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Allegheny Code-a-phone


Jan 29, 2004
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Hello, this is the Allegheny MEC code a phone for January 29, 2004.
At last Tuesday’s informational MEC meeting, a motion was made and
seconded, and following discussion, was voted down by the majority, and then
passed by three of eight members who exercised their roll call voting option, that
would allow the MEC to determine the fate of our contract at its sole discretion.
Addressing the issue of accepting the Company’s proposed take it or leave it
merger agreement, another motion was made and seconded, was voted down by
the majority, and was then passed by the same three of the eight MEC members,
who again exercised their ability to have their votes not count as one, but reflect
the number of pilots they represent.
In the wake of that activity, both the MEC and a number of local council offices
received inquiries questioning the validity of the meeting itself, as it was
convened and voting was conducted, in conflict with the standards and
procedures set forth in the ALPA Constitution and By-Laws, Article IV, Section
3.D. 3., Special Meetings, which require a minimum 24 hour written notice in
advance of such a meeting, as well as a published listing of the proposed agenda
items. As was reported in the last MEC announcement, the reason that the
preceding items were brought to the floor for the consideration of the MEC, was
due to the fact that ALPA President Capt. Duane Woerth advised MEC Chairman
Rick O’Leary that he felt that the ALPA legal staff could successfully waive the
meeting requirements, embodied in the ALPA Constitution and By-Laws. With
that in mind, the meeting was held.
On Wednesday, it was suggested by ALPA’s national office, that it would be in
our collective best interest, to convene a Special MEC meeting, utilizing the
procedures as outlined in ALPA’s Constitution and By-Laws, and again address
the issues of ratification and the proposed merger agreement. Accordingly, the
MEC was forwarded, and has received proper notice of a newly scheduled
meeting, and the agenda items to be addressed, in compliance with ALPA’s
Constitution and By-Laws. The date and time of that meeting, which will be held
via teleconference, has yet to be set. Check this hotline, crew room bulletin
boards, and the ALPA website for the results of that meeting.
That’s all for this Allegheny, MEC update.
All non-ALPA will probably see this as "inside the beltway" politics but...


Reading between the lines, I assume that the 3 MEC members represent 1 big base - any idea if a membership vote would go the same way?

I sympathize with your plight - mainline MEC approved all our concessions going into and during bankruptcy without membership vote. We've since had a significant turnover in MEC officers, but they don't take office till March.

it seams at first as if the pilots rolled over which after hearing more about what happened at the mec meeting it makes since. few desiding the fate of many. this is not right and should be brought to a vote for all members( its their lives let them decide). it is time to make a stand both pilots and mechanics as i personally will not be held hostage anymore. I Will not take concessions so that they may sell us off to someone else who cares less about me than what the company that operates us does. I do not want any clauses removed from my contract so that I am easier to sell . the contract remains as written, that is why we faught so hard to get what we have now(protection) and I do not want to take a paycut know so that I can reapply when we are sold and make even less. take the best contract and merge us if not shut it down :down:
:up: atitagain you are right shut it down because if you open contract
it will be like working for nothing.
28yearsnojob said:
:up: atitagain you are right shut it down because if you open contract
it will be like working for nothing.
i sense you don't trust these clowns....IAM doesn't.
BoeingBoy said:
All non-ALPA will probably see this as "inside the beltway" politics but...


Reading between the lines, I assume that the 3 MEC members represent 1 big base - any idea if a membership vote would go the same way?

I sympathize with your plight - mainline MEC approved all our concessions going into and during bankruptcy without membership vote. We've since had a significant turnover in MEC officers, but they don't take office till March.

Which could account for the mad scramble to get things done 'yesterday' - a compliant MEC that will not be in office much longer.
Hey Dave,

So you thought you could put all the CRJ700s you're about to announce at ALG, flown 100% by the APL. Think Again! Your buddies at ALPA National blew it. The ALG Pilots didn't give the shop away after all. They still own any flying done now or in the future by Allegheny Airlines.

Time to find a spot in the Desert for those CRJ700s. There's no place to put them at the US Air Group!
When will you guys learn that ALPA does not have your interests at heart! They are a bueracratic organization dedicated to the preservation of the bueracracy. They negotiate in secret and then vote behind closed doors. If they had your interest first, dont you think they would ask for your input and then let you decide on your future? :down:
Hello, this is the Allegheny MEC code a phone for February 1, 2004.
At 8:30 yesterday evening, the MEC convened a Special MEC meeting via
teleconference. In addition to the MEC voting members and officers, ALPA Vice President of Administration Capt. Paul Rice was in attendance.
The meeting began with MEC Chairman Capt. Rick O’Leary reviewing ALPA
National’s position that following its review of the circumstances surrounding last Tuesday’s MEC meeting, the outcome of the voting on the issues of pilot versus MEC ratification on the proposed, non-negotiable, merger LOA, and acceptance of the merger LOA itself, were not binding, because the meeting was held in conflict with meeting guidelines set forth in ALPA’s Constitution and By-Laws. As a result, those issues would have to be readdressed. It was with that in mind, that this new meeting was being held. Rick then began to review the past practice of our ratification process. A few minutes into that presentation, Council 91 Captain Representative Andy Brixner made a motion to waive the notification requirement contained in a 1997 MEC resolution, which requires that all Letters of Agreement be subject to a 15 day MEC review prior to ratification, and that the Merger Letter of Agreement be approved as well. A discussion then ensued, where questions of clarification and composition of the motion were discussed, with the result being that Capt. Brixner agreed to amend his original motion, and to have the body consider only the issue of whether the MEC should waive the 15 day notification requirement contained in the MEC Resolution dated February 14, 1997. Council 95 Captain Representative Ernie Holtslander seconded the motion. The motion was then put to a vote and it was defeated by a vote of 3 in favor,
and 5 against suspending the 15-day review and notification requirement.
Council 91 First Officer Representative First Officer Andy Fogg made a motion to reconsider, and moved to have a roll call vote determine the votes outcome. In response to that motion, Council 78 First Officer Representative First Officer Derek Allen asked for, and was granted permission to speak to the motion. First Officer Allen then expressed his view that he took exception to what he considered to be a lack of fairness and consideration to those he represents, with respect to the use of the roll call option to decide the matter, and then declared that that he could no longer participate in the meeting. He then left the meeting. Council 78 Captain Representative Captain John Karas expressed his agreement with First Officer Allen, and left the call as well. Then without comment, Council 92 Captain Representative Bill Yaggi, First Officer Representative Kevin Komisor, and Council 95 First Officer Representative Jeff Ethriedge, left the call as well. To determine whether or not there was still a quorum, which is required to conduct business, as defined in Article IV, Section 4, Attendance and Quorum, in the Constitution and By-Laws, Chairman O’Leary asked MEC Secretary Treasurer Capt. Tom Waterland to call the roll of the MEC. It was then determined that the only MEC members who were still in attendance were Capt. Brixner, First Officer Fogg, and Capt. Holtslander. Captain Rice’s opinion was solicited, and he suggested that Chairman O’Leary recess the meeting, and attempt to contact the MEC members who had left, and advise them that while he, (Captain Rice), was not implying that anyone would, but that is was possible that their leaving the meeting could result in their being brought in front of a hearing board, and be subject to charges under Article 8 of the ALPA Constitution and By-Laws. Chairman O’Leary then recessed the meeting, while the remaining participants remained on the line. Each of the MEC members who left the meeting were contacted and informed of possible Article 8 action. All five members expressed their position that they continued to take issue with the use of roll call to address the issue of MEC versus pilot ratification, and that they declined to rejoin the meeting. Chairman O’Leary then returned to the conference call, advised those in attendance of the position of the departed members, and adjourned the meeting due to a lack of a quorum, as is required by Article IV, Section 4, Attendance and Quorum, in the ALPA Constitution and By-Laws. In an ASPEN message to ALPA President Captain Duane Woerth, Chairman O’Leary briefed him on the outcome of last nights meeting. The MEC is committed to resolving its differences, and will convene again in the near future to bring resolution to these issues.
All Allegheny ALPA members in good standing are urged to contact their local council representatives at their earliest convenience, and make their position known on the issues of pilot versus MEC ratification, as well as ratification of the non-negotiable merger agreement.
Continue to check this hotline, our website, and crew room bulletin boards for the most accurate information.
That’s all for this Allegheny MEC update.
blue, Nobody at ALG I believe actually expects ALPA to do anything, they are Worthless. However most of us did not believe they would go so far as to be the strong arm for airways. That whole organization should be ashamed to what its "leader" is doing
Is it true that ALPA President Capt. Duane Woerth, along with another ALPA National official, phoned numerous times during the Jan. 31 meeting pressuring the ALG MEC to make an immediate decision accepting the demands? This was reported earlier but seems to have disappeared!

I smell a rat!

Why is it so important to refuse the ALG pilots the process of a pilot vote, to decide if they wish to throw out all of their contractual rights, as demanded by the company? Why is it necessary for management to insist on using this gun-to-the-head approach, rather than following the procedures already spelled out in the pilots' ALPA contract? The big question, Why is ALPA National allowing and even assisting such actions?
Yes it is true about the phone calls. Not only that, the first of the deadlines was the origonal 10 days, however D Woerth wanted a decision 5 days prior to that. This was communicated to us by a national officer. ALPA has not once tired to help us defend our contract, they have been from the start and continue to be comletely and totally in favor of abrigating the ALG contract!