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Airline Executives Meet

mweiss said:
This is what leads me to ask why you're still there. Once you no longer care about your employer, it's time to leave.
ah-ha, and my personal departure is just what this management wants.

Guess what? I'm not leaving until all the lights are out. If you knew what I do, you would know why I'm still here 😉
USA320Pilot said:

Tadjr asked: Please explain it to me if I'm missing something other than just wanting to be unassociated with UA for possible reasons.

USA320Pilot answers: US Airways needs domestic reach in addition to international code sharing, thus if United fails, US Airways would not have Western U.S. or Pacific gateway code sharing, except for other Star partners.


But I thought RSA was going to buy some of them on the cheap? Have things changed?

Tadjr said: "But I thought RSA was going to buy some of them on the cheap? Have things changed?"

USA320Pilot answers: The UCT and its derivative the ICT was based on United surviving, which is now uncertain at best. I still believe that United and US Airways may merge and there is strong reason within CCY to believe this will occur. As I have repeatedly said, I do not want to merge with United and I have never desired for this to occur, but ya' know what, management did not ask me my opinion.

I personally believe Northwest would be a better fit for US Airways because of economics.

After all of the cuts, United is losing millions of dollars every day and has a huge number of serious problems. Thus, thanks, but no thanks.

It's time for US Airways to move on. When would now be a good time for that to occur?



I understand your concern and if I was in your shoes I would feel the same way.

The issue is that United had a operating loss of over $6 million per day and a net loss of over $8 million per day in January and there is no reason to believe that February or March will be any better.

After all of the cost cuts and the inability to articulate a POR, I would be scared too and probably like you I would have a difficult time with this since your vision appears to be obscured.

What don't you understand about losses like this and all of the problems indicated by the news media?


mweiss said:
That was horribly unconstructive. You said nothing about what was wrong with his argument; instead, you chose to attack the person.

If that's all you have to contribute, then perhaps having more later isn't necessary.
I did not attack the person mweiss, read previous post, Remember my opinion on this forum is worth just as much as yours. And remember something..GOOD DAY....MORE LATER :up:

I believe your opinions are worth much......MORE LATER :lol: : :lol: :lol:
PITbull said:
my personal departure is just what this management wants.
That's a horrible reason to stay. Why let your life's choices be defined by what someone else wants? Do what's best for PITbull, not what's worst for Dave.
NeedForSpeedNFS said:
Remember my opinion on this forum is worth just as much as yours.
Of course it is. But telling someone that their opinion is wrong without any further elaboration is a waste of digital ink. Feel free to have an opinion, but how about expressing the background as well? Otherwise, we're not having a discussion anymore; we're just having a shouting match.
USA320Pilot said:
I and some informed people believe the odds are greater than 50-50 that United may not survive.
USAir320pilot (and avek),

If you think that UA has a less than 50% chance of survival, I am curious what you think are the odds of U surviving? Just to keep things in perspective.

Bear96 asked: "If you think that UA has a less than 50% chance of survival, I am curious what you think are the odds of U surviving?"

USA320Pilot: 50-50. The difference between US Airways and United is that US Airways has more control over its destiny, where United does not.


USA320Pilot said:
The difference between US Airways and Untied is that US Airways has more control over its destiny, where United does not.
I think the only "control" US Scareways has right now is which assets to sell first. And really, they don't even have much control over that.

Bear96 said; "I think the only "control" US Scareways has right now is which assets to sell first. And really, they don't even have much control over that."

USA320Pilot comments: I find your name calling interesting, but the simple fact is United is losing $6 to $8 million per day (after all of the employee cuts), the news media is reporting the DIP financing runs out in May, the Wall Street Journal reported last week the company could miss its DIP numbers, there is significant speculation the ATSB will object to United's application again, the airline cannot articulate a business plan and repeatedly asks the bankruptcy court for more time to submit its POR. Both companies are in trouble, but to call names or to say US Airways and its employees do not have control of their destiny is foolish.

For United it's tic...toc...tic..toc and that's why I believe US Airways should divorce itself of its business partner.


It's a shame that you don't see the BIG picture Captain. US Airways IS over....the company will NEVER survive (and it's obvious to most), perhaps United is over too...oh well.

MODERATOR, what is your definition of a flame bait? My UNCUT AND UNPASTED article was removed as flame but this isn't? tsk tsk

Difference between everyone and YOU is that we don't try to rub your nose in it.
and usa320pilot just how much is usair loosing after all the employee givebacks? and you think more are needed? you sound more like management than labor. just give more so we can save the airline is your philosophy? how do you look yourself in the mirror man? i think indeed your just desperate because you really dont have any other option's except perhaps having your wife support you and thats why your so eager to give, here's an idea take your logbook down to the local fbo and give flight instruction for meager wages, because thats what your asking the mechanics to do, sell thier skills for cheap wages, you think your better than mechanics? they insure you and countless others have a safe and uneventful flight every day 24/7 365! get a grip :blink:

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