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Airbus Work Farm Out

What should we do if the Airbus work is farmed out ?

  • Stand up against it to the last person

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Nothing let Dave have his way

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I don't care

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Thanks, I was not aware that the membership wouldn't have a vote on it.
I reference to being prepaired to strike, I have been and I'm ready to move on!


  • dumb.webp
    2.7 KB · Views: 141
I voted NO twice, then I got laid off. If you who are still working aloud this group of theives to take the Airbus work then you will end up like me outside looking in.
Dave and gang will steal what they can and keep on blaming everybody that they cant make it work then shut the DAM DOORS
n711ac said:
I voted NO twice, then I got laid off. If you who are still working aloud this group of theives to take the Airbus work then you will end up like me outside looking in.
Dave and gang will steal what they can and keep on blaming everybody that they cant make it work then shut the DAM DOORS
n711ac...if we prevail maybe you won't be on lay off status anymore.
LavMan said:
zone with your attitude you might as well bendover and grab your ankles and let dave give it to you.

The IAM never mislead anyone and the company never asked for concessions in regard to heavy maintenance, this is a blatant attempt by Dave and his gang of thieves to get more they we gave them.

If we dont stand up now and fight, you might as well take your tools and go home.

"We must hang together, or, most assuredly we shall all hang separately.
— Benjamin Franklin, July 4, 1776
Lav, I couldn’t agree more. I hear guys say, oh that’s what Dave wants for us to walk, then I will lose my severance. Gee, too me there is no issue here!. Take my severance and hit the street or tell them to shove it and make a stand and let the chips fall where they may. Call it pride, call it whatever you want but when Dave and his gang of union busters lead by Glass comes to town rapes and pillages our company and employees only to become instant millionaires in the process calling it, JUST BUSINESS that is where I make my final stand. I will leave this company knowing I personally did everything I could possibly do to stop this insanity of corporate raping of American workers and their families. This will only continue, having the very rich and very poor, just like this country is fast becoming if we don’t all as one make a stand! I will have no part in it by being a passive bystander. Unions are not about socialism like Glass likes to spout, it’s about making a livable wage. Look at history and the plight of the working poor and the very rich and powerful tyrants. Are we to let history repeat itself? Being passive letting Dave and Glass have their way with us is not going to start with me!!
This is all about union busting people WAKE UP before it’s too late!!!
We had a informal shop meeting tonight with ACG's.

Outlook... Not Good...!! They are gonna push us until the bitter end.

We need to be ready...It's about to get nasty. Real Nasty...!! :huh:
In the next week or so you will start seeing the rollaway tool boxes being loaded up on trucks and leaving the property. The local news media is going to love it!!!! The company minimum tool list is being circulated because that is a must for employment. Things are about to get interesting!!!!!
I think outsourcing can be a wonderful tool for a company in Bankruptcy if it is used properly.
As long as the work is done safely and correctly the company can save millions of dollars and get us profitable once again so we can grow the company and in the future hire thousands of workers.
There really is no debate here. The company was granted by the Judge the right to outsource and we all know they will shortly. Probably within 2 months.
You will all be glad they saved millions and saved the company from Chapter 7.
totobird said:
I think outsourcing can be a wonderful tool for a company in Bankruptcy if it is used properly.
As long as the work is done safely and correctly the company can save millions of dollars and get us profitable once again so we can grow the company and in the future hire thousands of workers.
There really is no debate here. The company was granted by the Judge the right to outsource and we all know they will shortly. Probably within 2 months.
You will all be glad they saved millions and saved the company from Chapter 7.

Do you have an inability to read? The judge said it could be outsourced as long as it did NOT result in anyone being furloughed...

Explain again how it will be cost effect to outsource AND pay an employee at the same time?

Seems to me it would be more cost effective to have that employee do the work...

Maybe I am missing your logic... Please explain...
IAM if they had the balls would tell company management that they won't be attending the Monday meeting in protest of the Airbus farm out issues.
mrfish3726 said:
IAM if they had the balls would tell company management that they won't be attending the Monday meeting in protest of the Airbus farm out issues.


Dude , protesting the company is not the issue at this point. The IAM has already beaten the company of sorts via BINDING ARBITRATION.

We are suffering from short-term imposed relief granted by Judge Mitchell , not a heck of alot you can do about that for now.

We do need to talk with the company on Monday....and thanks to ALPA giving away fleet count language , The IAM has really got to stick to its guns on the subject of the Airbus work and everything else in our now damaged contract.

Not meeting is stupid....but meeting at making your point clear to them could have some positive results?

We'll see Monday how productive it is when your company management tells the IAM to get bent! At least the judge for now didn't let USAIR management cut more mechanics. But this was only for the 4 month time frame right? What happens after that and they return to go after abrogating your contract in full, then the pink slips will be handed out pronto.
mrfish3726 said:

We'll see Monday how productive it is when your company management tells the IAM to get bent! At least the judge for now didn't let USAIR management cut more mechanics. But this was only for the 4 month time frame right? What happens after that and they return to go after abrogating your contract in full, then the pink slips will be handed out pronto.


I'm not diputing what you are saying....but not talking or negotiating in some fashion or another will only compound our problems when in fact the four months are over...and Da Judge steps up to the plate again.

Hell , winning the Airbus arbitraition is likely the only thing that's allowing the Airbus farmout now without furloughs being attached to it.
IAM if they had the balls would tell company management that they won't be attending the Monday meeting in protest of the Airbus farm out issues.
and in doing so would lay the first brick in the foundation for good faith bargaining... :down:
First there is no good faith bargaining.. None and everyone knows it..

The company says it this way; "Our way or the highway"... There is no dealing.

Second on the layoffs.. Who said the company can not lay off?

The agreement with the judge says "No layoffs will occur due to the Airbus Farm Out.. Understood..

The companies position.. Ok, no problem.. Shut down the 757 C check or one or two of the 737 Q checks and unload the people.. No place in the contract does it say they can't do that.. Thats called the normal course of business..

Remember the IAM does not have a no layoff clause in their agreement.. Normal course of business.. So they can tell the judge this has nothing to do with the Airbus we simply are adjusting our business plan and these mechanics are surplus.

Don't land in dream land thinking everyone is safe and happy in their bed.. You would be wrong if you think that.. Dead wrong.

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