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American Airlines and Labor Negotiations

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Lol the slap of reality must be painful for you. I guess you could say the twu was guilty of Maintenance genecide.

If the Union called TWU and the Company called American Airlines was guilty of Aircraft Maintenance genocide then why still to this day are there more AMT’s at this Airline than any other? And that’s also excluding the “And Related” who are also Mechanics?
Yes & no, I do care about my fellow employees and my industry but I have a hard time supporting the TWU. I can't even
get myself to wear the Carhart jacket from 514 that they issued out this year, a lot of guys cut out the TWU Local 514 stitching.
But yes I have given up going above and beyond for anybody, I supported AMFA with my time & money but I refused to gather
cards for AMP (just gave them $50 & a card). I guess the ASS creation & implementation has jaded many of us and it is too hard
to separate the outsourcing subject from the ASS. James Little Sucks! and the power that he wielded by joining the ASS with
a signature of one of his cronies should never ever be allowed if labor is to survive.

I guess all I can say is good luck to you all then. We do have our own concerns in my group to contend with and I hope we haven’t become too apathetic and jaded to fight for them as well?

Otherwise the Company wins.

Edit: BTW I don’t want this to get past the conversation. Again who’s fault was it for shutting this initiative down?

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So the Company is shutting down most of the comments section on Jetnet/Workbrain.

I guess they can’t take the heat of criticism.
If the Union called TWU and the Company called American Airlines was guilty of Aircraft Maintenance genocide then why still to this day are there more AMT’s at this Airline than any other? And that’s also excluding the “And Related” who are also Mechanics?
I’m talking about the twu ripple affect. Having concessionary contracts promoted by the twu fear machine has hurt the whole profession. Even in good times the twu gave an edge to the company which created more outsourcing pressure industry wide.
All AMT’s have had a bulls eye on them since the first twu concessionary contract in 1983.
Don’t know what this means? If you guys have chosen to lay down that’s totally on you. Don’t point that finger anywhere else.
You claim the old twu was sent packing. Who sent who packing. As I remember it there were some retirements off the members dime and an old war horse as you called him that stepped in for a short stint. The old war horse ended up being a sway back guiding in reality though.
I’m talking about the twu ripple affect. Having concessionary contracts promoted by the twu fear machine has hurt the whole profession. Even in good times the twu gave an edge to the company which created more outsourcing pressure industry wide.
All AMT’s have had a bulls eye on them since the first twu concessionary contract in 1983.

Yes and the Country has never been the same since JFK was shot and killed by the guy in the Book Depositary.

Hey 1983 I had just turned 18 was able to legally start going to Bars and Clubs.

BTW since you think of yourself as having a lifetime of being screwed you didn’t go back far enough.

1978 Carter signs the Airline Deregulation Act into Law taking a Baseball Bat to all the well paid Legacy Airline workers in favor of opening up Air Travel to all Americans by allowing Low Cost Carriers to come into existence.
You claim the old twu was sent packing. Who sent who packing. As I remember it there were some retirements off the members dime and an old war horse as you called him that stepped in for a short stint. The old war horse ended up being a sway back guiding in reality though.

Do you think they were going to make the whole thing look Bloody?

Retirement is always the most delicate way to put things.
BTW stop kidding yourselves here. If you took all of the Unions out of the Airline Industry you would have Baggage Handlers earning between $12.00 to $19.00 per hour and AMT’s earning between $22.00 to $29.00 per hour. And there wouldn’t be any fantastic Benefits either.

Yes we would probably have a lot more jobs though because there would be no point in paying a Middle Man to manage the Workforce.

Without a strong Union do any of you think they would be paying NYC Garbagemen over $100,000 per year?

C’mon now.
I`m pretty confident there will be nothing accomplished this week. The company is playing this out indefinitely. As far as a release goes, thats not going to happen imho. I see us going on ice until sometime this fall.
In hopes of movement this week for you guys. But, if the co. wants more stall time (as ours did with us) they will not move and more than likely the mediators will put BOTH sides on ice and say, we will not recongvein until both sides or one of the two sides are willing to move. Same move SWA used on us, no movement, so was put on ice for about 3 months.
As far as the release goes, I also agree with you. It would be suicidal if the union was to request a release at this time, with all the many open and big items left to nego. Unfortunately it appears you guys are gonna have to play the game (like we did with our co.) and wait it out. It may very well be that the co. wants the union to do something stupid like take action.
And BTW; the reason for so much speculation within the membership is because there is still no good detailed information being shared and this will hurt the membership as a whole, hopefully you guys can stay together and be united...
Sito ain't got the balls.

Sito, unlike Roach does not appear to like public or even semi-public (union wide) appearances. Roach like Sara Nelson likely never turns down an opportunity for an interview, media appearance, congressional testimony or other opportunity that could be self-promotion.

If the Union called TWU and the Company called American Airlines was guilty of Aircraft Maintenance genocide then why still to this day are there more AMT’s at this Airline than any other? And that’s also excluding the “And Related” who are also Mechanics?
We amt's at American Airlines are down to our lowest numbers since I personally have been here. We are down in the 7,000's. I have kept the seniority numbers since I started almost 30 years ago at the bottom of the list. At one time we were at 16,000. When we were going to vote for amfa the numbers somehow shot up to the 20,000's as the twu found dead people to keep them in power.
That’s not the TWU. That’s TWU Local 568. The “Official” Officers of the Local and their Legal advisors.

Sidney Jimenez is trying to create confusion for the Membership and it’s not going to be tolerated.

Game time is over.
Oh, so "NOW" you want the TWU and this asso. to stop confusing the membership? Really??
The reality slaps hurts like hell with this fiasco of union called an Employee Association...
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