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ALPA PHL Council 41 Update

While at the oldfarts breakfast roundtable this morning there was mention of the PHL & PIT reps denying(by roll call) the east's retirement & insurance chairman positive space travel to Tempe for a group labor meeting on the problems with UHC.

Whats the reason for denying ALPA positive space travel for the R&I Chairman to travel to PHX. Seems like a meeting on the problems with UHC is an important issue.

This is so wrong on several levels.

Why ever would a committee person ever think they were entitled to space positive travel? Let them ride in the back of the bus like the rest of the pilots, if there is room.

If the company were really interested in "fixing" the problems, they would provide space positive.

This will turn out to be yet another situation where the company tricks the unions into taking on the responsibility of fixing a management problem without ceding any authority to do anything about it. Yet again, the unions will be left holding another pile of steaming bull manure.

You really need to understand that present managements job is to protect and enlarge the cash flow to the stakeholders. If that includes the occasional dabble in running an airline than they will lower themselves to do so. Otherwise, their interests will be completely at odds to "solving" employees problems.

You are thinking of a long time ago, oldtimer. Returning money to a business to foster growth is a foreign concept to these people.
Its OK snark, go ahead and vent.

Its the first step in healing.

Now breath deeply.
Its OK snark, go ahead and vent.

Its the first step in healing.

Now breath deeply.

Herbert Butterfield:

But the greatest menace to our civilization today is the conflict between giant organized systems of self-righteousness -- each system only too delighted to find that the other is wicked -- each only too glad that the sins give it the pretext for still deeper hatred and animosity.


There are many different options available to the East MEC and if one does not work then they will try another option to vacate the effects of the Nicolau Award and improve pilot pay and benefits.

There are very few pilots who do not support the MEC's action(s) and I know of only two pilots who object. Why? They're in the top 500 of the seniority list and they want to be based in PHX.

In regard to your three questions I would like to make two points. The MEC never promised any of your points and the rank-and-file overwhelmingly supports each of the points you listed.

Finally, after today's presentation to the MEC by ALPA EVP Captain Paul Rice I believe the vast majority of the East pilots support the EC's action.

Would the rank-and-file pilots have liked the EC to throw out the Nicolau Award? Absolutely, but I believe the majority of the rank-and-file would approve a new contract that had either a separate contract & separate operations or a joint contract & spearate operations.

At least the good news is the Company and the negotiators will discuss these two options, which is the only way the vast majority of the West pilots will obtain a pay raise unless the West MEC goes into Section 6 negotiations, which is o.k. with the East pilots.



Blindly following to one's own demise, thus SHEEP!!!
Its OK snark, go ahead and vent.

Its the first step in healing.

Now breath deeply.

You are certainly on another planet. No venting involved, just the facts, old girl.

and no, I don't wish anything you are sniffing. Yours seemingly involves the side effect of growing a mustache. Apparently it also involves hallucinations.
Blindly following to one's own demise, thus SHEEP!!!

It is a mistake on your part to judge your enemy only by those you are familiar with or stereotyping them as a group.
Your future will not be decided over the success of one small battle.

"Avoid the crowd. Do your own thinking independently.
Be the chess player, not the chess piece."
-Ralph Charell

The East pilots are not blindly following the MEC and I guarantee you there is a deep rooted communication network I and others use that utilizes the "Yahoogroups" communication technology. In fact, I am intimately aware of how they operate and how they are managed to disseminate information to the US Airways ALPA rank-and-file.


Excellent post. Succinct and right on the money.

I commend the AWA MEC for their professionalism, and for steering clear of the threats and extortion. Stay the course, continue to demonstrate your consistent integrity and you will be successful navigating this storm.

You have got to be freakin kidding?

How come you bust my chops about calling USAir people idiots and morons and this guy threatens bodily harm and gets a free pass? Maybe because he's a USAir goon like you?

Cry me a river

The East pilots are not blindly following the MEC and I guarantee you there is a deep rooted communication network I and others use that utilizes the "Yahoogroups" communication technology. In fact, I am intimately aware of how they operate and how they are managed to disseminate information to the US Airways ALPA rank-and-file.



I know who you are, who you get your info from on yahoo (BOS) and the nutwork on my property via uturn (HH an DB) so give me somehting real that I can sink my teeth into will ya!!! Your efforts will not be successful and we both know it!!
You are certainly on another planet. No venting involved, just the facts, old girl.

and no, I don't wish anything you are sniffing. Yours seemingly involves the side effect of growing a mustache. Apparently it also involves hallucinations.
Easy grandma. Don't want you popping that ticker of yours.

Deep breaths.

You'll get over this like you got over losing your pension.

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