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Alpa Negotiator Speaks Out

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As I have said, ALPA's advisors told the MEC out of seniority furloughs could occur and they could happen without severance pay. Nothing is sacred in any contract.

Do I like it? No, of course not. The union's had a chance to reach a new agreement and have elected to not get a deal. Now the union's counsel will have to provide arguement in court.


"As I have said, ALPA's advisors told the MEC out of seniority furloughs could occur"

If this was to happen, and ALPA went along, it would cause a loss of all credibility in the union. Further, those who would not stand up against such a happening would end up being held in very low regard.

Oh Sorry!


B.N. said:
You would continue to fly and actually say it is "good news", at a company which furloughed members of YOUR union who were senior to you? That is the worst thing I have seen you write, and I have been lurking for quite sometime. Step back and take a deep breath, you are an embarassment to the proffesion, and because of people like you the profession is quickly becoming just a job.


It's called a SCAB mentality.
Are those the same advisor who told you to take the second round of concessions to save your now terminated pension?
To All

Having spent almost my entire working life with this company,and working with
all of you at one time or another, i feel compelled to add my two cents to the
I have always thought the we have some the best employees in the busines
who have the uncanny knack of being able to help each other in times of
distress. The discussions that have ensued over the last few months in which
employees basicly turned on one another is disheartening. This is a public
forum and all opinions should be welcome.
I have read the Glasner report, term sheets that have been made public, and
gleaned additional information from a variety of sources. I beleive the
company is in trouble and rquires additional consessions......however....
a company who would so readily wipe out promised pensions and retiree
medical benefits has no moral fiber, especially when the primary owner is
itself a pension fund.
Inre the alpa mec dispute...if you read the correspondence from the pit/phl
reps you can see that they have some valid points..if you read the
correspondence from the other base reps you can see that they also have
valid points. Is it so hard to believe in this terrible time that people of
conviction would disagree. Will it be resolved or will it start the dominos of
liquidation in motion....who knows. I can only say that if alpa would need the
assistance of any other group if would be gladly given. We can offer our
support but the rest is up to them...as it should be.

Good luck to us all
USA320Pilot said:
If a contract is imposed, then the union can accept the deal or strike. If a union does not accept the deal the company could then “lock outâ€￾ employees and use replacements workers.


Yeah, that's the point. If US tries to furlough out of seniority, ALPA will strike. Who do you think will actually go to work and fly USAirways planes while ALPA is on strike?

Might be something you would consider. IMO it probably crossed your mind when you were a 570 at United. But very few will cross the line. Anyone who wants a future as a pilot in this industry has learned from the Eastern SCABS what life would be like.

I can't believe how bad Uair senior mgmt had screwed up their labor relations to the point workers rather shut down the airline then work around fair plans. No one can be that incompetent.. the worst, stupidest negotiations ever. These guys are not fit to run a lemonade stand.. What a freakin travesty.. I hope a few of them rot in hell for all eternity for destroying the lives of many hard workers.

I take no pleasure in repeating comments made by ALPA International, but the RC4 created this situation by their failure to get a deal.

Michael Glanzer, Mike Abrahms, and Richard Seltzer predicted the company's proposals would get worse. Guess what? They did. Furthermore, we could have out of seniority furloughs and no severance pay. The same thing could happen at United and it's now up to the judge, unless the parties reach an agreement.

All of you are simply "shooting the messenger" because you cannot dispute ALPA's advisors from ALPA International.

Furthermore, Seltzer advised the RC4 to not roll call their motion yesterday of reducing ALPA's offer of a 20.25% pay cut to 16.25% and reduce the DC plan cut from 40% to 10%, but the RC4 did it any way. Seltzer said this would send a very bad signal to the judge of the unwillingness of ALPA to participate in the new business plan and that the union could be hurt even more in court.

What did the RC4 do? Ignore the advice of the advisors and roll call vote for the 27th time in 6.5 months.


By the way, the ATSB is requiring the magnitude of the cuts because the board is concerned that the transfomration plan may not work due to fuel prices. Furthermore, ALPA will never strike in today's marketplace.


The RC4 did not create this, greedy and stupid executives did.
USA320Pilot, maybe it's time to back off jacko. The stuff that your spouting is "speculative" and clearly doesn't bode well for the pilot profession in general. Everybody knows who you are; I have to ask don't you realize what your preaching puts you in a big ole' pickle with some very angry bees? One of these days I wouldn't be surprised if you got stung by a p'od bee or two.
USA320Pilot said: Today, 10:20 PM Post #76

If the company elects out of seniority furloughs they can pick and choose who they want to lay off. Furthermore, the creditors could care less whose “butt is in the seatâ€￾.


Folks.....I think that sentence pretty much sums up why this particular person chose to use his real name. He is Eddie Haskell! OMG!!!! He is so friggin' scared, he wants to assure they pick him. I can see it now.....the lil' donkey in the back...jumping.....pick me, pick me.

I'm the only one with the balls to identify my self. I'm not scared to report facts that were presented to the MEC in "open session". It's too bad if it hurts, but it's the truth and comes with the decision to not reach the company's ask after the adviros recommended to the RC4, who are the only MEC members who matter, they should not take their recent actions.

But back to the main point, it takes courage to bare one's soul, but ya' know what? It doens't matter any more because "here comes da judge" and there is really nothing anybody can do.

Good night. Time to watch some TV....



P.S. Go Buckeyes!
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