Without the actions of the AWA MEC there would be an opportunity for an agreement; however, according to the PHL Reps. "the company is now anxious to clean up their 'labor balance sheet' in order to give them more flexibility in the M&A arena and it may provide some early opportunities for us."
As I indicated earlier this week and echoed by the PHL Reps. in their update above, the East pilots "could be looking at single contract separate operations, or separate agreements and separate operations. The East and the company will be exploring these possibilities."
Now lets be fair now!! There was an opportunity for an agreement, it was called mediation remember that???It took place last october. Your MEC said DOH or bust so guess what?
There will be no deals ALPA will have to fish or cut bait!
Good luck with your decert effort we are behind you 100%
It is my understnading the Company, ALPA International, and the East MEC are looking at a couple of options instead of "pay parity", which could achieve the MEC's objectives.
MEC sources indicate that the intent of this week's "EC Resolution and the Rice Committee is to now move the process of 'finding solutions' to this issue forward. And, if any party is unwilling to engage in this process, then we'll (ALPA International and the East MEC) move forward in negotiations 'without them'."
Apparently, "the JNC talks will go forward, but not in the 'traditional sense,' and may include many different variations that we have not yet even considered."
An option that would be more beneficial to the East pilots than pay parity would be two of the Rice Committee's recommendations of single contract & separate operations or separate agreements & separate operations. Furthermore, the PHL Reps. indicated the "East (MEC/NC) and the Company will be exploring these possibilities."
What's interesting is that these options are permitted by the Transition Agreement. And, according to the PHL Reps. "The company is now anxious to clean up their 'labor balance sheet' in order to give them more flexibility in the M&A arena and it may provide some early opportunities for us."
By the is retirement and your inability to be a chameleon?
Best regards,
Your sheep herders just feed you garbage and you eat without question.
Ok now here is something your herders didn't tell you. The company will not do seperate ops, seperat section 6 or pay parity it's as DOA as DOH

Now here's something else for you and the rest of the sheep to do. Go get a copy of the transition agreement and tell us what it says about negotiations, I bet you crap your pants after you read it!!!!!
Company and YOU have one way out negotiate a JOINT deal. Keep living is your dream world partner, you EastUS and Nos will get the clue sooner or later...