PineyBob said:
If I was US Airways Marketing, I'd pay whatever it took to have the show "Airline" that's on A & E run round the clock in both US hubs and select focus cities.
Give Ma & Pa Kettle a nice snapshot of the customer experience on the "Tiolet Bowl Blue & Turd Brown" is like.
Before doing that, I'd take a walk around those focus cities, and ask people
without status if they note any difference between flying Southwest and US.
I suspect the answer, in most cases, will be "not really."
As CPs (well, former CPs in my case, since US only got around 50k BIS miles out of me last year) you become insulated to how the airline actually operates for the "average" passenger.
From what I've seen, LUV treats the "average" pax tons better than any given major on any given day. I've had a chance to run between CLE and RDU a few times lately, and CLE and MDW. On each occasion, it was a last minute trip and my choices were either a cramped RJ on CO or LUV or a connection in PHL on US. I must say that printing the BP online and showing up and grabbing an "A" seat on LUV was fairly painless, did not wrinkle my expensive "wear 'em in FC" slacks, and did not make me want to wretch (with the side benefit of not reaching for my wallet to see if the yield management types from the majors had made off with it). My bags even showed up.
Meanwhile, US has managed to delay my bags multiple times by virtue of the fact that they are flying J31s and -8s from RDU to PIT (I won't connect in PHL, even on a dare) and not even my magic US2 card is getting my stuff to me any faster.
I guess my point here is that the "turd brown bus" thing makes for a nice soundbite, but is factually worthless and that showing "airline" in US focus cities might make the
average US flyer wanting for