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Mec Code-a-phone Update


May 18, 2003
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MEC Code-A-Phone Update - August 7, 2004

This is Jack Stephan with a US Airways MEC update for Saturday, August 7th, with two new items.

Item 1. The MEC held two special meeting conference calls last Wednesday evening to review the final language of the PSA Large SJ Letter of Agreement and to discuss what information should be released to the membership regarding the financial health of the company.

While considering these two agenda items, four members of the MEC, as per the MEC Policy Manual, voted to discontinue the call and to resume consideration of these agenda items during two special MEC meetings to be held next week. These meetings will convene in Arlington, VA at the Key Bridge Marriott. The first meeting will convene on Monday, August 9th, at 1 p.m. and adjourn the same day at 5 p.m. or at the completion of business. The agenda of the meeting is as follows:

1) Discussion of dissemination of confidential information to the membership regarding the financial health of the company.

2) Review of final PSA Large SJ LOA.

A second special meeting will then convene on Tuesday, August 10, at 10 a.m. and will adjourn on Wednesday, August 11th, at 5:00 p.m., or at the completion of business.

The agenda for the meeting is as follows:

1) MEC Chairman/MEC Officers’ Reports.

2) Update from the Negotiating Committee and advisors regarding the status of negotiations and a discussion of whether MEC action is needed at this time.

3) At 9 a.m., Wednesday, August 11th, a briefing on the status of US Airways from senior management including: CEO-Bruce Lakefield, Senior VP, Alliances & Pres. of US Airways Express-Bruce Ashby, Executive VP and CFO-Dave Davis and Executive VP, Operations-Al Crellin.

Both meetings will be held at the Key Bridge Marriott hotel in Arlington. All US Airways pilots are encouraged to attend. The telephone number for transportation information is 703-524-6400. Please be advised that portions of the meeting may be in closed session.

Item 2. MEC Chairman Bill Pollock is sending out a letter to all pilots that reports on the MEC’s recent special conference call meetings, the items that were to be discussed during these meetings, which were deferred to face-to-face special meetings that will take place this week in Arlington, VA, and the serious consequences of delaying action on these items.

In this letter, Captain Pollock explains, “I am growing more and more concerned by an attitude that I am seeing return to the MEC, where, for example, the unambiguous advice of our legal and financial advisors is dismissed by certain MEC members. I am deeply concerned by rumblings I have heard that suggest that some of the MEC members may attempt to dictate the terms of an agreement with the Company, or just as likely, attempt to keep from you a proposed agreement that fails to conform to their particular desires and unrealistic standards.â€

The letter also contains more in-depth information on the interim agreement that ALPA and management have come to regarding the more favorable provisions of the pilots’ previous sick policy. Captain Pollock advises the pilots that as this interim agreement reflects a change to our current Collective Bargaining Agreement, the next step is for the MEC to review it and then approve it as a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). After the MEC’s approval, this MOU would go out to the membership for ratification. This step is required under the tenets of the membership ratification vote of December 2003, as any change to the CBA that substantially affects the pay and working conditions of our contract—both positive and otherwise—is to always be sent to the pilots for ratification.

Captain Pollock advises all pilots to read this letter, which will be posted shortly on the pilots only website under “MEC Chairman Information.â€

Please remember we have 1,879 pilots on furlough.

Thank you for listening.
Please remember we have 1,879 pilots on furlough.


They should be honest and add: Please remember that when they are finished with us there will be 3758 pilots on furlough, unless of course all you junior smacks choose to go to MDA where you will be forced to obtain government assistance to sustain to your families. But that’s ok because corporate America is only following the fine example set up by Wall*Mart with Mr. Bushy's blessings.

Have a Nice Day. This is Captain P, Over and Out
In this letter, Captain Pollock explains, “I am growing more and more concerned by an attitude that I am seeing return to the MEC, where, for example, the unambiguous advice of our legal and financial advisors is dismissed by certain MEC members. I am deeply concerned by rumblings I have heard that suggest that some of the MEC members may attempt to dictate the terms of an agreement with the Company, or just as likely, attempt to keep from you a proposed agreement that fails to conform to their particular desires and unrealistic standards.â€￾

Since when does the ALPA MEC President dictate what portion of the MEC disagrees with him as being a serious matter or what is "unrealistic standards"...

Whoa, someone better tell this ALPA MEC President to read the Constitution & bylaws on what exactly his role is as an MEC President.

If he chooses not to.....a "recall" would be in order.

Something tells me that this Pilot MEC President has been sitting on the USAirways Board just a little too long and has "stockholm syndrome".

Nothing from any MEC should go out that attempts to divide the members from their local leaders because they don't agree with certain concessionary proposals (that is a tactic only held by management).
Based on his letter a recall is in order. You have hit the nail on the head bull. He is blinded by Lakefield and an ALPA advisor who cannot be depended on based on erroneous information he gave us during the last go around. But the germaine point is that his letter is divisive and judgemental as to who is right or wrong on any given issue. That is the problem.

We are governed by THE MAJORITY of represented pilots. NOT the MEC Chairman. He does not either accept that or understand that and that, in my opinion, is as malfeasant as what the management of this company has done to run us into the ground over the last few years. This letter, along with many other things, makes it very apparent that he is not fit to remain the MEC Chairman. There is a recall effort now underway. It began shortly after that letter was published.

Had he not signed the letter you would have guessed it had been written my someone in upper management and not the leader of ALPA. It is embarrasing.

A recall? Really?

What the heck is the point of having the MEC chairman on the board of directors if he can't provide insight and advice to the MEC based information he obtains from his position?

You guys are truly amazing. I don't believe you'll be happy until you've destined the airline to the history books.
Hey furloughed,

The Board member (whether union or not) CAN NOT DEVULGE any INFORMATION from the BOD meetings.

Their responsibility is to the SHAREHOLDERS AND STAKEHOLDERS. Period.

NO where in that equation is the BOD repsonsible to look out for the best interest of employees. Thats what the union leadership's job is.

THERE IS A HUGE CONFLICT OF INTEREST WITH UNION MEMBERS RUBBING ELBOWS IN A BOD MEETING THAT IS SOLEY ABOUT THE INTEREST OF THE INVESTORS. That's why I personally have a problem with a "wall street" money manger " and broker sitting as our CEO.

There should be NO union members sitting as board members.

How can YOUR MEC President sit on the negottiating team, but yet hold the interest of the stakholders of U...OR DON'T YOU QUITE SEE that these two issues conflict?

The AFA MEC President is being removed from the BOD of U, on August 19. IMO, it is not in the best interest of our members to have our MEC President serve on our negotiating committee and serve as a BOD member for U. Perception is extremely important when negotiating concessions, and this Board seat crap does not bode well with our members.
That is why the IAM at US has a retired General Chairman as its board member.

But at UA, President and Directing Chair at IAM DL 141 (Ramp and Customer Service) is the IAM board member and he boycotted the last meeting because of the pension issue.

I think it is a major conflict of interest to have a current union rep and one who is responsible for negotiations on the very same board where the union members work.
What do the yellow wingd mean that are cropping up under everybody's board name?
Ah Ha! I now see we are members of the "founders club".........my apologies for asking before I read the site update.
Furloughedagain said:
A recall? Really?

What the heck is the point of having the MEC chairman on the board of directors if he can't provide insight and advice to the MEC based information he obtains from his position?

You guys are truly amazing. I don't believe you'll be happy until you've destined the airline to the history books.
I, for one, think it is a conflict of interest to have a sitting union rep on the BOD. If it isn't illegal, it should be. Note, it's okay to have some kind of representation on the board, just NOT a sitting member of the MEC. ALPA's major problem is that they THINK that somehow they are a part of management, which by now everyone should realize isn't the case. The bottom line is, while some kind of "restructuring" on the part of wages and benefits may help in the short term, it ain't gonna help UAIR survive. What they need is management with foresight and a plan to sell a product that people want. No one has EVER been able to "out Southwest Southwest", and yet management continues to think that cramming people onto RJs in north east markets where folks can drive between cities if necessary will save their bacon. I STILL don't think it's gonna work.