Alabama Bound

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Hawk said:
AP Tech, Stop spreading false information.
HEY HAWK....Do you know what a Hawker is? It’s all those old mechanics from ole Mohawk Airlines, very few left, so are you a Hawker? Hmmm? How do you know what's up and what's your point? Are you going to stop the avalanche that is being produced by a team of expert FUD people?
recieved several phone calls today concerning some rumors coming out of Pittsburgh. The rumor claims that the leadership in Pittsburgh is telling the membership that the Airbus is scheduled to go to Alabama on Monday and the Union will file a court injunction.

First let me say, the company has requested the Union meet with them on Monday October 6, 2003 in Pittsburgh. As of this e-mail the IAM has not been notified by anyone in the company that they are sending the Airbus to Alabama on Monday. We have been burning midnight oil preparing for anything that comes our way and are in communcations with our legal staff concerning our options should the aircraft go anywhere other than our maintenance bases.

As we have stated in our meetings, it is very important that you stand behind your leadership and whatever decision we make on this issue.

As of today the Maintenance Instructors that were scheduled to go to Alabama on Sunday and Monday have been put on hold. We will keep you updated if anything comes up. Until than keep up the good job and we will chat.
When this "notorious" managment meets with the IAM leadership, they will make every attempt to scare the living $$## out of them.

Hang tight together folks, its coming down. :eek:
Has anyone spread the word around 'Bama that any mechanic that want his career to move an inch better not touch a union plane? Touching our airbus is like crossing the picket line, brothers! :angry:

:angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:
I was told. "We must assure our customers that 'we' have their 'safety' in mind. So please during this difficult time make sure 'safety' is first as always."

D-Lift shoes may make you look taller, but they do not make you a man.


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I hope no U aircraft leaves the property for maintenance. I hope all this talk is about nothing. I would not want to be the pilot that flew the airplane to Alabama or anywhere else to do work that our people should be doing. But until that first airplane leaves, technically no violation of your contract has occured. If and when it does it will set off a chain of events (suits, injunctions etc.) to provide you with a legal remedy for the contract violation. It will take time and that is a sad reality considering all the folks we have out of work waiting for a slot to return. Illegal job actions anger the public and erode their confidence. That's the same public that sits on a jury to decide your fate.
Also, you should not be making statements about outside maintenence causing the loss of an airframe. This is a public forum and you have NO evidence to back up a rash statement like that!
I agree that this work belongs to the IAM, but if and when it becomes necessary to defend your contract, do it the right way and you will find many advocates among the other employee groups AND the public.

A320 Driver
Smoke and Mirrors said:
I support the company on the outsourcing topic. We must lower labor costs to remain competitive. HP does not perform most of their own work. Dave was correct when he stated that we would be making money if the labor costs were equal to Jetblue.

Most of the iam members that I speak with will not strike. They are not willing to risk their good salaries and retirement to save a few younger members. Unions are all about feeding their young to the lion.
I smell a troll .
I think it's dangerous to assume all third party maintenance work is not up to snuff. Nowhere, to my knowledge, has this been proven. I can think of several industry accidents where in-house mechanics made a mistake, so let's be careful before throwing stones.
I support the position taken by smoke and mirrors.......

that is when it comes to jet blue s management structure.

how about you grade 83 s and above put yourselves in for

some jet blue paychecks......sounds like a 60 pct. paycut which

is about what you are worth...

but....oh no....that s right you work for much older legacy carrier

that has employees that have made a go of it 20 / 30 / 40 yrs., you believe you deserve those BIG salaries and performance
bonuses.......did i say performance.......sorry none here.......

The rest of us know that as jet blue or any other startup ages they
will lose the price point they currently control.

The rest of us have been around the block a few times and can smell
a red herring 302 nm away.

thanks though
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Smoke and Mirrors,
Go on strike to save a few union members jobs? Define a few, 20,30,40 or 50% or the current workforce. I still keep in contact with some of the "yes" voters on the previous givebacks who are still out on the street with very little hope of returning. They cannot believe they were so naive to believe what was told to them by some of management. That is going to be more like the numbers of jobs lost if the outsourcing of the Airbus fleet occurs. Maintenance will be first and then I am sure he will go after reservations. There are alot of telemarketers sitting idle due to the soon to be changes. They would love to work for say $8 an hour. Then he can start up say a company called US Services such as Delta, and hire all part timers at say $8 to throw bags.
Where is this going to end? Someone has to make a stand against Dave and Co. I have 16yrs with the company and if the Airbus's go I to will get my walking papers. I would rater go down fighting!!!! Open your eyes and look around you, if you are not sitting behind a closed door in Crystal City(you may well be) then your position is not secure.
Smoke and Mirrors said:
I support the company on the outsourcing topic. We must lower labor costs to remain competitive. HP does not perform most of their own work. Dave was correct when he stated that we would be making money if the labor costs were equal to Jetblue.

Most of the iam members that I speak with will not strike. They are not willing to risk their good salaries and retirement to save a few younger members. Unions are all about feeding their young to the lion.
Well well well. At least you come in with guns blazing instead of a trojan horse.

--"I support the company on the outsourcing topic. We must lower labor costs to remain competitive."

Heard the abstract "competitive" plattitude for years from oligharchists in the business press. Of course, cherry picking from this company just who and what needs to be more competitive begs the question. So "we" are more competitive: Just who is the "we" you have in mind? Surely not the hired help. "

--"HP does not perform most of their own work."

Yeah, and they've caught flak from the feds too...were fined as well I believe. They do have a smaller fleet too, although the way our's is likelly to shrink may bring economies of scale closer to your view.

--"Dave was correct when he stated that we would be making money if the labor costs were equal to Jetblue."

I'll bet! And I'll bet you'd fatten the bottom line further yet if frontline compensation were lower yet. For this company to thrive, by doing business the same way it has...and is now, yes the frontline will have to take a(nother) huge hit. What's your point? Maybe this: "Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!...WE'LL define just how we'll be like JetBlue and just how we won't be!...cheeky peasants!"

--"Most of the iam members that I speak with will not strike. They are not willing to risk their good salaries and retirement to save a few younger members. Unions are all about feeding their young to the lion."

You're reaching and you know it. Good calculated risk though: I'll bet you figured most who would/could refute your claim are not online...being the weekend and all the family stuff that entails...and that you could get a little "hit and run" comment in. "To save a few younger members"? I guess youngness is all relative. Dump the guys in their 40's to save the ones in their 50-60's. A few? Tip of the iceberg...the door has been forced open further and further since being cracked to answer the initial call for concessions...and will be kicked right on down it seems.
High Iron is most correct on HP's issues of the past.

Maintenance and the related paperwork was so fouled up...which is a detractor to safety by the way , that the FAA was crawling all over them to the point that fleet expansion was immediately denied by the FAA....and a threat of fleet reduction was implied. How sad is that ???

The concerns were very clear to anyone but a beancounter or a complete idiot...the word was , "If you can't manage your current fleet can you possibly manage more with the same system and methods?

Thankfully for HP and the flying publics sake...they heeded the warnings and got it together in time...but thier outsourcing still plagues them in other areas...but without an abacus most cannot appreciate the losses that entails to the un-seeing...or logistically un-aware.
Well folks...

There are all out on these boards...Management at their finest...

"smoke and Mirrors, Allegheny 1, Hawk (who has PM me twice today alone) Flyonthewall will be coming out soon, he has also pm me.

They are all here lurking.....they will play on your weaknesses...just like they did last summer 2002 and the winter. They are crafty and assume we have no self respect and that they can just rub are nose in giving more and more.

I wrote them back in a PM and told them to PREPARE FOR HELL.

If management does this "dishonorable thing" for the sake of saving a $1, there will never be labor rest on this property....NEVER!
PITbull said:
I wrote them back in a PM and told them to PREPARE FOR HELL.

Here we go...

As of 22:30 Sunday Night (Oct 5) a fellow worker called me and told me that a Airbus was scheduled for a trip to ALABAMA in the morning...!! :angry:

The trains coming and the car won't start....!!! :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
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