So, he was killed for "refusing to comply"?
Yeah, I don't think you really mean that, but there is too much of killing someone because of "I thought he was reaching for a gun" or something. Or, in your words "he could have grabbed a gun". Of course, only law enforcement can do that. I remember a deaf mute shot by police as he reached for his "I am a deaf mute" card so they could read it. Yeah, they thought he was reaching for a gun. If a civilian, in fear of his life, does the same thing, he is held to a much higher standard, both in criminal and civil law. I am waiting for a person to be shot for reaching for his cell phone. Some people scare me with their quick-draw cell phone-grabbing.
He was, at that second a threat to himself, the passengers, the crew, the aircraft,the terminal and the agents themselves.
How many people are shot reaching for deaf mute cards,VS how many police and federal agents are shot and killed each year, in the line of duty?
Law enforcement routinely show and have incredible restraint in using lethal force. It doesn't make the paper when an officer doesn't shoot, and may have had right to. Too many people put themselves in these stupid and dangerous situations, get hurt or even killed, and believe the law enforcement should have waited to see if it really was a gun. In a country where the NRA and other groups have sought to get concealed guns on more and more people. Law enforcement has to assume for there own safety someone is potentially armed.
With guns pointing at you and repeated attempts to get someone to comply with a basic command, and you don't. Then reach around to your side, or in a bag, one has to assume you are going for a weapon. If he had partially complied with the officers, then the dynamics would have changed and perhaps a tragedy would have been avoided.
In the case he made no attempt to comply and then made movements that were interpreted and rightfully so as threatening.
If some simply reached for a cell phone fast, why would they be fired on? Unless they are in a situation here they are being told to get down, continue to resist and reach under a jacket. If a FAM or cop saw this and then a flash of metal. What would your guess be? Oh he must be reaching for his phone, everyone put down your guns while the suspect takes a call.
I know the air marshals have a tough call to make, and this one was a tough one. But he guessed wrong, and a man died. The marshal is not a criminal, but he should never carry a gun again. I believe law enforcement in general needs to be held more accountable for their mistakes, particularly their fatal mistakes. In some jurisdictions, there are more unarmed people than armed killed by police.
Law enforcement is held accountable. In any case with the discharge of a weapon they are put on leave or a desk job pending an investigation by the department and the local D.A. basically guilty until proven innocent.
In far more jurisdictions more police killed than armed people