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Amazon Union Vote Fails by 2:1 Margin


Actually, the process of getting a drivers license or registering to vote is almost identical to the steps you go thru to buy a firearm.

They check your ID. They take your money.

In the case of the firearm, they then check with the NICS (something I wish they'd do with voting, actually).

In Illinois, to vote, all I have to do is tell the clerk my address. They're not allowed to look at my ID, which is stupid, because they never spell my name correctly even though I spell it for them... At that point I hand them my ID and say, it's written write there, I'm not repeating it again. Legally I only have to say it once, apparently...

But to buy ammunition in Illinois? Gotta hand over that FOID card. Look at a firearm in a sporting goods store? Gotta hand over that FOID card. Spend an hour at the rifle range? Gotta hand over that FOID card.

Yeah, I'd say it's a lot easier to vote than it is to be a firearm owner. In Illinois at least. And we appear have the most gun crimes in the nation.
YEp...somebody might buy one in a parking lot at a bar, so let's do nothing. You know...it might stop SOME from buying one at a bar and taking it to ...gasp...Chicago. And it's already been suggested to crack down on criminals in Chicago, so why not extend that crackdown to include bar parking lot gun sellers. You STILL haven't offered up one single thing to stop mass shootings or even one thing to stop a teenager from being shot and killed (even outside of the Chicago city limits). You just point out the flaw in ANY suggestion...and because it isn't 100% perfect - dismiss it completely.
Ever occur to you that a good start would be using laws already on the books?

I see you're all for restrictions on law biding gun owners......for what purpose?

I hear BATF is opening mobile background check vans so felons in bars and parking lots won't be left out of the process......all about equity these days, you know.
Again....a master of pointing out everything that is wrong...but still not a single thing to reduce the number of homocides...single, two...10 or 26 people. Nothing. But it's nice to know that you'd like enforcment stepped up against the gang bangers, but really don't address the guys in the parking lot selling guns.

It would be nice to equate the restrictions on driving a car to the lack of restrictions to own a gun. And we are told that driving is a privilege and not a right. But voting is a right...just like owning a gun. Except to vote, I have to register. To vote, I have to have a card. Many states are changing the laws so that if I want to vote, I have to get a photo ID. I have to jump thru hoop after hoop to cast a vote. But in many "constitutional carry" states, I can buy a gun (with zero training) and anything else is punishing law abiding citizens. Why are we so willing to punish so many law abiding citizens for something that is even rarer than a school yard shooting (voter fraud)? How come you guys are supporting of THAT infringement of a persons rights?
Yep. Defund the police, de-criminalize violent crime, and eliminate cash bail. That will allow state Attorneys General the time to be able to focus on more important issues like perceived technical violations of the tax code, campaign finance laws, and other process crimes which don't actually have victims. Victims complicate things too much.
IT's been over a month.....and still not even an attempt at a solution. YOu think that if I take your semiautomatic assault rifle, I'm not going to stop until I get your Crosman BB gun. Nope. You guys focus on verbiage. A semi automatic is one shot per pull. But when it's pointed out that "bump firing" can make it pretty automatic...you act like we don't know what an assault rifle looks like. I wish life were like semantics...we could bring back those concertgoers in Las Vegas by simply saying "it's one shot per trigger pull".
IT's been over a month.....and still not even an attempt at a solution. YOu think that if I take your semiautomatic assault rifle, I'm not going to stop until I get your Crosman BB gun. Nope. You guys focus on verbiage. A semi automatic is one shot per pull. But when it's pointed out that "bump firing" can make it pretty automatic...you act like we don't know what an assault rifle looks like. I wish life were like semantics...we could bring back those concertgoers in Las Vegas by simply saying "it's one shot per trigger pull".
I listed three that have been suggested.

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YOu think that if I take your semiautomatic assault rifle, I'm not going to stop until I get your Crosman BB gun. Nope.

LOL moment.

Why are they so focused on a firearm, which isn't an assault weapon, which isn't a major contributor to 'mass shootings' by any means?

The media and gun control lobby prefer to categorize this type, as a 'semi-automatic assault weapon' when, in fact is a rifle, so why this misinformation ?

The real weapon of choice in mass shootings is the semi-automatic pistol. Read that again- SEMI-AUTOMATIC PISTOL.

After 'assault weapons' are banned, all they have to do is classify, which they will, semi-auto pistols as an assault weapon. Then all semi-autos become assault weapons. If you don't believe this is what will happen, you're terribly naive.

BTW- Trump's bump stock ban found unconstitutional.
I listed three that have been suggested.

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LOL moment.

Why are they so focused on a firearm, which isn't an assault weapon, which isn't a major contributor to 'mass shootings' by any means?

The media and gun control lobby prefer to categorize this type, as a 'semi-automatic assault weapon' when, in fact is a rifle, so why this misinformation ?

The real weapon of choice in mass shootings is the semi-automatic pistol. Read that again- SEMI-AUTOMATIC PISTOL.

After 'assault weapons' are banned, all they have to do is classify, which they will, semi-auto pistols as an assault weapon. Then all semi-autos become assault weapons. If you don't believe this is what will happen, you're terribly naive.

BTW- Trump's bump stock ban found unconstitutional.
I'm sure the 50 people killed in Las Vegas and the dozens of others maimed for life will take great comfort in knowing that they were only shot by a rifle and not an assault rifle. Also...little know fact - the Vegas shooter was "bump firing'" is rifle...that he used to assault people with.
I'm sure the 50 people killed in Las Vegas and the dozens of others maimed for life will take great comfort in knowing that they were only shot by a rifle and not an assault rifle. Also...little know fact - the Vegas shooter was "bump firing'" is rifle...that he used to assault people with.
The 50 should feel good knowing their deaths mattered more than Black people in Chicago.
The 50 should feel good knowing their deaths mattered more than Black people in Chicago.

Which brings us back to doh.....

(to the tune of Do Ray Me)

Shoot a school, a big high school
Blast an elementary too
Mow down a homo disco bar
Zing a movie theater
Bang another shopping mall
Kill a church that's full of blacks
Spray a country music concert
Which brings us back to Chi-ca-go.
https://HeyJackass.com is a great source for Chicago homicide stats...

The reason people keep mentioning Chicago is because they have a serious gun homicide problem that goes largely unchecked by the Soros funded County Attorney? Illinois also has some of the toughest restrictions on obtaining firearms or ammunition, so these keep in mind these numbers are **WITH** extreme gun control laws.

Feel free to pick their data apart and explain how taking away AR-15's from ranchers in Wyoming or target shooting enthusiasts in Texas will solve all these Illinois shootings being done with black market handguns,



Illinois gun control laws are so extreme it took seven months to get a permit to use a gun range or buy ammunition for guns I already legally owned. The wait for a concealed carry permit is over a year.

Fortunately, I don't need to worry about protecting my family or home. I already owned enough firearms when we moved here, and keep a good reserve of ammunition beyond what we use for target practice.

But for people who live in those communities experiencing the high homicide rates (primarily low income people of color), waiting seven months to be able to protect your family or home is an eternity...
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