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American Airlines and Labor Negotiations

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I’m talking about the twu ripple affect. Having concessionary contracts promoted by the twu fear machine has hurt the whole profession. Even in good times the twu gave an edge to the company which created more outsourcing pressure industry wide.
All AMT’s have had a bulls eye on them since the first twu concessionary contract in 1983.
Correct. And it appears they are reaching for the same once again this time around. The question now is, how much will this asso. allow them to do???
We amt's at American Airlines are down to our lowest numbers since I personally have been here. We are down in the 7,000's. I have kept the seniority numbers since I started almost 30 years ago at the bottom of the list. At one time we were at 16,000. When we were going to vote for amfa the numbers somehow shot up to the 20,000's as the twu found dead people to keep them in power.

Can I see any proof of these flesh eating Zombie wrench holders that were digging up from their graves to hold down the AA AMT’s?
We amt's at American Airlines are down to our lowest numbers since I personally have been here. We are down in the 7,000's. I have kept the seniority numbers since I started almost 30 years ago at the bottom of the list. At one time we were at 16,000. When we were going to vote for amfa the numbers somehow shot up to the 20,000's as the twu found dead people to keep them in power.

BTW the “Dead people” voting for everything under the Sun does tend to become amusing sometimes.

We only have 3 people on my Condo Board but I have suspected that one of them may be dead?

Sito, unlike Roach does not appear to like public or even semi-public (union wide) appearances. Roach like Sara Nelson likely never turns down an opportunity for an interview, media appearance, congressional testimony or other opportunity that could be self-promotion.

sito has probably gained 150 pounds in the last 8 years.
Sorta like Jackie Presser.
That’s not the TWU. That’s TWU Local 568. The “Official” Officers of the Local and their Legal advisors.

Sidney Jimenez is trying to create confusion for the Membership and it’s not going to be tolerated.

Game time is over.
The banner doesn't matter he still speaks from knowledge and experience.He could write it on the bathroom wall like Fonzie the message will be heard.
The banner doesn't matter he still speaks from knowledge and experience.He could write it on the bathroom wall like Fonzie the message will be heard.

I agree that the banner is meaningless and yet he is arguing pretty strongly that he wants to keep it.

Absolutely not worth wasting money on Legal fees IMO.
Can I see any proof of these flesh eating Zombie wrench holders that were digging up from their graves to hold down the AA AMT’s?
If you weren't involved in the AMFA drives and didn't experience the difficulty in fighting an established industrial union to just let us vote on a new representative you couldn't possibly know the hardship we faced. It would be a colossal waste of time for those who know the facts to prove there was a genuine effort by the axis of evil, AA/NMB/TWU, to keep the mechanic craft and class from voting on a union representative of their choice but that doesn't mean it didn't happen. I will say that the mechanics at WN are satisfied with mechanics, along with professional lawyers and economists, negotiating in our behalf.
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If you weren't involved in the AMFA drives and didn't experience the difficulty in fighting an established industrial union to just let us vote on a new representative you couldn't possibly know the hardship we faced. It would be a colossal waste of time for those who know the facts to prove there was a genuine effort by the axis of evil, AA/NMB/TWU, to keep the mechanic craft and class from voting on a union representative of their choice but that doesn't mean it didn't happen. I will say that the mechanics at WN are satisfied with mechanics, along with professional lawyers and economists, negotiating in our behalf.

Can I see any proof of these flesh eating Zombie wrench holders that were digging up from their graves to hold down the AA AMT’s?
Yes and the Country has never been the same since JFK was shot and killed by the guy in the Book Depositary.

Hey 1983 I had just turned 18 was able to legally start going to Bars and Clubs.

BTW since you think of yourself as having a lifetime of being screwed you didn’t go back far enough.

1978 Carter signs the Airline Deregulation Act into Law taking a Baseball Bat to all the well paid Legacy Airline workers in favor of opening up Air Travel to all Americans by allowing Low Cost Carriers to come into existence.
Actually it was the early 90’s when shite hit the fan for AMT’s. By presidential order domestic airlines were able to outsource to foreign countries. I believe it was a senator from Minasota, Oberstar that lobbied for the change. There were letter writing campaigns to law makers in objection to the change but it still went thru. Why the industrial unions didn’t ban together n fight it I have no clue. Myself n most coworkers participated in the campaign. I made hundereds of copies n put mine n family members names on them because I saw the writing on the wall. You can make your stupid comments about past history but the only reason you do is because you can’t defend the truth.
Actually it was the early 90’s when shite hit the fan for AMT’s. By presidential order domestic airlines were able to outsource to foreign countries. I believe it was a senator from Minasota, Oberstar that lobbied for the change. There were letter writing campaigns to law makers in objection to the change but it still went thru. Why the industrial unions didn’t ban together n fight it I have no clue. Myself n most coworkers participated in the campaign. I made hundereds of copies n put mine n family members names on them because I saw the writing on the wall. You can make your stupid comments about past history but the only reason you do is because you can’t defend the truth.

Why didn’t the entire Airline Industry’s Unions ban together and object to Ronald Reagan firing all those Air Traffic Controllers back in 1981?

Because unless people feel like something is directly affecting them, they don’t care.

And of course always this.

That right there is the funniest chit I've ever read on this forum.

You're grasping dude!

Not quite. The letter is very specific and that Law Firm has represented the interests of Local 568 going back many years and through many Local administrations.

They also represented the interests of the very same Local when Mr Jimenez was Local President in 2 separate 3 year terms.


Why didn’t the entire Airline Industry’s Unions ban together and object to Ronald Reagan firing all those Air Traffic Controllers back in 1981?

Because unless people feel like something is directly affecting them, they don’t care.

And of course always this.

First of all, the Air Traffic Controllers went on strike illegally. There was no self help provision for them to go on strike, not unlike police or firemen.
People care, but your comparison just doesn't work. They were warned - they had 48 hours to return to work, they rolled the dice, and lost.

The Unions barely support their own membership let alone an independent non affiliated union.
First of all, the Air Traffic Controllers went on strike illegally. There was no self help provision for them to go on strike, not unlike police or firemen.
People care, but your comparison just doesn't work. They were warned - they had 48 hours to return to work, they rolled the dice, and lost.

The Unions barely support their own membership let alone an independent non affiliated union.

Kind of sounds like you’re talking about AMFA at NWA?

The reality is no one came to the rescue (and they should have) to help PATCO and no one came to the rescue (and they should have) to help AMFA.

Then again if people can’t stand up to help themselves why should anyone think anyone else is going to come and help them?

“Woody it’s a Dog eat Dog World and my ass is shaped like a T Bone”

Norm Peterson, CHEERS.
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