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ALPA and the National Mediation Board


Nov 19, 2002
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Numerous public comments received during the last several months maintain that the Air Line Pilots Association has an inappropriate level of involvement in NMB matters. See www.nmbfacts.com (What People Are Saying link) for further information on this major problem.
What is your point?Alpa helped to prevent a Republican majority on the board. That is in every airline employees best interest. You would probably like all of us to work for minimum wage. P.S. I have voted Republican most of my life. I'm beginning to wonder why.
I deregistered as a republican. Now I dislike them as much as the democrats.
ual727fo said:
Alpa helped to prevent a Republican majority on the board. That is in every airline employees best interest.
The largest EMS aviation company (provider of air medical services for hospitals) in the world is in the middle of an organizing campaign & election right now. The OPEIU is attempting to rally the flight deck crews. Copter pilots (about 90-95% of EMS ops) have always been @ the bottom of the ProPilot food chain when it comes to pay/bennies. Any comments on the pros/cons of this organizing effort?
Captain Ed said:
Most pilots I know are conservative Republicans.
I was as well, however I believe people vote with their wallet. Mine has shrunk considerably under this bush administration. I will be voting labor in the near future!!
Bush is a DISASTER as far as I'm concerned.

Clinton was a sleeze.

Can't we find better men out of a population of almost 300 million?