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Airport Security

Hey Cap I see your point but they so called security here is not here....it is just a cheap wash down so it looks good for the media..... U wanna see security go through Ben Gurion Airport...... There is security.....and absolut pro`s in security working there.....I don`t have a problem with being checked.....but if I get checked then check me and do not waste my time with some senseless media eyewash, half *(&%^$ security guard which does not even knows my name after he just looked at my passport........that is not security......

I do not believe it is appropriate or responsible to be discussing the inadequacies or difficulties that security may or may not have as it pertains to Canadian Airport Security, in a forum that is accessible to anybody in the world. Remember, we live in dangerous times and to borrow an expression from the WW2.

" the walls have ears"

If you have a concern or a productive suggestion send a letter to TC.
Hey Trailing......edge

I think the spirit of HV's original thread was to tell funny,frustrating, or murderous urges we (all) sometimes feel in these post 9/11 days with security and lineups.........maybe the "voices in the walls" is a bad vibration com'n from that leading edge of yours.

There are no "experts" on this site. Osama Bin Laden and his gang can read and observe the same things I do. If they feel that they have the need to read our posts to get some "up-to-date" and informed info, then we really have nothing to worry about.......because they are more stupid than I've been informed. It also means that they do not read Canadian newspapers or watch our media. They can also search the internet and find plans to build all kinds of bombs. I believe we flatter ourselves if we think that we are informing them about anything, except some discussion about "hot-end" inspections or unions. 😀
Well said LTE, and back to the spirit of the topic, there it goes:
Years ago, we landed with a Spanish Army Chinook in an US militery base in Spain. We unloaded the helo and of course a couple of cars that we took with us to move around town (civilian cars that is...).
So we went to the accomadations, got dressed and headed to town in our two private cars that had been carried in the Chinook. When we got to the gate, there was this american security personel saying, we couldn`t get out of the base on those vehicules since there wasn't any registration of getting into the base with them, so we tried to explain that we had flown them in a military helicopter. That was hard for him to understand :hide: After lots of explanations we could make it out without having gone in ... :shock:
Buen vuelo
lol lte good one......cap u going straight to hell for saying bomb and Osama.....Leading edge take your spook shirt off.......and the rest I deleted it maybe to ofencive to some of u.......
I was on my way through customs to the states on 9eleven and had 2 barrels for fuel in the back with the ops gear,and when they saw them,I said they are for diesel and their empty,have a look.so off I go driving around the states getting eyeballed by every trucker...I was coming through Toronto a while ago when the girl ahead of my was stopped for the studs on her belt...the litre of booze I had was cool though.Studs beat glass I guess//