Real tired
This question always bugs the **** out of me when asked. Why is it no one questions why pilots have their own representation as do F/A's as do Flight Dispatchers. We have issues and concerns that other groups do not have it is not about being elitist which is another word thrown around when we A@P's wanna go our own way. Was thrown around plenty when we went AMFA at NW. We hold an FAA certificate and can be held accountable in an incident or accident for repairs or work we do and there are plenty of crashes in history caused by maintenance errors to back that up. The NMB has us classified as maintenance and " related" This is why we were forced to take the cleaners when we broke off from the iam and our little local pretty much full time was handling grievances from the cleaner group and their petty BS. Our AMT pay when I was at NW was pretty close to ramp pay under the IAM the entire time I was there our license premium was 70 cents a license. The very first AMFA contract once the ink was dry was a 13 dollar an hour raise and more than double the pension multiplier if that doesn't prove that the industrial union was keeping us down nothing will. Personally my feeling is until the NMB has the A@P reclassified as it's own separate class and craft and also falling under the rules of the railway labor act it just isn't worth being in a union as an A@P. I am at FX our license premium is for both A@P is over 20 dollars an hour and we are do not have to deal with any other groups and their issues.
There 'ya go. Good post. I just wish many more felt the way you do. And until they do, we as AMT's, will always be held back.