This was reaffirmed; evidently, the talks have pretty much broke down. The company is dead set on phasing out title II over time, and the International doesn't want to lose the headcount - so it is holding up talks as a result. To be clear, we are losing north of $30K per year for jobs for people - who are not even on payroll. This money is gone for good as there has been no talk of retro pay beyond a Association proposal. The company also wants to try to save money by having clerks get involved more with aircraft movement.
The Association is scared to death of the restraining order, and potential fines, so you won't hear a peep out of them one way or another. The company is fearful of disruptions during the upcoming holidays, so they continue to negotiate - to create the illusion that they are negotiating in good faith. If not for the holidays being so close they would have walked away already.
These items have been an issue since the talks started, nothing new. Shite is not looking good for us, as we have nobody in our corner. As if morale could get any worse, this stale mate has no light at the end of any tunnel.
So, keep your chin up, and continue to go the extra mile for the company that loves you so much.