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American Airlines and Labor Negotiations

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We used to staff IAH before the BK and I think it was one of the Stations that closed to us in 2012 so all of those people would still have recall rights (10 years)

The only shot I think some of your friends would have would be if many of those people got used to being FT in other locations and wouldn’t want to go back to PT?

That would create some spots but not many.

So are you past probation at UAL yet?

Quite a few of those ex IAH guys are in AUS and DFW...the 10 year clock hasn't started for them...
Delta would likely have Employees who are ver subservient to making sure the operation ran like a well oiled Machine I suspect.

They absolutely do have a far greater ability to distribute punishments on their workers than Unionized carriers would.
Yeah i worked in the same building as DL for years they werent on thdir cell phones all day like we are.Dont see them with laptops either .At least at LGA
Yeah i worked in the same building as DL for years they werent on thdir cell phones all day like we are.Dont see them with laptops either .At least at LGA

So go work for Delta then. Otherwise stop responding to my posts since you’ve asked me to put you on ignore multiple times.

You’re a total Management suck ass IMO.
So go work for Delta then. Otherwise stop responding to my posts since you’ve asked me to put you on ignore multiple times.

You’re a total Management suck ass IMO.
Dude you are the king of ass kissers.Look at all the pictures of you with union reps.How many times did you post a picture of Samuelsen.....you worship these men whats wrong with you.Get help
Dude you are the king of ass kissers.Look at all the pictures of you with union reps.How many times did you post a picture of Samuelsen.....you worship these men whats wrong with you.Get help

I have ZERO flexibility. One day you might figure that out.

As far as IAH, the Association agreed with management to refuse to open up IAH in the LUS agreement.
Tim how do we break this stalemate. My opinion is someone will.have to bend but it looks like theyre digging their heels in even deeper.The name calling and silly accusations are only exacerbating the situation. I feel this is a North,South Korean thing in that we will never reach an agreement We will be put on ice as other work groups go ahead and if the other work groups agree to AA healthcare then what
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Members of the TWU Future Leaders Organizing Committee (FLOC) met April 3-5 at International headquarters in Washington, DC, planning the committee’s goals and next steps.

Four leaders were appointed: Co-Chair Raychel Armstrong, Co-Chair Wyatt Gray, Recording Secretary Jordan Bravo and Communications Committee Chair Jarrod Gillen.

Armstrong, FLOC co-chair and member of Local 577, said that one of FLOC’s goals is to change how young workers interact within the labor movement.

“It provides me with a space to educate myself, challenge the way I think, and reflect on what I’ve done to bring workers together,” Armstrong said. “Instead of asking what my union is doing for me, the question shifts to, ‘How am I participating and helping my fellow workers?’”

Gray, FLOC co-chair and member of Local 513 said that he has renewed hope for the TWU’s future after seeing all the “passion and motivation” from his fellow FLOC members.

“I’m so proud to work alongside other young workers helping get our fellow young workers and future leaders active and energized in the union, as well as re-engaging with members with higher seniority to keep this movement going into the future,” Gray stated. “Being a member of FLOC, I know the TWU will do great things.”


Jarrod Gillen, Jordan Bravo, Raychel Armstrong and Wyatt Gray

Gillen, Local 568 Chief Shop Steward and FLOC Communications Committee Chairman, noted that after only two meetings, a lot of progress has been made establishing ways to better organize young workers and get them more involved in union activity.

“My enthusiasm definitely jumped after meeting other young TWU members from all over the nation and finding out there were people just like me who shared the same goal,” Gillen explained. “Even though we all know we are up against powerhouse corporations trying to destroy the labor movement, we are all still ready to dive in head first. That, in itself, is very inspirational and keeps me on my toes to strive to do a good job.”

Bravo, FLOC Recording Secretary and Local 510 Shop Steward said that since joining FLOC, the uncertainty he once had about the future of unionism is gone.

“Being able to have the opportunity to work side-by-side with such a passionate group and share ideas and visions to find solutions to real-time problems feels amazing,” Bravo said. “Focusing on not only our future, but the futures of our fellow members’ well-being, I was able to come to the realization that we need to stick together. Being a part of FLOC has given me a whole new view on the future as a TWU member.”

The next FLOC meeting is currently being scheduled. Stay tuned for updates on FLOC social media pages.

Click here to view more photos on Flickr.

Maybe. But I think it’s more that they’ve figured out how to get/keep employees vested in the operation’s success. Sure, some of that is things like free food and profit sharing, but when a team is doing well, people also generally try and keep it going that way.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but what you’re saying is most there feels that Delta gives a damn about them.
Very few at American feels that way,I’ve never felt that way. I’m just a number to AA.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but what you’re saying is most there feels that Delta gives a damn about them.
Very few at American feels that way,I’ve never felt that way. I’m just a number to AA.
You think they treat you fairly??
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