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Airlines And Service

PineyBob said:
This is a huge point on your part. We have lobbied them, met with them, badgered them, harrangued them with some result. Change is incremental and they are changing incrementally. Anytime you want to join and help us out, we'll take it whlinder.
You let me know what you want me to do, and I will see if I can do it as long as I can legally do it.

I guess it depends on your definition of a "Major" airline. US could do itself a world of good in observing how Alaska does things. They are very similar to US Airways in that they have a North-South routes structure. They also have successfully competed with SWA for many years. Primary difference is they fly a lot of EAS into Alaska.
Well the DOT says 1 billion a year in revenue is major. I'm not going to argue with the DOT. US should do a lot of things AS does. I've mentioned them a thousand times on here. If you like what AS does, have you mentioned them to your high level contacts?

Any company that doesn't maintain a dialogue with its customers will IMO ultimately fail.
I agree; any company that is out of touch with its customers will have major problems. US is out of touch, WN is not. As KCflyer has said, WN will repond to your letters and take action. Can you say that about US?

A legacy carrier is better suited to my needs professionally and personally.
In their current forms. What will you do if they change to something you don't like?
whlinder said:
I thought FFOCUS was Frequent Flyers Organized & Committed to US Airways Success? If you are committed to their success why aren't you helping them solve their pricing problems?

Since when do customers set prices? Only when those prices are high enough that they don't use it. I think the term we've coined is "BloFares".

If US wants to be successful, they need to lower the BloFares to a level that people will use them (without thinking twice) as opposed to making the 3, 4 or 5 hour drive.... that's what SW, JB and AirTran (and Delta with SimpliFares) have done... and it works.
PineyBob said:
Give Ma & Pa Kettle a nice snapshot of the customer experience on the "Tiolet Bowl Blue & Turd Brown" is like.

I know a full blown pi$$ing contest when I see it and far be it from me to get in the middle of this one. What bothers me though is the "collateral damage". In the process of attempting to make a point, the 35,000+ employees of Southwest Airlines who just come to work everyday and do their jobs and the millions of travelers who answer to neither "Ma" nor "Pa"(and even those that do) are insulted and maligned for their choice of employer and air carriers. Beat each others' brains out all you want. Leave the rest of us out of it.
jimcfs said:
Since when do customers set prices? Only when those prices are high enough that they don't use it. I think the term we've coined is "BloFares".

If US wants to be successful, they need to lower the BloFares to a level that people will use them (without thinking twice) as opposed to making the 3, 4 or 5 hour drive.... that's what SW, JB and AirTran (and Delta with SimpliFares) have done... and it works.

Glad you cited Delta. Delta also has a "heavy handed" FF program for earning "elite" status. Should US adopt some form of "simplifares", would there be the outcry from FFUCOS should they also implement the same changes to DM as they did to Skymiles? My guess is, yes, they'd be knocking on the door of the corner office to "dialogue" with them some more.
SWAFA30 said:
I know a full blown pi$$ing contest when I see it and far be it from me to get in the middle of this one. What bothers me though is the "collateral damage". In the process of attempting to make a point, the 35,000+ employees of Southwest Airlines who just come to work everyday and do their jobs and the millions of travelers who answer to neither "Ma" nor "Pa"(and even those that do) are insulted and maligned for their choice of employer and air carriers. Beat each others' brains out all you want. Leave the rest of us out of it.

Bravo SWAFA30, and this is coming from a flight attendant from the first Southwest, that would be Pacific Southwest Airlines. I have ridden on SWA many times and contrary to ignorant belief, it is a wonderful airline.

If you want to see "Ma and Pa", try flying out of CLT down to SJO or the Carribbean. Maybe, PHL to MBJ. All airlines have their "never flown befores". Especially since the fares are so low.

Now of course if you want to get involved in a pax bashing, I bet I could get f/a's from all the airlines to chime in on their complaints! :lol:
PineyBob said:
You are either a moron or a wind up artist of the first magnitude. DL withdrew most of the changes because the FF'ers essentially revolted.

Save the class warfare nonsense for someone else. That's where this is headed, it's the sub text of everyone of your posts.

If you go into your boss's office and demand a raise or you'll quit and he/she gives it to you who's at fault?

If we create an organization and say "If you make these changes or we'll take our business elsewhere" and they change policies who's fault is that?? I we ask and they agree I would argue that we are superior Sales People and negotiators as well.

Why does that bother you that an individual would join up with other individuals of like mind to influence the policies of a company or government?

Is it because it is offensive to your altruistic view of society?

I realize that FFOCUS isn't trying to solve world hunger here! But when your belly is full, free booze can be a more immediate need.

Bob...here is the subtext of all of my posts...FFUCOS is all about YOU. Not about US Airways, Not about US Airways employees. It's all about you. Save the "you guys are the greatest" or "nobody does it better" or pats on the back to US employees....the focus of FFUCOS is YOU. Simply admit it. And read back thru my posts...I belive you'll see that I never said anything about Southwest Airlines until after YOU assumed that I was talking about Southwest Airlines. It isn't about Southwest Airlines....it isn't about US Airways. It isn't about Delta, American, Continental or Northwest. It's all about - you.
PineyBob said:
To be brutally honest I wish you'd start a thread on that topic. I have seen little in 5 years, but what I have seen I file under "Why they hate us".

We have had to have a few very direct conversations with one or two of our members over conduct that worked its way back to us.

I don't think the regular customers that post here are the problem but it never hurts to see the flip side of things.

Won't you consider starting a thread???

I thought about it, but it's like an addiction, once you start you can't stop. I think it all comes down to respect. F/A's get absolutely NO RESPECT. Every single time I have gotten into it with a pax, it's over respect.

I mean come on, I don't let my son speak to me that way, so why should I let an adult I don't even know do it?

If I tell you to bring your seat up and you cop an attitude with me, how the hell am I going to convince you to leave your belongings and jump feet first hands up down the slide in an emergency. If you argue over not putting your bag under the seat, how are you going to listen to me if I'm telling you this exit is blocked go back that way?

Tell your fellow FFOCUS, that it's all about RESPECT. You treat me with it, I'll treat you with it!
Your welcome Bob.

You know, I haven't always been such a great f/a. (NO really) I used to bark at people as I was doing my final walk through, or even when I was serving. Now, I make it a concerted effort to politely ask, "would you please stow that bag, turn off that cd player, bring your seat up?" Everytime I take beverage orders, I ask a full question. "What would you like to drink?"

It may take an extra second or two, but it does wonders to command respect. It's the people that bark at me that I take offense to.

"Get me a pillow!" Give me a drink! And when you tell some one "no" or " I can't right now, I'm in the middle of a medical emergency" it's like you just punched them in the mouth. They practically come up swinging.

It's really like that in F/C. If I can't get to you to take your coat, I'll tell you to hang on to it until I can get back to your seat. I am not going to stop boarding and delay the flight while I go back and get a coat that can wait 5 minutes. I promise, I will get it, you won't have to hold it the entire flight.

OMG, the times I have been called a bi###. Good grief, you'd think I was dealing with a bunch of babies. The other day I was a F##% B#%# for not loaning my pen out to F/C pax to fill out their customs cards.

Well, my pen is part of my emergency equipment that I need. I can't just be giving it out. Not to mention I bought it with my money, and I shouldn't have to loan out anything that is mine. Customs and Immigration from any country doesn't supply pens to fill out their forms and neither does US.

Like I said, don't get me started! :shock:
KCFlyer said:
Bob...here is the subtext of all of my posts...FFUCOS is all about YOU. Not about US Airways, Not about US Airways employees. It's all about you. Save the "you guys are the greatest" or "nobody does it better" or pats on the back to US employees....the focus of FFUCOS is YOU. Simply admit it. And read back thru my posts...I belive you'll see that I never said anything about Southwest Airlines until after YOU assumed that I was talking about Southwest Airlines. It isn't about Southwest Airlines....it isn't about US Airways. It isn't about Delta, American, Continental or Northwest. It's all about - you.
UVN is that really you? :shock:
SWAFA30 said:
I know a full blown pi$$ing contest when I see it and far be it from me to get in the middle of this one. What bothers me though is the "collateral damage". In the process of attempting to make a point, the 35,000+ employees of Southwest Airlines who just come to work everyday and do their jobs and the millions of travelers who answer to neither "Ma" nor "Pa"(and even those that do) are insulted and maligned for their choice of employer and air carriers. Beat each others' brains out all you want. Leave the rest of us out of it.
In the course of the a year I will fly WN between 5 and 10 times a year. The employees of WN are very good at what they do. I would say that most really enjoy working for the airline and it shows. My problem with WN has absolutely nothing to do with the folks on the front line.
My problem with WN has absolutely nothing to do with the folks on the front line.

Not to take the thread too far off course, but what exactly is your problem with WN and with whom is your problem???

If it is their management and you are annoyed because you think they are out to kill your airline,, I think you are off the mark. They are on a crusade, mor or less, to bring sane and sensible fares to us members of the huddled masses who would just as soon not drive.

The legacy airlines are, to a degree, collateral damage. They aren't the target.....$477 one way fares from PIT to BUF are the target.

But I am glad you don't personally harbor any will towards WN's front line employees. I would suggest that if it hadn't been for WN...and their contribution to the deregulation of the industry (if it had not been for them it might never have taken place) then you would have seen stagnant CAB regulated fares, negligible industry growth, and a bunh of folks worried about their jobs would not have to worry, as they would not have jobs in the airline industry.
ELP_WN_Psgr said:
Not to take the thread too far off course, but what exactly is your problem with WN and with whom is your problem???

If it is their management and you are annoyed because you think they are out to kill your airline,, I think you are off the mark.  They are on a crusade, mor or less, to bring sane and sensible fares to us members of the huddled masses who would just as soon not drive.

The legacy airlines are, to a degree, collateral damage.  They aren't the target.....$477 one way fares from PIT to BUF are the target.

But I am glad you don't personally harbor any will towards WN's front line employees.  I would suggest that if it hadn't been for WN...and their contribution to the deregulation of the industry (if it had not been for them it might never have taken place) then you would have seen stagnant CAB regulated fares, negligible industry growth, and a bunh of folks worried about their jobs would not have to worry, as they would not have jobs in the airline industry.
Actually I agree with everything you have posted here.

I harbor no ill will toward WN for the damage done to US. WN has done more to change the industry than any other airline, and most of the changes have been positive. If US can not compete with them, then they should go out of business. It is called free enterprise and I am a big supporter of that concept.

There are many aspects of WN I admire, but I'm not going to admit them here. 😛 My problems are only a few, but they are enough to keep me from flying them if I have an option. The biggest for me is seat assignment. I just simply don't care to have to stand in line like cattle to get an aisle seat in the front half of the bus. Second, to be honest with you is the lack of first class. Third, if you have a problem on WN, i.e. irregular ops, no other airline will work with you to get you where you need to go. Fourth, when things do go wrong, status means nothing on WN. As a business traveler, getting where I need to go, when I need to, can mean having a productive week versus a busted one. If status on US or DL puts me on the next flight over some one else, so be it. And God forbid the princess in my family, my daughter, have to fly in coach on an award ticket. 😀 There are a few more, but these are the more important ones.

Over all I think WN is a good airline, has been good for the industry, and I wish them well. I also think there is room in the market place for an airline to offer something more in the way of on board service. That is why the market offers Kia's and Cadillac's.
I was with you until ...

ELP_WN_Psgr said:
If it is their management and you are annoyed because you think they are out to kill your airline,, I think you are off the mark.  They are on a crusade, mor or less, to bring sane and sensible fares to us members of the huddled masses who would just as soon not drive.

The legacy airlines are, to a degree, collateral damage.  They aren't the target.....$477 one way fares from PIT to BUF are the target.

But I am glad you don't personally harbor any will towards WN's front line employees.  I would suggest that if it hadn't been for WN...and their contribution to the deregulation of the industry (if it had not been for them it might never have taken place) then you would have seen stagnant CAB regulated fares, negligible industry growth, and a bunh of folks worried about their jobs would not have to worry, as they would not have jobs in the airline industry.

I don't think so!
J.S., if you went back and looked at your history, the single biggest impetus for congress to pass the Airline Deregulation Act of 1978 was the testimony of one each M. Lamar Muse, president & CEO of Southwest Airlines Co. I don't have the complete transcript in front of me, but you could look it up.

The funniest line in the whole thing was when Casey (from AA) was testifying about how deregulation would lead to shoddy maintenance and an increase in fatal air accidents. He basically stated that only profitable airlines could possibly be safe (or words to that effect). The entire assembled crowd laughed quite a bit at Muse's question of Casey...namely, that that must mean that Southwest, with a profit margin of 10%.....must be 10 times safer than flying American which was fortunate (in a good year) to translate 1% of their revenue to the bottom line.

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