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Aircraft maint issues

The thing is Swampy American will get brain drain, if they take forever to get a deal, or a crappy deal, especially the young guys.
And no disrespect to anyone, I was shocked at how united we ended up being in the end. AMFA did a heck of a job getting the entire membership united enough to pull it off. As in years past, I was expecting a yes vote on the last contract for the exact reason pou state here, brain drain and just people tired of waiting and sick of getting "beat down". Every single one of the no voters before, that I have talked with, have stated they are glad now that we did vote down that first offer and that AMFA was right. I give them all kudos for admitting it too. Yes we all know it could have gone differently, but the co. got how united we were with that overwhelmingly NO vote on first offer. It would have been completely different if it failed by only say 1-5% as it did with our stores folks.
I know this is the AA thread, but I think the exact same principle applies to the AA mechanics as is did with us. The hardest part will be to get the asso. to be able to get the membership unified enough.

Years ago it wasn't. Nowadays who's to say. They seem to hire a lot more on the LUS side though. I would be the first to point out to any new hire AMT that they would do well to hire on with a company that actually takes care of their AMTs.
I remember when AA was the "cream of the crop" to get hired on with. Sad to see they lost that title.
In TULE there are some new A&P's.
Understand these women (2) were in Stores and became licensed, now they are working 737 dock work.

Why did you have to mention that these 2 Licensed AMT’s are Women?

Are you a Misogynist?
In TULE there are some new A&P's.
Understand these women (2) were in Stores and became licensed, now they are working 737 dock work.
I have seen our rampers get their A&P, go into our apprentice program, and become excellent mechanics.
AMFA wouldn’t negotiate with NWA, NWA moves on without them. Now the mechs that replaced AMFA are doing very well with delta. (Doing mech work )

IAM at eastern turned down a contract that was better then what TWU had at AA. The eastern pilots and FAs supported IAM, Lorenzo drained eastern for every bit money he could and shut it down. Lorenzo’s Texas air international parent company took all the airlines underneath that umbrella and made continental which was a good airline then merged with United.

Eastern mechs pilots and FAs lost everything and started from the bottom at other airlines.

When speaking of AMFA at NWA don't post **** you know nothing about I lived it dude and the mechanics that replaced us and now at DL are scabs I would have 31 years seniority at DL right now if I had been wormy enough to cross my own picket line. We were not going to negotiate a 51% cut in personal and 25% cut in pay for the remaining. Checchi and the other Marriott group scumbags that came in with very little money took the airplanes we owned and turned around sold them and leased them back and put the profit in their pocket then cry poverty and want paycuts for all of us that started in 1993 and continued ever since...Get the hell out of here.. They should be in jail
5 openings in IAH thought there were supposed to be 30? maybe 25 for the IAM? maybe they figured they can only get 5 to work under the twu.


Given the way the contract is written currently, why would anybody risk making the commitment of relocating to Houston? The company could shut it down a year later. For the potential IAH AMTs, get ready for the veiled threats that will no doubt be included in your welcome aboard greeting upon arrival.
When speaking of AMFA at NWA don't post **** you know nothing about I lived it dude and the mechanics that replaced us and now at DL are scabs I would have 31 years seniority at DL right now if I had been wormy enough to cross my own picket line. We were not going to negotiate a 51% cut in personal and 25% cut in pay for the remaining. Checchi and the other Marriott group scumbags that came in with very little money took the airplanes we owned and turned around sold them and leased them back and put the profit in their pocket then cry poverty and want paycuts for all of us that started in 1993 and continued ever since...Get the hell out of here.. They should be in jail
AMFA was damned if they struck or not all designed by Northwest management. I have ex Northwest guys on my crew that chased their jobs all over the country till the strike came. The Eastern guys were locked out. I have friends of mine at Delta, that were screwed when they closed DFW, then relocated to TPA and they closed that hangar also, forcing them to move again.
Engine overhaul but the aircraft are here. Maybe someone from hangar 5 & 6 can expand on what work is actually being done on the 777-200's in Tulsa, and if it is indeed the work that HAECO did. But there is 777-200 work is in Tulsa.
There was a company in Mobile AL doing the 777 work. Did TULE take that work back from them?
Wishing you guys good luck this week in nego's. Hopefully some movement and new dates will be attained.
When speaking of AMFA at NWA don't post **** you know nothing about I lived it dude and the mechanics that replaced us and now at DL are scabs I would have 31 years seniority at DL right now if I had been wormy enough to cross my own picket line. We were not going to negotiate a 51% cut in personal and 25% cut in pay for the remaining. Checchi and the other Marriott group scumbags that came in with very little money took the airplanes we owned and turned around sold them and leased them back and put the profit in their pocket then cry poverty and want paycuts for all of us that started in 1993 and continued ever since...Get the hell out of here.. They should be in jail

NWA wanted to get concessions from AMFA, just like they had already or were in process of getting concessions from ramp pilots and FAs. AMFA said we will wait until contract is up. Full pay to the last day. It’s good to be tough but not when the rest of the industry and unions at the same company has already taken or given concessions.

NWA taught AMFA and all unions that they can be replaced. You chose to remain loyal to the union and the company decided to fill maintenance positions with mechanics from outside the union. Not a great time to strike when so many mechs were desperate and looking for work. Now would be the time to strike. Mech shortage, demand and economy are strong.

The job position you walked away from was an AMT opening at NWA, it was not yours or the unions position. You and AMFA gambled that NWA wouldn’t be able to fill that position.

the basement airline CFO, and the NWA CFO differed on what they said they can afford. Just like in 2010 when the majority of AA mechs listened to our basement CFOs we voted down a TA and we have all left $70k on table and still counting.

I know it’s more popular to parrot union rhetoric on this forum, but a dose of reality is necessary. I will say NWA was obviously out to break AMFA with that offer. No way 51% of mechs will vote themselves out of a job. But then again it was arrogant of AMFA to think they were above taking concessions when pilots and FAs already did.

One thing I forgot about, most airlines buy the airplanes to their specs then sell them to a leasing company then lease back those same airplanes. AAs entire fleet of F100s were handled that way. Nothing new. Best not to ask the mechanic wing walking how airline financing works, he’s probably not an expert.
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Given the way the contract is written currently, why would anybody risk making the commitment of relocating to Houston? The company could shut it down a year later. For the potential IAH AMTs, get ready for the veiled threats that will no doubt be included in your welcome aboard greeting upon arrival.

Nothing unusual for any airline. Even DFW had mechs displaced as well as all the other big hubs. Airline industry isn’t immune from closures are movement like any other industry.

Only relative safety is working in large hub and having a lot of seniority.
There was a company in Mobile AL doing the 777 work. Did TULE take that work back from them?
Great question, I was hoping one of the guys actually working on them could answer it. I work in the test cell buildings
& I see them in the hangars and on the ramp. (they are hard to miss).You are correct we did have work done in Mobile
When speaking of AMFA at NWA don't post **** you know nothing about I lived it dude and the mechanics that replaced us and now at DL are scabs I would have 31 years seniority at DL right now if I had been wormy enough to cross my own picket line. We were not going to negotiate a 51% cut in personal and 25% cut in pay for the remaining. Checchi and the other Marriott group scumbags that came in with very little money took the airplanes we owned and turned around sold them and leased them back and put the profit in their pocket then cry poverty and want paycuts for all of us that started in 1993 and continued ever since...Get the hell out of here.. They should be in jail
Parker and company are doing the same thing at aa its legal looting.
As far as big jets he has a very high opinion if himself. He would be more then happy to give everything away fir 10 pieces of silver. Because as an a&p we shoulsd do just a&p work blah blah blah
Parker and company are doing the same thing at aa its legal looting.
As far as big jets he has a very high opinion if himself. He would be more then happy to give everything away fir 10 pieces of silver. Because as an a&p we shoulsd do just a&p work blah blah blah

I don’t have a overly high opinion of myself, but I do want to emulate delta and SWA mechanics, doing only A&P work and getting high pay to do it.

In your line of thinking we should all accept less so you can wing walk and ramp guys can stuff pillow cases. I would rather you turn wrenches and ramp guys handle all that they do on through trips.