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Aircraft maint issues

That is the great thing of the juniority system. It minimizes the impact. Only those laid off and those on the juniority list are affected.
You are 100% correct, thats why when they do it, each person is given options that include your picks. The virtual RIF is then set into motion "virtually" and you are given the end result. Each person that is affected in the virtual RIF will still make a decision and when its finished the people affected are notified of where or how they ended up.
Are you saying they simulate the "waves" after receiving picks? Because when i was there I remember them having wave 1 then having wave 2 and 3 weeks apart and AFTER people had already arrived from wave 1.

Are you stating that is no longer the case?

That is the great thing of the juniority system. It minimizes the impact. Only those laid off and those on the juniority list are affected.
Well minimizing impact is a good thing.

Though I see the validity of the complaints about the juniority system.
You are 100% correct, thats why when they do it, each person is given options that include your picks. The virtual RIF is then set into motion "virtually" and you are given the end result. Each person that is affected in the virtual RIF will still make a decision and when its finished the people affected are notified of where or how they ended up.

That's the goofiest thing I've ever heard of. A virtual bump?

It does remind me of a Star Trek episode where the two planets had been at war for 500 years. To minimize the impact on the population, the computer fought a virtual war. When the computer set an attack into motion, it picked those people to report to the "disintegration booth" as the end result. It minimized the impact. Only those chosen by the computer were affected.

Maybe that's were American Airlines got their idea for the juniority system?
The odds are
Its not really the companies problem, they will do what they call a virtual RIF and let you know where your final location is. A long time ago it would have been a major problem for the company, but technology has taken care of that.
I would say the IAM bumping policy will prevail. The laid off worker will choose where he or she wants to bump to as long as he or she has someone junior to him. Since we all like to preach that seniority is all we have left, then we need to practice what we preach. It is only fair that a more senior employee gets to go where he or she wishes and not wind up in the most junior of stations.
I am in hopes of you guys moving to the IAM way using your seniority. The way of TWU with it's juniority system is complete BS. It was something the TWU agreed to with the company way back when. Just not sure if all current levels of seniority will get grandfathered in or not. Hopefully they will. If they do not, there will be some big changes coming to certain groups like leads (cc), inspection, maybe even MC and other areas as well. I still have not heard how they are doing classification seniority as of yet. It will get interesting on which way they will go to.
This was a comment on jetnet by a mechanic in BOS that was removed by the company. Inquiries to TWU were not taken seriously and pretty much blown off. Read this comment and ask your local union officials why there is no action or comment by them. Here it is:

"Open Skies" is supposed to save American jobs. I find it interesting that on the Tech Ops MAPS page the following places are listed as "BASE MAINTENANCE STATIONS".
Here is the list of Stations along with the countries they are located in.
AMO - Chad PAO - USA
ARO - Columbia RDV - Russia
BFO - Zimbabwe SLO - Illinois
GSV - USA SNO - Thailand
GUO - Honduras STO - Sweden
HKO - Hong Kong TPO- USA
MLO - Greece TSO - U.K.
MMO- Cape Verde VLO - Brazil or Venezuela (code shows both)

Only 3 of the 15 stations listed are in the U.S. I think the Company along with the TWU/IAM need to clarify and explain to the AMT work group how this IS going to impact us. As it appears now, saving American jobs appears to mean "saving" management, pilot and flight attendants jobs with absolutely no concern for saving Aircraft Maintenance jobs. Would Mr.Parker, Mr.Isom or the Presidents of the TWU or IAM care to comment on this?
We need an answer to this and many other items BEFORE we vote on a new contract. It is up to all union members to know exactly what we are voting on and the impact it will have on our future.
Airlines all Airlines, look at inflight and management as profit producers. Maintenance is looked as cost.
Sounds like the company is looking to relieve themselves of a good many of us "Bricks in the backpack" in the latest scope proposal on the table. Hopefully our NC can move this back in our direction. If not this thing is going to be dragging out for a long time.
Sounds like the company is looking to relieve themselves of a good many of us "Bricks in the backpack" in the latest scope proposal on the table. Hopefully our NC can move this back in our direction. If not this thing is going to be dragging out for a long time.


Have you seen the scope ? If yes than why hasn't the membership seen it.?
Sounds like the company is looking to relieve themselves of a good many of us "Bricks in the backpack" in the latest scope proposal on the table. Hopefully our NC can move this back in our direction. If not this thing is going to be dragging out for a long time.

Agreed. Scope is the main issue.
But if history serves as a lesson to us all, no matter how we ever voted on a contract, no matter what, we lost jobs anyway.
I do not think outsourcing will ever be reversed nor reduced. The question is do we wait years and years balking at any scope change? I am not saying roll over and play dead.....But look at the numbers we once had and look at it now. We lost more WITHOUT being in BK than we did IN.
We lose every day that we do not have a new agreement.

Have you seen the scope ? If yes than why hasn't the membership seen it.?
MM is correct. My opinion on why you guys are not allowed to see the scope ask by company is because it is so drastic just as in our case at SWA. It's an overkill of asks. They are not releasing in "hopes" to keep the membership calm and collected, which is a request by the company and this asso is agreeing with the company yet again. If I were the NC, I would release what the asks are from the company and follow up with how hard we will fight for our work etc... Not releasing just starts the rumor mills (as MM said it was) and misinformation to swirl like wildfires thru the membership and across the entire system. With no "detailed" updates from the asso. the rumors get enlarged by each city and sation that the rumors are passed on thru with. It's the most negative way to keep the membership uninformed over nego's. Put it all out there for them (membership) to fully judge on their own. This way they know what they are up against and how hard they need to fight.
BTW Buck; here is the latest with our nego's and what might work a little in our favor going forward, I hope...

Southwest Airlines' dispute with its mechanics could stall...
MM is correct. My opinion on why you guys are not allowed to see the scope ask by company is because it is so drastic just as in our case at SWA. It's an overkill of asks. They are not releasing in "hopes" to keep the membership calm and collected, which is a request by the company and this asso is agreeing with the company yet again. If I were the NC, I would release what the asks are from the company and follow up with how hard we will fight for our work etc... Not releasing just starts the rumor mills (as MM said it was) and misinformation to swirl like wildfires thru the membership and across the entire system. With no "detailed" updates from the asso. the rumors get enlarged by each city and sation that the rumors are passed on thru with. It's the most negative way to keep the membership uninformed over nego's. Put it all out there for them (membership) to fully judge on their own. This way they know what they are up against and how hard they need to fight.
BTW Buck; here is the latest with our nego's and what might work a little in our favor going forward, I hope...

Southwest Airlines' dispute with its mechanics could stall...
They are in the same boat we are in Swampy, but they have just been in the boat longer. You can hold out forever, but in the end , you loose something to get a contract. No one wants to admit that, and it really doesn't matter what union you have. All we have to do look at the industry.
How sad this is. We have to come to here to get updates. What the iam/twu A$$ puts out is sh1t! no truth to what is really going on! Yes I do try to make are monthly meeting with a very small # guys.🙁 Just as bad!

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