Aircraft maint issues

Sorry, I just don't trust or believe in the TWU anymore.

No kidding. The second Bob Owens mentioned he liked the direction Harry Lombardo was headed with the Union you guys ran him off on a rail. You guys may have even ran him out of wanting to be in office anymore?

Now I guess Peterson is also a turncoat? The guy who single handedly tried to stop the Association using AMFA's favorite Lawyer Lee Seeham.

Maybe Peterson's just being honest and you can't get that through your head? Maybe those "people" that are in the TWU now aren't the same guys you hated and are NOT your enemies?

Damn dude, all I asked for was to see some proof.

WTF does Bob Owens have anything to do with the current conversation?

Your opinion of people who dislike your wonderful fleet loving TWU is quite obvious!

I await your next insult!
Damn dude, all I asked for was to see some proof.

WTF does Bob Owens have anything to do with the current conversation?

Your opinion of people who dislike your wonderful fleet loving TWU is quite obvious!

I await your next insult!

No insults. What kind of "proof" works for you? Is there anything that would satisfy you?

If the Fleet Presidents fight it and are given a directive to perform work that's in our contract and refuse and are terminated for insubordination would that be what you want?

Do you think Gary Peterson is a liar?
Before anybody gets hyped up on this announcement, let's remember it takes time to get that many FSCs qualified to drive on taxiways, plus trained on super tugs and also in Miami's case get 55 FSCs that aren't already dedicated to their current jobs. And based on how things have been going with this merger, I bet it was half assed thought out and will be half assed implemented. They will be begging for maint to take it over again.

Let's not forget moving planes around all day isn't a fun job, like an engine change or troubleshooting. There will be high amount of turnover from the FSCs on their tow crew, and then maint will do again except we will be doing in on six/seven days.
I hear ya. Even though some may look at jobs such as moving aircraft, deicing, pushbacks as not aircraft mechanic work, historically it was. It will have an effect on mechanics nonetheless. Less of a choice regarding shift and days off..
Not much any of us can do about it. As I said in a reply to WeAAsles, it is obvious they only want mechanics to work aircraft. the other area where mechanics will be affected are the shops...ground equipment..that is the next to go.
Hey MetalMover, all I can say is TULE gave the work Fleet did to the mechanics and shut my shop down. I was not angry and I certainly did not blame the mechanics. I just accepted it as a business decision and moved on.

I know it seems like the company is chipping away at mechanics job functions and reassigning them to Fleet but I and over 100 of my ex co workers (and TUL employees) are proof that sometimes the pendulum swings the other way.

In the end it is really about a few suits at American Airlines wanting to maximize profit. My job loss was just fallout from that process.

I probably more than anybody on here understand your concern as I lost my job of 12 years due to "reassigned" work.

I don't know if that helps you any but I hope it does.
No insults. What kind of "proof" works for you? Is there anything that would satisfy you?

If the Fleet Presidents fight it and are given a directive to perform work that's in our contract and refuse and are terminated for insubordination would that be what you want?

Do you think Gary Peterson is a liar?
Yes, No, No
Thanks for narrowing it down Metal Mover. I usually watch the town hall videos but hadn't watched these.
We should be concerned.
South America has already taken line checks so it's logical that light or even heavy overhaul will be next, especially if AA controls the maintenance and isn't dependent on third parties.
It would be nice to know how big the hangars and or shops are. That could mean a few hundred to a few thousand jobs moving south.
Looks like MIA is doing the Indoc training for the hanger down south


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Hey MetalMover, all I can say is TULE gave the work Fleet did to the mechanics and shut my shop down. I was not angry and I certainly did not blame the mechanics. I just accepted it as a business decision and moved on.

I know it seems like the company is chipping away at mechanics job functions and reassigning them to Fleet but I and over 100 of my ex co workers (and TUL employees) are proof that sometimes the pendulum swings the other way.

In the end it is really about a few suits at American Airlines wanting to maximize profit. My job loss was just fallout from that process.

I probably more than anybody on here understand your concern as I lost my job of 12 years due to "reassigned" work.

I don't know if that helps you any but I hope it does.

Without sounding like "IT DOESN'T AFFECT ME," it really doesn't with my seniority. But having been in this industry about 40 years, you have to admit that the mechanics have lost the most. Don't want to get into an argument here, but look at the jobs mechanics once had..Deicing, pushbacks, fueling, fuel tank work, numerous support shops and now aircraft moves. I am not saying that other departments haven't taken their share of the job losses, they have. Remember Cabin Service? Look at the agents at the ticket counter...The meet and greets are outsourced as well. I have watched all contract carrier ground handling once done exclusively by AA shift to third party handlers. So we are all affected.
I, like many others, have watched the transformation of this industry starting with pre-deregulation...
So this latest announcement does not surprise me.

I recall a town hall where DP was asked about the contract and the reply was, not paraphrasing here, that if we wanted industry leading pay, even to top Delta, we had to understand that they have different work rules.
What I see is a slow transformation to operate like the other airlines. So the latest change regarding aircraft moves should come as no surprise. As a matter of fact I believe United has new language in their recent contract regarding this same issue.
One thing I will say is that more change is ahead.
Reading Petersen's letter to the membership, I see that DFW is not on the list of stations affected.
Wonder why?
Oh yea....wonder why that is also.

At this moment this whole thing just seems designed to create division between the two groups. Jim Weel states in his response to Gary that the transition will not cause any loss of maintenance members but will add to the overall FSC ranks.

Ok Metal you tell me what I might be missing here? Wouldn't the idea of giving the work back to us be to gain some type of cost savings?

I really don't think the Company likes that your Presidents have supported ours on a few positions that the Company doesn't want to back off from?
Reading Petersen's letter to the membership, I see that DFW is not on the list of stations affected.
Wonder why?

I don't know the situation at ORD, I do know at Dallas, which is DFW and DWH, crossing active runways to the east and west is inherent in the movement of aircraft from the terminal operational area to the hangars to the tune of 40-50 moves per day. Which equates to over 14,500 moves per year. I am fairly sure the FAA won't allow un-certificated people to cross runways and all the risk associated with that.

Some dude smoking a bowl of weed and then dragging a triple with a marginally maintained Goldhofer over a runway with a 380 on a 2 mile short final? LOL, recipe for disaster, literally.

On top of that, you have the Goldhofer situation which is that they are not maintained adequately to be a reliable source of moving airplanes across actives on a regular basis. The occasional airplane that cant be taxied, sure, if it passes the walk around and checklist, roll the dice hoping it wont crap out on the runway. The maintenance problem is no fault of the T2 guys, its the company's fault because management tries to nickle and dime maintenance, you cannot maintain a Goldhofer like a car, it has to be maintained like an airplane.

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