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Alpa Mec Meeting Update


Sorry, I'm in the middle of a trip. Normally flying leaves me out of touch with the net but this hotel has a computer available.

Believe me, I take no glee in what I see as the sure demise of U. On the other hand, and seeing the sure demise coming, I don't see much use in a fruitless attempt to "save" it again - will this be the 5th or 6th time now....

I've mentioned my plans for the future without U before. I won't go into them again here for the sake of brevity - you can look them up.

Lastly, the predictions of the advisors are interesting. On the one hand they say without a ratified TA, we liquidate. On the other hand, without a ratified TA the court will impose much worse in 1113c proceedings. Seems to me you can't have it both ways - if we liqiidate there'll be no 1113c proceedings, if there are 1113c proceedings we didn't liquidate.

Unlike your screen name, I have used my head. If you happen to be one of those who clutter their hard drive with all the previous postings from the ALPA board, look up what I was saying over a year ago. I knew this place was in trouble then. I said that the TP was failing before Siegel did. I said the ATSB covenants would be broken before the company had to renegotiate them. I said the business model had to be changed before there was another new TP. Lastly, I've said all along that concessions will not save this airline. I guess we'll soon see if I was ultimately right.

All one has had to do was some research. No inside sources or anything. The handwriting has been on the wall for over a year now.

This airline will not survive on concessions alone.

It will not survive without concessions.

We need to transform the way we do business and we need labor concessions.
Without both we will surley go out go out of business. We'll also need some luck.

Only a fool burns down his own house, especially before he finds another. The usual suspects have made themselves known on this page.
traderjake said:
This airline will not survive on concessions alone.

It will not survive without concessions.

We need to transform the way we do business and we need labor concessions.
Without both we will surley go out go out of business. We'll also need some luck.

Only a fool burns down his own house, especially before he finds another. The usual suspects have made themselves known on this page.
The house has been on fire for well over a year. You'd better pull your head out from under the covers and run as far from this place as you can. I disagree with you on one MAJOR point. NOTHING can save UAIRQ now. Even if the name somehow survives (can't imagine why it would), the airline will be but a shadow of it's former self, maybe a commuter operation flying ONLY emb-170s an 190s. And, if the TA passes, watch for the asset sales to begin before Christmas. Won't be any reason to keep anything at that point.
UseYourHead said:

I agree and will add that if you are currently a pilot for US Airways, just try and get an interview at AirTran. If you are lucky enough to get one, see if you can get hired, you may not.

I have spoke to many out interviewing who have been turned down, or never even have been selected for an interview.

It is a hard cold world out there and the majority of people are fooling themselves thinking that replacing this job will be easy.

Even if you get hired there, your job is starting over for the deal we are about to vote on....

A no vote is a really foolish move, your right. The other airlines will love to come in and haul our customers, while we watch with regret from the sidelines...ya we showed management...pathetic!

You are right again. Just because I or you suggest that voting for the TA, or doing our part to US Airways is the right thing we are labeled as weak, fearful, not planning ahead, etc.

The fact is I am set-up and have been for quite-a-while financially, and after flying Captain here on the DC9, 737, A320, F100, F28, and BAE146 along with lots of FO time on all these jets with 767 and A330 added to the list I am well qualified as well.

However, that does not change the fact that we are better off to not burn the house down, IMHO...I disagree with PITBull and all the other posters that we should turn our backs and help the demise.

Is that weak, fear of the unknown, or anything like that? No it is a cool calculated choice of what is best in a bad situation.

This is a very negative place, sad really...not representative of the masses of great caring US Airways employees.

I have to go fly a Europe westbound, have a good day!

traderjake said:
This airline will not survive on concessions alone.

It will not survive without concessions.

We need to transform the way we do business and we need labor concessions.
Without both we will surley go out go out of business. We'll also need some luck.

Only a fool burns down his own house, especially before he finds another. The usual suspects have made themselves known on this page.
FYI-JetBlue had 69 aircraft back in July, they are probably near 75 now.

PITbull said:

If U had 25 airplanes at their most profitable routes, (one type a/c) we would be making money hand over fist.


Here is BIG difference between keeping your job here, your seniority, etc., and this comment is meant with the deepest respect to you and all of my fellow US Airways employees....

What make you think that starting over at JetBlue is even an option for you...really¿

Have you even applied at JetBlue or Airtran, have you interviewed¿ Do you know anyone who has tried to go to work at any of these places, if so what is the percentage of your fellow workers who have been successful even getting an interview let alone hired¿

It is a very low number...so just starting over although it sounds easy and like a viable option, in fact for many is simply only a dream. Did you know that for every person JetBlue hires they screen 50 applicants¿

So the hole is so big in the idea of starting over at another airline you can make a u-turn in a Mack Truck in it....

There is nothing wrong with wanting to stay here at US Airways, and nothing wrong with those of us who are willing to contribute to do so. Those who do not want to be a part of it, have options to leave, and find out all of the above...something I would do now as many will quickly find how good even the new conditions will be.

You want to go into another industry...gooooo, what is everyone waiting for. Go find out what awaits you instead of living in a fantasy world! BTW, is you daughters place still hiring¿

PITbull said:

With respect to the wage and benefits, giving these severe cuts, is like starting at JetBlue or Am. West... Why not start with a better company at low wages, than at U who you never know will exist from one day to the next.


I do not have to trust management, to choose not to burn the place down. Managements come and go, this one will go-away as well.

I worked at People Express, and Continental did not get good management for a decade, but the work force that remained now work for a respected airline...we can do the same.

The attitude on this board (which is not the majority) is one that puts you right next to Eastern.

I choose a different direction, the pilots will ratify the TA, and the judge will imposs cost cutting measures that will make an immediate difference...then we will see what changes are coming down the pike here in the near future.

I am getting late, must run back to the hotel to fly home.

Have good day!

700UW said:

How can you trust a management who admitted in a court filing they failed?

How can you trust a management that has thrown away $2.4 Billion in employee concessions in two years?

How can you trust a management who has tried to steal from the contracts what they could not negotiate?

How can you trust a management that has no clue on how to run an airline?

How can you trust a management that has made the employees the enemy and not the competitions?

How can you trust a management who's only plan is to steal from the employees wallets?

How can you trust a CEO who has NO airline experience?

How can you trust a SR VP of Labor Relations who goes out of his way to rule by fear and intimidation?
UseYourHead said:

Here is BIG difference between keeping your job here, your seniority, etc., and this comment is meant with the deepest respect to you and all of my fellow US Airways employees....
Where have you been? Management has stated that they intend to adjust seniority back along with the benefits normally associated with it.
What make you think that starting over at JetBlue is even an option for you...really¿ What makes you think that an other airline would not want an experienced employee with good recomendations. Remember, most solid airlines treat their employees with respect and value their empployees abilities unlike USAir.

Have you even applied at JetBlue or Airtran, have you interviewed¿ Do you know anyone who has tried to go to work at any of these places, if so what is the percentage of your fellow workers who have been successful even getting an interview let alone hired¿Have you and they shot you down? Of course not, because you don't need to fear layoff and you are part of a work group that will not be able to even come close to replacing the pay that USAirways will continue to furnish. Several employees I know have been offered jobs at places like JetBlue but are unwilling to move. So if JetBlue has the opportunity to come to them (replace USAirways locally) they might reconsider.

It is a very low number...so just starting over although it sounds easy and like a viable option, in fact for many is simply only a dream. Did you know that for every person JetBlue hires they screen 50 applicants¿How do you know this? Is this across all work groups? Does that include people with good references? I highly doubt it.

So the hole is so big in the idea of starting over at another airline you can make a u-turn in a Mack Truck in it....
You surely have only proved that for YOU.
There is nothing wrong with wanting to stay here at US Airways, and nothing wrong with those of us who are willing to contribute to do so. Those who do not want to be a part of it, have options to leave, and find out all of the above...something I would do now as many will quickly find how good even the new conditions will be.
Except if it destroys your chances for a better local replacement, or if it destroys you insde.
You want to go into another industry...gooooo, what is everyone waiting for. Go find out what awaits you instead of living in a fantasy world! BTW, is you daughters place still hiring¿You may some day regret your arogance.

My comments are in RED. DCD
Oh well. I thought my comments would appear in RED. Sorry, DCD
700UW said:

How can you trust a management who admitted in a court filing they failed?

How can you trust a management that has thrown away $2.4 Billion in employee concessions in two years?

How can you trust a management who has tried to steal from the contracts what they could not negotiate?

How can you trust a management that has no clue on how to run an airline?

How can you trust a management that has made the employees the enemy and not the competitions?

How can you trust a management who's only plan is to steal from the employees wallets?

How can you trust a CEO who has NO airline experience?

How can you trust a SR VP of Labor Relations who goes out of his way to rule by fear and intimidation?

How can you continue the same diatribe (even if it is true), and not be working somewhere else already? 700, your going to get very sick from the inside out. This continued hate and repetition is not good for anyone. I guarantee you are never going to witness, what in you view, is fair for the workers. What is going on is business decisions aimed at preserving shareholders. Employees are very important at running the airline, but they are not more important than stock prices or returns. Maybe long after this airline survives and begins to make money, will you see some sort of benefit for us. For now, saving employee numbers and keeping the pay scales high and offering the best benefits is not on top of the list.
Sorry dude.
Because you have to learn from history, and history shows the current executives at US cannot be trusted and cannot run an airline.

Why would you give back to them when have proven to have squandered $2.4 Billion of our money all ready?
Whether it has been to increase share value or maintain it. I know one thing, this place could have been long gone a long time ago if any of the present or previous "untrustworty" executives wished so or gave up. For as long as I have worked here, it has been the same worry, will we go out of business, will I have a job? This place has been on a downward slope for a long time. We, the employees, have been doing our job to make the operation run, but without some (whether good or bad) decisions from the "untrustworthy" executives, this place would have been gone. It does not mattter how good a mechanic fixes a plane or cleaner cleans it, and so on and so on with the other groups, the place can not run without business decisions.
I am afraid we just don't see eye to eye. Although I am not entirely impressed, I give credit to others efforts at work. The union workers alone can not run this place.
Regardless of the fidelity and work ethic of the employees, a business cannot survive with incompetent management, and that is what U has suffered from for many many years. The laws make it possible for extremely incompetent and greedy executives and BODs to drag out dying companies, all the while siphoning off sweatheart deals for themselves . . . . witness Dave Siegel, Gangwal, Wolf, etc. Dave "gave up", but I guess the $4.5 million dollars made it a "soft landing" for him, after he SQUANDERED 2 years and billions of dollars, and any trust that employees had in mangement.

Now, U executives are counting on the courts to keep the company alive through dictorial fiat. That won't work either.