IMHO I see changes in scope, insurance and RIF language to just name a few. LAA are already seeing and feeling the effects in scope, Looking at ASOM every night we see more work being done by vendors. I do not see any reason to expect that to change. We don`t like it one bit but are stuck I`m sure it will only get worse. LUS is used to lots of work being farmed out, so no big deal in their eyes.
Insurance. LUS does not want LAA insurance, much as we do not want LUS scope. Guess what? We are are going to get stuck with LUS scope, already are, and LUS IS going to end up with LAA insurance IMHO.
RIF language. As I understand the IAM language you can bump where your senority will allow but no recall. LAA has recall rights but also the anti union company friendly juniority bumping system.
These are just my thoughts on how this thing will lean. We are all going to have parts of this thing we will not like. I`m pretty sure we will also be underwhelmed on a JCBA that is sure to be less than industry leading.