated membership they refuse to cultivate and use.

someone posted that they were ready to bring something to a vote last week if the company dropped the law suit. if thats the case.

to get a deal done, i believe the company would drop the lawsuit.

unfortunately, unless the company bends a bit on scope and the assoc. jumps on it, or, the assoc. bites the scope bullet..the company believes it needs to keep the lawsuit hanging over the assoc's head to deter what they claim are job-actions..especially over the holidays.

i'm no fan of the assoc., per se. i have my own issues with the twu on how they tripped over themselves to hastily form the assoc. with the iam. the seniority issue(s), the fact that the clear majority appears to be a junior partner in this process.
Are you suggesting they backed off of the catering ask?

no, i think the assoc. lumped that and the iam catering loss is baked in the cake.

the company is getting lus on laa insurance, will be able to outsource AMT work at a higher %, is getting rid of catering, appears to be getting rid of laa c/c language...and the company balked at giving fleet an additional week vc.

now, the story here is that twu title 2 will be phased out. title 2 are ramp shop/GSE and facility maintenance, i believe.

the company appears super confident in having the pep-boys fix broken loaders on airplanes or fixing jet bridges in sub-zero weather.
This was reaffirmed; evidently, the talks have pretty much broke down. The company is dead set on phasing out title II over time, and the International doesn't want to lose the headcount - so it is holding up talks as a result. To be clear, we are losing north of $30K per year for jobs for people - who are not even on payroll. This money is gone for good as there has been no talk of retro pay beyond a Association proposal. The company also wants to try to save money by having clerks get involved more with aircraft movement.

The Association is scared to death of the restraining order, and potential fines, so you won't hear a peep out of them one way or another. The company is fearful of disruptions during the upcoming holidays, so they continue to negotiate - to create the illusion that they are negotiating in good faith. If not for the holidays being so close they would have walked away already.

These items have been an issue since the talks started, nothing new. Shite is not looking good for us, as we have nobody in our corner. As if morale could get any worse, this stale mate has no light at the end of any tunnel.

So, keep your chin up, and continue to go the extra mile for the company that loves you so much.

agree. without knowing for sure, sounds very plausible. not only plausible, but, disgusting.
This group as a whole should not be held hostage by a suit.
If that is true that the union leaders are holding up an agreement for that then that should be grounds to remove them from the representative group, as they are not allowing the dues paying members an opportunity to vote.
The court issue should not be a part it needs to be separated
The anger from all of this is just going to get worse.
I would say the holiday operations is going to suffer
It is pretty sad the association is not representing its current work force but hopeful future employees that may or may not ever materialize. That should be an automatic de-certification for any union.
Agree with vo reason (as a twu member).Plenty of tough talk now from the union, but where was the hard line when we needed it in 2002 and 2011. Instead of capitulation.
The twu is like an umbrella that keeps turning up when it’s sunny, but when it’s raining I can’t find it anywhere.
Here is some thing scope is a bunch of total BS. the TWU for years has not every been able to account for all the man hours that are out sourced. They can not figure out a way to track and the company just sends there checks where every they want. The only thing the TWU is good for is telling there membership nothing.
Another thing that is really sad about are local 591 leadership esp. at the top and GP in the intl. All those guys at one time or MORE signed AFMA cards and supported AFMA. and one of the biggest reason they supported AMFA . THE OPEN DOOR POLICY ABOUT INFORMATION TO THE MEMBERSHIP, OPEN DOOR IN NEGOTIATIONS. NOW THEY GOT THERES THEY ARE ALL TIGHT LIPPED!

THE TWU AND IAM are miles APART they could not even figure out how to combine the seniority lists for CC..

The IAM basicly told the TWU they (the IAM) was in charge of HOUSTON. LOL the state of TX.
to get a deal done, i believe the company would drop the lawsuit.

unfortunately, unless the company bends a bit on scope and the assoc. jumps on it, or, the assoc. bites the scope bullet..the company believes it needs to keep the lawsuit hanging over the assoc's head to deter what they claim are job-actions..especially over the holidays.

i'm no fan of the assoc., per se. i have my own issues with the twu on how they tripped over themselves to hastily form the assoc. with the iam. the seniority issue(s), the fact that the clear majority appears to be a junior partner in this process.
What in the world are you talking about???
The company is not compelled to settle. The exact opposite has happened. It wont drop the suit because it dont want the same bs with the pilots and stews. Makes no sense to roll over.
The negotiation committee just informed us today what i told you guys last week, ie., company took items off the table. Now the current offer is only worth $100 million for fleet, yearly, instead of the jetnet offer of $120 million.
Its getting worse. I told you but you didnt listen.
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