Can't shoot it down until NC, who represents the memberships needs, agrees to bring it out. The reasons they cannot agree to bring it out is because it is not what the membership has told them to bring out. They are NOT going to bring out something to vote on just because the weak and spineless have to have a raise. If those guys are hurting that bad for money, they have other issues. No pom-poms driver. At least most of us don't just see the $$$$. Get it in your head, until the company moves on scope we sit. Union is done moving as they have done all the moving towards the company's needs, the company has not moved one iota to the unions needs or ask, it's not our fault that the company left the last few articles including scope and economics to any movement in.
There will come a time where the company will have to get a deal done, until then we sit with our current contract. The pilots got full retro and we deserve the same respect, otherwise we will sit. Just because you and some others are too weak to take a stand for full retro, does not mean we won't get it. The majority of the membership wants it and is demanding it to stop this company from dragging out nego's like they knowing have for the last 5 years just as they said they would with a 5 year pay freeze. The membership (as well as you should too driver) should tell the company during their RS's that retro is a must or no contract. If we let them get away with it they will do it each and every time and get by with pennies on the dollars while always giving the Pilots full retro, the membership will dictate full retro with a no vote (when giving the chance) until the company get it. Remember the company was screaming no full retro for the pilots, then all of a sudden they stepped up and paid them as well as dead pilots, and pilots that left for other airlines, and even retired pilots. I know of a retired pilot that got over 400K in retro payments. All retro for pilots were paid in the form of bonuses, which is fine with me, they can call it whatever they want to as long as we hold them to full retro.
There will come a time where the company will have to get a deal done, until then we sit with our current contract. The pilots got full retro and we deserve the same respect, otherwise we will sit. Just because you and some others are too weak to take a stand for full retro, does not mean we won't get it. The majority of the membership wants it and is demanding it to stop this company from dragging out nego's like they knowing have for the last 5 years just as they said they would with a 5 year pay freeze. The membership (as well as you should too driver) should tell the company during their RS's that retro is a must or no contract. If we let them get away with it they will do it each and every time and get by with pennies on the dollars while always giving the Pilots full retro, the membership will dictate full retro with a no vote (when giving the chance) until the company get it. Remember the company was screaming no full retro for the pilots, then all of a sudden they stepped up and paid them as well as dead pilots, and pilots that left for other airlines, and even retired pilots. I know of a retired pilot that got over 400K in retro payments. All retro for pilots were paid in the form of bonuses, which is fine with me, they can call it whatever they want to as long as we hold them to full retro.