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Alpa Negotiator Speaks Out

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lindy said:
Once again, PB, you have no idea who I am. I could walk past you at anytime
and you would not recognize me. What an egotist you are.


May not recognize but perhaps smell...a rat.
Pollack needs to be recalled along with the other girlie men. Changing the rules in the middle of the game against union By-Laws is for spineless sissys who are too afraid to make a stand for the profession.
Don is but one member of the NC. Where are the opinions of Schott and Mowery?
Do they diverge from Hollerbach's assessment?

Out of seniority furloughs to rid themselves of troublemakers? Ah, a new low and as usual you are right in there to support the crooks. You truly are a mere shill for management. With little credibility and even less respect.

The good news is the company is considering out of seniority furloughs to rid them self of trouble makers like the RC4 and those who abuse the system. Maybe there is another way to skin a cat.



You would continue to fly and actually say it is "good news", at a company which furloughed members of YOUR union who were senior to you? That is the worst thing I have seen you write, and I have been lurking for quite sometime. Step back and take a deep breath, you are an embarassment to the proffesion, and because of people like you the profession is quickly becoming just a job.

USA320Pilot said:
The good news is the company is considering out of seniority furloughs to rid them self of trouble makers like the RC4 and those who abuse the system. Maybe there is another way to skin a cat.

You creep! Hoping that the company parks the 757s and 737s is just so low that you're below the pond scum level now. Good news is we won't be flying together. You'll be back in the right seat. See ya on campus Benedict Arnold... loser.
PineyBob said:
A Ph.D huh? Doesn't that stand for Piled Higher & Deeper?

My Dad was a Teamster, so what?
C'mon Piney!! That was uncalled for. I am sure the board nazis will close this thread given the turn.
Just a quick question.....

how is following the prescribed procedure IAW union bylaws and insisting upon submitting for a vote a tentative agreement only when one is reached..."abuse of the system"?

I have one favor to ask, A320...

Please put a big red "X" on the door of any aircraft you are responsible for flying....if I see it, I will know to deplane and turn my boarding pass in. This is not a comment on your technical proficiency or skills....it is just a gut reaction to not want anyone who thinks like you do driving me around in a metal tube, surrounded by 1000s of gallons of JetA, 33,000 feet above terra firma.

Heck, under the circumstances, I won't even gripe about a change fee.

Good for you :up: ! Your family should come first. And, with the backing of a good family they'll support you in this VERY trying and important decision. I went through the same crap at UAL and finally had enough, lost everything but my family. We are still together today, working at a new location, new company, and happier than we have EVER been.

You won't regret the choices you have made. Good luck to you and your family. And, good luck to all at USAIR who must face the same challenges in the coming months.
Don M. Hollerbach CPA, CFE, CVA, CDFA


To: My Fellow Pilots and Families
CC: Record
From: Don M. Hollerbach CPA, CFE, CVA, CDFA
Date: 9/11/2004
Re: Memo for Record 040910

Ladies and Gentlemen:

Please excuse my absence from the meeting today but I have chosen to attend my son’s varsity football game which at this point is important to me given the time that I have already invested in this process that has ended with no resolution. I have already missed three of them and choose not to miss any more.

Don M. Hollerbach CPA, CFE, CVA, CDFA

1. as a former committee chmn i say thank you for your effort
2. i sense/share your frustration
3.have fun @sons game
4.plz resign from the committee so someone who still has some fight left can serve his fellow pilots

1. glanzer cannot be located in ANY financial listings
2. any pro would Not use "the company books" alone but also generate his own fiscal picture of the company
3.i personally believe the fiscal situation is in fact poor but not terminal
4. it is in fact A MATH PROBLEM and all math problems can be solved
5.you id it youself, 4 months of work, why all of the sudden did it come to a head? how many times did the company NOT schedule or show up to sessions?

what has, Scofield, Wolf, Gangwal,Wolf again, Siegel, Lakefield done differently? or has each team said ,costs are too high .....exactly how has the business model changed in the past ten years...

with your credentials work shouldn't be a problem, i think now people can see why (for DECADES)i have advocated hiring professional negotiators to do professional negotiations just like professional pilots are employed for professional piloting.
PineyBob said:
A Ph.D huh? Doesn't that stand for Piled Higher & Deeper?


Not to my knowledge, but those that can do, those that can't think up useless catchphrases.
The RC4 aren't jeopardizing anyone. This managmnt is creating the demise with the proposals they are sending out.

AFA just got theirs, and they can stick the whole damn thing where the sun never shines.

There is no way we would send out such proposal. The co. did not consider 1 significant provision that AFA presented in their proposals.

BK bring it on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PITbull said:
AFA just got theirs, and they can stick the whole damn thing where the sun never shines.


And when is this proposal to be released???
BostonTerrier said:
And when is this proposal to be released???

This evening. I don't control that.

It took 10 hours for the co. to present it to the AFA negotiating staff.

They all believe its a bad one.

I didn't see one provision agreed to that AFA proposed.
PITbull said:
This evening. I don't control that.

However, the proposal we be e-lined tomorrow from PIT.


I know that you don't control it. And from my observation, your LEC is the most proactive in informing its members of current developments. Unfortunately, not all LECs are, and many of us are left wondering and listening to jumpseat gossip. I would hope that the MEC would make a greater effort in informing its members in the days to come. There are many flight attendants that are very worried and concerned. They would be well served with daily communications.

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