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Alpa Code A Phone 9/6 #2

Sales Guy: Use your handle and sell yourself to another company that offers a future and stop telling these intelligent people how stupid they are.

Usflyboi: Good Luck Son, you are one dude who will sorely need it the way you depend on such pathetic people to see you thru life.

Piney: You were right on a lot of points, what can I say!

Hawk: Hey no hard feeling but my opinions never did change about this management team who refused to remove Jerry and worries about making themselves rich off the backs of all these posters watching on in awe.

Do-It-For-Dave...don't miss you one teensy bit.

Dude: Keep em laughing my man, better than crying.

700: Best of Luck you are one loyal dude to the bitter end.

Aog-in-it: You had more sense than any of us, leaving back in March...good for you!

Jack Mama said: “The pilots didn't stand up, only 3 pilots made a stand...if the membership would of voted it down...i would say the pilots made a stand...totally irresponsible for not letting the pilots vote.â€￾

USA320Pilot comments: Jack, your comment is accurate. 3 pilots did not let the rank-and-file decide their future, which is morally wrong. In regard to the company being toast, that was a comment I made after flying from Philadelphia to Nassau, Nassau to Charlotte, and then Charlotte to New York, and was one of frustration and fatifgue. I now understand there is more to the story and this airline is not toast or dead, yet. Expect more news shortly as events unfold.

USA320Pilot comments: The LGA station manager personally told me that Delta and Virgin America are negotiating to obtain US Airways' LGA terminal. If US Airways releases rights to the facility, the company would sell LGA slots and could move into the current Delta terminal and use 8 gates.

That plan is likely dead because of the planned TP flying.


Its clear to me that the company WAS NOT trying to reach a deal, therefore, they accomplished thier goal. The heinous offers were only deals that would have presented the company with a windfall, and would therefore be worth changing whatever plans (probably chapter 11 or 7) that they have already made. Now, I am awaiting their next move, which I'm sure has been choreagraphed months ago, only waiting for the opportune time to sprint it into action with the most negative impact on the employees. Make no mistake. Along with anything else these "managers" may be, they can add corporate terrorist to their resume.

By the way, what is TP flying?
Can you elaborate on your comment about DL and Virgin? Is the idea that Delta and Virgin would split the terminal and the slots? I know Delta has been considering options to increase its LGA operation but would have guessed that CO would have jumped on the opportunity to increase its presence at LGA and would move NW over to the current US facility to help fill the gates, freeing up the 2 gates (I believe) which NW uses in the current DL terminal.

also, expound on the plan being dead based on TP flying - which, like oldie, I don't understand.

Best of wishes to you and all US employees. This is incredibly sad to watch - perhaps the first time an airline failure has been so well documented. Again, my best wishes to each of you and your families.
after flying from Philadelphia to Nassau, Nassau to Charlotte, and then Charlotte to New York, and was one of frustration and fatifgue

I agree, it must be so tough to actually go to work and do the job one is paid to do these days instead of sitting in front of a computer spreading doom and gloom.
By the way, why doesn't the MEC just negotiate with the company and forget about the NC? At this point, the MEC seems to know what it will and will not let the members vote on, so why all the back and forth?!

You are 100% accurate. It is called COLLECTIVE BARGAINING for a reason. If USAirways management were allowed to negotiate directly with each employee, it would set a dangerous precident that would have repercussions for all unionizd employees everywhere.

Just like management of past, who offered scabs a job for life, or seniority over their peers to cross the picket line, while spreading fear into the souls of those without enough heart to stand up for what's right. All they would have to do is find the magic "51%" number. Maybe sweeten the pot with a signing bonus for the greedy self-serving few to get the extra votes needed.

That would be union busting at its best. The whole point of organizing labor is strength in numbers. The whole point is negotiating in good faith with elected representatives who speak for the group, with one voice, in solidarity.

ALPA's offer was more than reasonable, and close to what the company wanted. The difference in the $ amount would be wasted on golden parachutes and management bonuses.

IMO USAirways pilots, and unionized employees everywhere were WELL SERVED by the 3 men who stayed focused on their responsibilities. IMO they sent a strong message to management, and management will come back with a better offer. IF it goes to a judge, the record will show that ALPA negotiated in good faith and management did not.

Hats off to you ladies and gentlemen. Be strong, and good luck.

76, that is a big load of poo <_<

If whatever is voted on reflects the opinion of the majority, then that is what is right for the majority of the pilots. Yes or No, at least everyone will know where the pilots really stand.

Voted down...? Then the negotiators have further leverage with the solidarity of a pilot madate behind them.

Voted in...? Then such proposal obviously has enough merit to appeal to the majority of the membership.

Right or wrong, any proposal of this nature should be negotiated with the best interests and DESIRE of the majority of the memembership in mind, NOT what is best for only a few people.

If you negotiate without the full and REAL support of your workforce, you have one hand tied behind your back, and management will never deal seriously.

You know that as well as I do.

IF it is a resounding NO vote, then there will be no more guessing from either side.

If there is a Yes vote, then it might be time to consider that what the majority of the pilots DO want, is what matters most...

Vote Yes, or vote NO, not one pilot will ever have the chance to decide for themselves. NO pilot should ever be against being allowed to have his/her own say.
Not toast or dead now? Do you ever get the story straight? Most Respectfully, Savy
Rico said:
Right or wrong, any proposal of this nature should be negotiated with the best interests and DESIRE of the majority of the memembership in mind, NOT what is best for only a few people.

The three (four, really) pilots in question were elected and represent a majority of the AAA pilot group (something often overlooked on this forum).

Two of them, from PHL, survived a recall attempt. The one's in place in PIT were installed after an overwhelmingly successfull recall attempt.

Something to ponder.
Usflyboi: Good Luck Son, you are one dude who will sorely need it the way you depend on such pathetic people to see you thru life.

Cav, Its your opinion, I could buy a few of them with out your help , TRUST ME! The reason I took VFL!
Rico said:
If you negotiate without the full and REAL support of your workforce, you have one hand tied behind your back, and management will never deal seriously.

You know that as well as I do.


Sorry, but I don't agree. I stand by what I said in my last point. You don't seem to understand how the collective bargaining process works. The RC4 were elected by the membership, and as others have pointed out they represent a majority of the pilots.

The process is set up that way for a reason. When you bypass the process, you negate your collective bargaining strength, and the union becomes irrelevant.
usfliboi said:
Usflyboi: Good Luck Son, you are one dude who will sorely need it the way you depend on such pathetic people to see you thru life.

Cav, Its your opinion, I could buy a few of them with out your help , TRUST ME! The reason I took VFL!

Self made man, good for you. I could tell with all the wisdom you bestowed upon the masses here.

Meanwhile I believe neither the unions nor management will ever get it right, it’s only wasting everyone’s time, time that could be spent sensible moving on elsewhere.

Oh well not really my problem. Good Luck All, mean it!