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Aircraft maint issues

June 27, 1884.


Check this part out. BLS classification systems “Industry”


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Comparisons would be made on base plus all premiums. Total hourly wage. Delta is $4 an hour higher than UA.

Ok but didn’t your Union put out a letter saying that there would be no adjustments because you guys were higher than Delta and we hadn’t reached a JCBA yet?
They put out a letter and said because American hasnt gotten anything there will be no adjustment. They know Delta is $4 higher than UA.

Ok but didn’t your Union put out a letter saying that there would be no adjustments because you guys were higher than Delta and we hadn’t reached a JCBA yet?
They put out a letter and said because American hasnt gotten anything there will be no adjustment. They know Delta is $4 higher than UA.

My sincere apologies for misreading that part of your update.

“However; the other measured airline (Delta) has had improvements in their compensation package, which will most likely trigger the reset by the measurement date, as outlined in the agreement. As we get nearer to the measurement date and we are able to solidify information based on all the metrics outlined in the agreement a dispatch will be distributed explaining how the reset calculation will take place.”
Funny how non-Union AMTs are setting the pace. I thought it was supposed to be the other way around. AMTs of AA and UA will never catch DL. Neither will SWA for that matter.
Oh I have been a lead too long asshole ,let me break it down. AUG 2012 mechanic flat rate $38.59, 2-.00 a license up to three unless the shop requires it. So $4.00. Longevity up to $1.30, working third shift $.63 cents. So a total of $44.52, so I am so fing sorry I missed by .22¢. Like I said forgot that .22¢.
Oh. Now I am an asshole. When I was correct. Wow.
So instead of saying, hey, I did get that wrong, and you were right swamt, I stand corrected. YOU decided to call names and intimidate. i was simply asking that you please not spread misinformation to other airlines about our pay and benefits, that's all. And you go off on a rampage. Speaks volumes little buddy...
My sincere apologies for misreading that part of your update.

“However; the other measured airline (Delta) has had improvements in their compensation package, which will most likely trigger the reset by the measurement date, as outlined in the agreement. As we get nearer to the measurement date and we are able to solidify information based on all the metrics outlined in the agreement a dispatch will be distributed explaining how the reset calculation will take place.”

Typical of you weez...
To you SWA guys, how is management treating you? Are they watching you closely being more disciplineary with you etc ....

Or is it like AA, where we feel sorry for members of management?

I have never worked at a company where nobody wants to work their way up the corporate ladder. Not even to be a Crew Chief. Especially since you lose your seniority.
Yup, not much ambition at the NAA. Just a job and a paycheck, albeit a good one, right Weezie?
To you SWA guys, how is management treating you? Are they watching you closely being more disciplineary with you etc ....

Or is it like AA, where we feel sorry for members of management?

I have never worked at a company where nobody wants to work their way up the corporate ladder. Not even to be a Crew Chief. Especially since you lose your seniority.
No changes where I am from our sup. However, from managers up, they have cut off all vac days, f/h days, day trades and giveaways. In other words all additional time off other than your reg off days.
Not hearing or experiencing any "watching" us more closely. Since they enacted the SOE some guys that have emergencies are required to bring back proof. Never had we ever had to do that before. It's all game playing by the company's upper, upper management. But it's mostly a certain manager trying his best to take back the airline...
Oh. Now I am an asshole. When I was correct. Wow.
So instead of saying, hey, I did get that wrong, and you were right swamt, I stand corrected. YOU decided to call names and intimidate. i was simply asking that you please not spread misinformation to other airlines about our pay and benefits, that's all. And you go off on a rampage. Speaks volumes little buddy...
When you act like a big deal on an American Forum, that I missed something by.22 cents, when you try to dis credit me, because I don't tow the AMFA line, you are what I called you.
No changes where I am from our sup. However, from managers up, they have cut off all vac days, f/h days, day trades and giveaways. In other words all additional time off other than your reg off days.
Not hearing or experiencing any "watching" us more closely. Since they enacted the SOE some guys that have emergencies are required to bring back proof. Never had we ever had to do that before. It's all game playing by the company's upper, upper management. But it's mostly a certain manager trying his best to take back the airline...
No changes except everyone panicked and flooded the sups with 3 months, of day trades, so now they do 48 hours notice, that's it.
Funny how non-Union AMTs are setting the pace. I thought it was supposed to be the other way around. AMTs of AA and UA will never catch DL. Neither will SWA for that matter.
Spirit and Frontier will pass SWA the way we are going, sometime.
I swear I’m not trying to crush your opinion but again I think the narrative behind what you’re thinking is just a little out there. It’s not quite in the conspiracy realm of the Moon landing being staged but just on my common sense meter alone this one registers off the charts.

If these Airlines really wanted to water you guys down like you say they would have included us Baggage Handlers in there as well.

And again what year was the first BLS statistic for your skilled trade released?

You really should get over yourself. Crush my opinion, with what?

Here you go, Russ wrote this a few years back, and did a very good job explaining the situation AMTs find themselves stuck in today. Copy & paste this:

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