What is good service?
I will fly over the course of this year more than 300 segments, on about ten different airlines. 90% of these however are on US and DL. I see a lot of different levels of service in the course of a year, even with in the same airline.
Why do US and DL get over 250 of these segments? Outside of the obvious of being located in western NC and flying out of either GSO, CLT and soon to be HKY again, it is mainly attitude of the front line staff. How do I define attitude?
First and foremost it is a smile and a warm welcome from the folks on the front line. A caring and concerned attitude is also important. Now US wins this one hands down. The front line staff in GSO is the best in the system. I’ve been flying out of this airport off and on for 20 years and know almost everyone there by name. Most know me (and not just for the jelly beans). I’m also a PLT on DL, and while GSO is my home DL airport and I could not tell you a single name of the front line staff there. Why? Because I’m just another FF showing up with at ticket to them. It is their attitude. When I walk up to the US counter every one working the counter says hello.
I know every name of every angel that works in the GSO club. I fly through CLT just as often and I’m in the club more in CLT than GSO, but I could not tell you the name of more than two people in that club. I don’t think a single one could tell you mine. The warm friendly relationship is just not there in CLT. They are professional and they meet my needs, but it is not the same.
When I get on the plane, a warm welcome and a smile mean a lot at the end of the day. I flew from CLT/GSO Wednesday night, was running late and was tired at the end of the day. The first thing I see getting on the plane is two warm, wide smiles and a heart felt welcome aboard. The F/A’s were great. And they were this way with every one who boarded the plane. I was offered a pre-departure drink, enjoyed a brief conversation with the lead F/A. Was politely asked if there was anything else she could get me once in the air and was offered the snack basket twice, all on a twenty minute flight.
Like others on this board, I enjoy talking with the F/A’s, but when I need to get work done, I also appreciate it when they just leave me to my work. I see good and poor F/A’s on US just like I do on other carriers, but with out a doubt, the men and women wearing the ugly uniform of US are the BEST in the air. No one in the industry comes any where close with the possible exception of DL
The second most important aspect of service for me is when things go wrong. I don’t ask for favors or for an employee to break any rule, but when things go wrong I do look for the employee to look for and try every angle to get me where I need to go. I want, need and expect flexibility when the need arises. In many cases, time is truly money to me. I often fly to two different cities in a day. If something goes wrong, the dominoes start to fall fast and hard. The CP desk is wonderful when this happens and unlike any other perk offered to a FF in the industry. These guys and gals are the best. No other airline has anything even close.
The front line people are equally as good if they have the time. The only problem here is that with less and less agents, there are fewer of you behind that desk when we really need you. A flight cancelled from CMH the other night and when I walked up to the counter there were over 30 people in line. To the folks in CCY, your Kiosk was failing miserably in offering effective customer service at this juncture. DL however is far worse at recovery than US is. If you are stuck in ATL and need to talk to a real agent, be prepared to stand in line for over an hour to talk to one.
Third. An upgrade. I’ll admit it, I’m a snob. I want a place to work or relax when I get on the plane. I often spend in excess of 15 hours a week on a plane and that equals two days of productive time. Without the ability to spread out and work, I have to do it when I get home. I’m only home three days a week anyway and I don’t want to spend it on something I could have done on a plane. I don’t want to do the upgrade dance at the gate either. As several who will read this know, once those upgrades fall below 95%, I’m gone to another carrier. And before some one says “you get what you pay for†I average around a $1,000 a week on airfare.
I could care less what my Jack and Ginger is served in or on and whether I get a meal (cold or hot). I do how ever like the current offerings in the snack basket. Kudos to some one. But I think I’m unique in this respect and US is losing many VFF over the lack of any class up front. A pre-flight drink of choice, even if it is just water is nice.
Fourth As a frequent flyer I don’t do kiosk and I don’t like to stand in line. Take away the preferred check in line and agents like US has done in CMH or DAY and I’ll be gone. You want to be a LCC, then start charging me a fare like one. Don’t stick me for a PHL-ALB fare of $800, because you can. (Sorry for the rant)
I also don’t speak Spanish well and it will be to your benefit to not make me wish I did just so I can locate my lost bag or try to explain to some one in web tech support what a boarding pass is.
Fifth. A clean plane every once in a while would be a nice perk as well.
Over all, I do have a choice in who I fly. I choose US because of the service of the people on the front line. You are the best in the air and deserve much better than the hand being dealt to you. You amaze me in how you have kept your attitude were it is today. As my good friend Art always says………….
My best to you all!