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Aircraft maint issues

Why the shot across my bow? I’ve never said AMT’s aren’t anything but very hard working professionals all hours of the day.
no not at all he just seems very opinionated on dfw. you have been known to be opinionated on dfw also. i do wonder what super station he is at.
no not at all he just seems very opinionated on dfw. you have been known to be opinionated on dfw also. i do wonder what super station he is at.

Oh ok. I thought you were criticizing him on the other thing.

You do know I still spent most of my career in DFW (12 years) I don’t think anyone should knock another station too much unless they actually worked there themselves.

I “think” I earned my right to give my old bro’s a little ribbing once in awhile?
Maybe 'American Airlines' should be rebranded 'South American Airlines' 🙂
Just curious are you weaasles alter ego in maintenance? Is your ignorance natural or something you have to work at?
Those are just facts. Union officials scaring the mechanics saying that days and afternoons will be eliminated once contract signed and I’m thinking it’s just the hangar operation at DFW.

I guess you really never noticed how the aircraft with mechanical problems going into DFW are picked up by DWH and how problem aircraft are routed away from DFW. How is it that MIA with 3 hangar bays has 2 wide body phase checks and LAX with 4 hangar bays has 3 barrow body phase checks, but DFW with more then 10 hangar bays has zero phase checks but has more then 300 mechs trying to get back to Dallas. I’m looking forward to when IAMs layoff rules are enforced no longer can the juniority system be used to benefit the few at the expense of everybody else.

You DFW I got mine guys are learning that American will get its work done one way or the other.
Those are just facts. Union officials scaring the mechanics saying that days and afternoons will be eliminated once contract signed and I’m thinking it’s just the hangar operation at DFW.

I guess you really never noticed how the aircraft with mechanical problems going into DFW are picked up by DWH and how problem aircraft are routed away from DFW. How is it that MIA with 3 hangar bays has 2 wide body phase checks and LAX with 4 hangar bays has 3 barrow body phase checks, but DFW with more then 10 hangar bays has zero phase checks but has more then 300 mechs trying to get back to Dallas. I’m looking forward to when IAMs layoff rules are enforced no longer can the juniority system be used to benefit the few at the expense of everybody else.

You DFW I got mine guys are learning that American will get its work done one way or the other.
It almost sounds like American wants their aircraft repositioned in MIA and LAX for jumping off international , rather than sitting in the middle of the country.
It almost sounds like American wants their aircraft repositioned in MIA and LAX for jumping off international , rather than sitting in the middle of the country.
All aircraft types fly through DFW except for A330 and DFW has a lot of international flights. DFW is also the main logistics base.
I wonder why all those hangar bays and and hangar spots are always full of airplanes? I dont know but, they all look like they're flying aa colors. Strange indeed.
Thats what happens when you have no idea what you are talking about, and just decide to talk. Walk in the shoes before you criticize the journey.
I wonder why all those hangar bays and and hangar spots are always full of airplanes? I dont know but, they all look like they're flying aa colors. Strange indeed.
It's probably like drop in maintenance, or out of service aircraft, and not full heavy checks!
Hmm, I wonder if it makes sense to use all those 30+ spots/bays for drop in maintenance at aa's biggest hub, and some cards/checks too and when manning can't support what's on the table, send some across the field.. Hmm,,or, is it really a giant conspiracy to shut down 3 giant multibay hangars they're refurbishing break rooms on and lots of concrete outside to get even with a pissed off workforce?
Hmm, I wonder if it makes sense to use all those 30+ spots/bays for drop in maintenance at aa's biggest hub, and some cards/checks too and when manning can't support what's on the table, send some across the field.. Hmm,,or, is it really a giant conspiracy to shut down 3 giant multibay hangars they're refurbishing break rooms on and lots of concrete outside to get even with a pissed off workforce?
How many lines of maintenance has DFW lost to contracted out or other maintenance bases? We have guys where I am at that used to work for Delta when the closed the maintenance base at DFW, then they went to Tampa and Delta closed that hangar also. We also have ex Northwest that chased jobs till they got laid off.
Lots, they constantly move B check (or whatever they call them now) lines around, some guys say its punitive, others say its business, I fall under the business decision category. I think right now theres a 78 check and 319 check. They take all night and part of the day. Weekly frequency varies.

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