Have you thought about surrendering and begging for forgiveness?They've already used Weaasles and Charlie Brown quotes to make that point in Court.
Have you thought about surrendering and begging for forgiveness?They've already used Weaasles and Charlie Brown quotes to make that point in Court.
Didn't Parker say he wanted to compete with Spirit airlines a while back?
Misery loves misery. I guess that's how Parker and AmericaWest management roll.
And sealed the coffin with Samuelsons big mouth threats.They've already used Weaasles and Charlie Brown quotes to make that point in Court.
I’m glad you’re not in there you’d have a white flag in one hand and a pen in the other"Labor troubles," that's you're claim to pressure?
At the same time the Association claims the airline is stalling talks. Doesn't seem those "troubles" are causing any anxiety to the airline.
Leverage was all given up when the asso. made a deal with the co. by giving the membership raises for the cross utilization of both sides allowed to work each others metal. A deal that the membership had no say so at all. These raises also helped out the asso, with the dues increases as well. The asso. affectively sold that leverage right down the river with no paddles.At least wait for a time you have some leverage, when ever that is cause it aint now
I said that exact same thing and took it the same as you did. I would have thought that IF progress was made in last meetings the phrase would have properly said; "we are hopeful that MORE progress will be made again."I also just noticed that the last sentence of the update says we are hopeful progress will be made then, meaning this week.
Almost saying none was made last week.
All 5 days again? That's a positive...Monday the 23rd
Tuesday the 24th
Wednesday the 25th
Thursday the 26th
Friday the 27th
Is that what you're asking?
And sealed the coffin with Samuelsons big mouth threats.
I can't speak for this Charlie Brown guy but both Samuelson and Weasle clowns have no experience in Aircraft maintenance, don't hold any certification ratings to perform maintenance on any aircraft in the country. They both conduct themselves in a unprofessional manner as a representative or employee of American airlines. They speak for Aircraft maintenance professionals that carry a liability and responsibility that is above their job description. They create a false narrative of what an Aircraft maintenance technician professional duties are to my fellow AMT'S at American airlines and the rest of licensed professionals around the world. I'm not here to talk down on any other employees position at AA. I'm here personally expressing my opinion on these two clowns who are clueless and have no business representing AMT'S and telling us what we should do or accept in negotiations for the better of their future financial survival. It's been brought up many times in the past that we as the membership have no say in this association. Only a fool would think that he or she will make a difference as a dues paying member.
Oh I hope so badly you are correct. Time to get this crap behind you all and move on.I believe that between last week and this week the union and the company will have a contract ready for the work group. I believe we will have a road show explaining the contract. We will vote before the end of October.
I believe that between last week and this week the union and the company will have a contract ready for the work group. I believe we will have a road show explaining the contract. We will vote before the end of October.
when investment banks start turning on you - including GE capital..which finances airlines, allowing them to borrow to buy airplanes...yes, that's pressure.
as far as anxiety, we'll find out this week who's more anxious. someone bent a bit last week, we'll find out who bent.
when investment banks start turning on you - including GE capital..which finances airlines, allowing them to borrow to buy airplanes...yes, that's pressure.
Have you thought about surrendering and begging for forgiveness?
It was all pre packaged.Let's not forget AMR went into contract to buy more than 400 planes before going into BK. At the time, since in the union were telling us that meant no bankruptcy. (they filed 3 months later)
I’m glad you’re not in there you’d have a white flag in one hand and a pen in the other