All indications were he was armed and dangerous. Law enforcement for their own safety sometime has to assume you have what you claim to. He claimed to have a dangerous weapon.
He claimed to have a bomb or that there was a bomb? He was running off the plane. You said "All indications were he was armed and dangerous". All? Give me one indication that that he was either.
Those are your words. I have never said that. But in this situation it was justified.
No those (potential threat) were your words. And you are saying that its justified to kill what are percieved to be potential threats. The fact is the man was unarmed and he was killed.
What bias? What politics?
Well I guess that answeres the question as far as being naive.
I have and the facts have. on every level of investigation. seems the only one unable to accept this man was a justified threat at the time is you.
Explain how this man who was unarmed and running off a plane was a threat to anybody.
Sorry I didnt know there was a procedure for terrorists and how they kill.
Well I've never heard of one where they do it without weapons and by trying to run off a plane.
One fact is irrefutable, and unarmed man was shot dead.
Another fact is that the man created a disturbance, but should the behavior have warranted death?
This man apparently had no intention to harm anyone. You claim that he posed a threat, but admit that he had no weapons, you say he was a threat because he "could" have had a weapon, but he didnt. At best you can say that he was "percieved" as a threat, but there was no actual danger to anybody.The likelyhood of him having a weapon was less than the likelyhood of you having a weapon since you are an airline employee and would have greater ability to get a weapon through security.
So who is to blame? Do we put all the blame on the Marshals who are trained to kill instead of arrest? Or should the whole system be reexamined so that something like this does not happen again? You seem to think that the system worked when an unarmed man is dead, I disagree. I must place a higher value upon life and demand more accountablity when life is taken away than you do.