This is exactly how our NC feels too. In 2009 the NC was recommending a strong NO vote and the membership let them down. Made the company think that the NC is not what the membership wants and they now believe the same thing again. But this time around with a new and improved NC they took the time this time to poll the membership twice (once just earlier this year) to get a better feel on what the majority of the membership wanted at the table. Company is still stuck on 2009 that the membership does not trust the NC and they are wrong. The only thing I didn't agree with was the major jump in economics that AMFA slid to the company, but, you know what? Maybe, just maybe if the company would move on scope I am sure AMFA might move some on economics, but for the ask they are asking in scope hence the larger ask in economics, yea it scared the company, but, how does it feel to experience the same type of nego's as the company themselves are putting on? Good luck to you guys OldGuy, it seems as we both are fighting for more work to stay or come in house. Scope very important.