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Aircraft maint issues

Is there a letter of proof that they really asked or was that something claimed? After over 5 years wouldn’t you think Negotiators have to say something to keep the masses on their side?

The irony is yes that can be applie to our talks as well. Company says one thing, Union says another. Who do you “choose” to believe?
It’s AMFA not the twu example you will get to vote on association that didn’t happen. The twu don v piss poor language on the company side of pre funding. We haven’t got it yet, nor have we got the equity yet. The twu should of counter sued for the expenses of the sham law suit. Since AMFA filed a suit I bet they have proof of the company wanting to contract out the ETOPS in hnl
It’s AMFA not the twu example you will get to vote on association that didn’t happen. The twu don v piss poor language on the company side of pre funding. We haven’t got it yet, nor have we got the equity yet. The twu should of counter sued for the expenses of the sham law suit. Since AMFA filed a suit I bet they have proof of the company wanting to contract out the ETOPS in hnl

They didn’t file a Lawsuit, they threatened to file. I’m sorry Conehead but it just doesn’t work that way.

Don V did not write the Prefunding language (Bankruptcy)
The Equity is coming.
Can’t unfortunately counter sue. I wish they could have.
No violation.

They haven’t flown one ETOPS Flight.

Go read their contract, I gave clear examples of the language which WN will use to do what they want.

And ETOPS is not even mentioned in their scope.

But you won’t, as you are another one who thinks AMFA can do no wrong.

As you don’t even see they said they were filing a lawsuit, Gee no lawsuit, now a WN mechanic said they filled a grievance.

So which is it, a lawsuit or a grievance?

And there has been no violation of their CBA.

Good luck on that.
Why don’t you come clean and stop”pretending” you are a banker.

Till then I suggest you don’t post towards me as I won’t respond, you are irrelevant and easily refutable.

Why don't you stop pretending you are a Mechanic? I asked you if you were a Fleet Service and you have ignored the question.
I like it that you are here except when you do more than just Q&A. You attack guests and other mechanics. It seems obvious that you are a Industrial Union plant here to attack AMFA. Of course SWAMT and Driver are in their own way defending their positions.
You’re now at a TOS Base of around $105,000 not counting your benefits.

I’m not whacking you here with this question Vort but seriously you feel like you’re currently being watered down?

Now yes the SWA AMT did earn more in pay and benefits than you did for over a decade. He DID though (I know why already ok) have far less jobs though (You don’t care about those) and his Company never had a year they weren’t profitable. So that again CAN’T be ignored or denied even if posters here want it to be.

Currently (No it might not last) you make in wages $4.00 per hour more than the SWA AMT. And Management has mentioned that you have fallen behind and they owe you more.

BTW it’s the NMB (Whether you like it or not) that has all those Watering Down (Calling them that is why you can’t organize them) Groups in your Class and Craft. If you were ever to leave to ANY other Union you have to take them with you.

And if you tell me that the little TWU conspired with the Federal Government to stick you with all those lowly non AMT Mechanics I am going to have to be obnoxious and laugh at you.

The pay; as you know, is very recent - considering how long it took, kinda takes away from it. Sorta like we payed for it - by not receiving a real raise since 2002. Yes, AMTs at SWA enjoyed a lot more in pay and benefits than AA's AMTs - for well over a decade. Lets not dismiss that so easily though, cause it's a huge issue.

As far as the jobs go - relating to headcount, are you implying that AA's AMTs should accept less in pay and benefits to maintain a higher dues paying headcount? It does sound like that is what you're asking. The short answer is, I prefer to keep work inhouse, as do the rest of my line maintenance colleagues. However, if the company wants to outsource, I am opposed to accepting less in pay and benefits to maintain the union's headcount. There is no tax write off for charitable contributions in the form of AA's AMTs accepting less to maintain the TWU's desired headcount. Been there, done that, it doesn't work. When AA wants to cut headcount, they do!

Not unlike every other AMT at AA, I was hired by AA, because they needed AMTs. The lame union came with the job. In regard to the NMB, they are appointed stooges. Many of them have strong ties to large labor unions one way or another. Tell me how they are not easily bought off, I'll try not to laugh at you. BTW, this happened both before and after Little's tenure with the TWU.
BTW Vort I’d LOVE to take every one of those other Title Group flakes, weirdos and rejects off your hands and get em in with the FSC Groups so you’re finally free to spread your wings and fly bro. And I know tons of Title 2 that would LOVE to come along with us but they’re STUCK with you also.

Those are your words: flakes, weirdos, and rejects. Many of these jobs that have been included in the "Mechanic & related" voting block - have no business voting on AMT related issues - especially on representation. As far as title II goes, they never have been supportive of title 1 anyway. Many are good company men anyway, they could care less about union issues. The last 2 years when the AMTs were staging a boycott on not accepting food from the company - on AMT day, the title II slugs were tripping over themselves to cross our boycott line. Stores was right in the mix as well.
The pay; as you know, is very recent - considering how long it took, kinda takes away from it. Sorta like we payed for it - by not receiving a real raise since 2002. Yes, AMTs at SWA enjoyed a lot more in pay and benefits than AA's AMTs - for well over a decade. Lets not dismiss that so easily though, cause it's a huge issue.

As far as the jobs go - relating to headcount, are you implying that AA's AMTs should accept less in pay and benefits to maintain a higher dues paying headcount? It does sound like that is what you're asking. The short answer is, I prefer to keep work inhouse, as do the rest of my line maintenance colleagues. However, if the company wants to outsource, I am opposed to accepting less in pay and benefits to maintain the union's headcount. There is no tax write off for charitable contributions in the form of AA's AMTs accepting less to maintain the TWU's desired headcount. Been there, done that, it doesn't work. When AA wants to cut headcount, they do!

Not unlike every other AMT at AA, I was hired by AA, because they needed AMTs. The lame union came with the job. In regard to the NMB, they are appointed stooges. Many of them have strong ties to large labor unions one way or another. Tell me how they are not easily bought off, I'll try not to laugh at you. BTW, this happened both before and after Little's tenure with the TWU.

Not trying to dismiss you I swear but it’s a crap shoot I think sometimes to fill out the right job application. Or it was just plain simple Geography that led you to AA?

Not implying anything. Don’t care at all in the slightest about the old adage of maintaining the Unions dues count. Do care about having jobs and the opportunity to balance my pay and benefits (Days off also) with more. But no not any extreme Socialist detriment to myself or those of us already on payroll.

Many jobs that come with needing an education or skill set may not completely need a Union. There I said it. Others most certainly do such as my job.

On a vote to get to the top pay and benefits for your career field (Including FedEx and UPS) where would the line you would not cross be on jobs? Would you be ok with shutting down say Facilities and Automotive through attrition? How about no attrition at all?

And thanks for your honesty here.
Those are your words: flakes, weirdos, and rejects. Many of these jobs that have been included in the "Mechanic & related" voting block - have no business voting on AMT related issues - especially on representation. As far as title II goes, they never have been supportive of title 1 anyway. Many are good company men anyway, they could care less about union issues. The last 2 years when the AMTs were staging a boycott on not accepting food from the company - on AMT day, the title II slugs were tripping over themselves to cross our boycott line. Stores was right in the mix as well.

I like funny words. One of my favorites is “punks”

Vort I got buddies of mine who can’t stand AMT’s. When something is happening to your group they say F em, “They don’t give a S about us” They think you’re spoiled, privileged and yes elitist. They believe you all think we’re uneducated Ramp Rats and Baggage clunkers (Many are) Many didn’t join the protests cause they feel it’s only about you and again they could care less.

Obviously I don’t feel that way about all of you. Oh yea some out there are glorified pricks. But to me your Blue Collar guys just wanting to do better by yourselves.

Were all the Title 2 guys doing what you said? I doubt it. I would 100% support your boycott just like I was at the MIA picket.

And I respect your opinions but we’re not each other’s enemies man.
Why don't you stop pretending you are a Mechanic? I asked you if you were a Fleet Service and you have ignored the question.
I like it that you are here except when you do more than just Q&A. You attack guests and other mechanics. It seems obvious that you are a Industrial Union plant here to attack AMFA. Of course SWAMT and Driver are in their own way defending their positions.
Actually I am ok with Swamt, I was just trying to answer Tom, but you guys call him 700, is that for an RJ -700. I enjoy reading your guys board.
Here you go. Make up your own minds about the man.

TWU International President John Samuelsen Addresses the Mass Membership Meeting on December 9, 2017

Actually I am ok with Swamt, I was just trying to answer Tom, but you guys call him 700, is that for an RJ -700. I enjoy reading your guys board.

700 refers to 700UW who was a long time, frequent and often confrontational poster here. His famous lines were “Don’t let the facts get in your way” (when giving misinformation) or “are you that stupid?” and would frequently defend the IAM.

700UW, was reportedly, a stock clerk at USAIR who left/separated from the company in 2005 yet frequented the US forum (and then AA forum shortly before the transaction closed) but also dabbled in Delta matters particularly about the IAMs organizing efforts. This poster has been gone/inactive for for nearly a year now.

Who he/she is, what their motivation is/was for posting and why they are no longer posting I’m not sure but this is the context most here are referring to when we say “700”. N700UW was the registration for USAIR’s first A319 delivered in the mid-late 1990s...


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