The pay; as you know, is very recent - considering how long it took, kinda takes away from it. Sorta like we payed for it - by not receiving a real raise since 2002. Yes, AMTs at SWA enjoyed a lot more in pay and benefits than AA's AMTs - for well over a decade. Lets not dismiss that so easily though, cause it's a huge issue.
As far as the jobs go - relating to headcount, are you implying that AA's AMTs should accept less in pay and benefits to maintain a higher dues paying headcount? It does sound like that is what you're asking. The short answer is, I prefer to keep work inhouse, as do the rest of my line maintenance colleagues. However, if the company wants to outsource, I am opposed to accepting less in pay and benefits to maintain the union's headcount. There is no tax write off for charitable contributions in the form of AA's AMTs accepting less to maintain the TWU's desired headcount. Been there, done that, it doesn't work. When AA wants to cut headcount, they do!
Not unlike every other AMT at AA, I was hired by AA, because they needed AMTs. The lame union came with the job. In regard to the NMB, they are appointed stooges. Many of them have strong ties to large labor unions one way or another. Tell me how they are not easily bought off, I'll try not to laugh at you. BTW, this happened both before and after Little's tenure with the TWU.