No one at the time knew he had no real weapon.
He didnt even have a fake one. Before deadly force is used they should be pretty sure that its absolutely neccisary. In hindsight are you still claiming that that man deserved to die?
In Florida as well as most other states, use of deadly force is justified in an attempt to take, steal, or wrestle away an officers gun, mace or radio.
Did he try and do any of those things?
Explain how you would subdue someone in this situation.
Or in to the terminal, either one posed the potential for a large loss of life.
Explain how there was the potential for a large loss of life when the man had no weapons.
Dept. of homeland security and the Local D.A. say you are wrong. They have all the facts and statements from all the witness. All the facts to the case. You are just going on media reports and a personal bias, to law enforcement.
I'm going on the facts that I was given, are you naive enogh to believe that politics and bais played no role in their decision to clear those guys?
Says you. But being a flight attendant and having been with passengers from boarding to deplaning for the last 15 years. I have NEVER seen someone run off the plane. I challenge you to show us how frequently it happens as you say.
Well tell me where I could find such figures and I'll see what I can find. I can say that over the last 27 years that I've worked at the airport I've seen many, many flights delayed because passengers either got off the plane or at the last second refused to get on and they had to make sure that all the passengers bags were removed.
His actions were consistent with that of a panicked passenger and not that of a terrorist? Are you serious? How many other panicked passengers have airlines had that ran up the aisle of a plane yelling bomb and refusing to stop when confronted by armed law enforcement?
How many airlines had terrorists say "bomb" and run off the plane?
He was rightfully viewed as a potential terrorist
Rightfully viewed as a "potential terrorist". What is a potential terrorist? Couldnt that title apply to just about anybody?
Today you cannot spot a terrorist or someone out to do you harm.
So your answer is to kill anyone who you think
may be a
potential threat?
Just the same way wars cannot be fought the same way. No longer we fighting countries, but fighting ideology and people with no uniform or allegiance to a country or place.
You've been watching too much FOX.
Bob you cannot use logic in trying to determine the mind of a psychotic, of someone who has chosen to use there body to destroy the lives of others. Logic has no place in calculating there actions.
Now you are a Psychiatrist, and you have determined that all mentally ill people are dangerous to others. I think that you and Hitler have a lot in common. He too felt that the mentally ill did not deserve to live.
You still have not made a valid arguement that supports your assertion that that man posed a threat to anybody. From what I'm reading you apparently feel that your fears justify the death of anyone who behaves in a way that could frighten you into believing that they pose a potential, possible, threat, to your well being.
None of his actions point more toward panic over terrorist.
No? Did he or did he not reportedly run off the plane in a highly agitated state?
If he were a Terrorist wouldnt he have produced his weapon before calling attention to himself?
The DA investagates all deathes by police.They are cleared by two different bodies of the law.
Like OJ Simpson.
As far as bombs bringing down airliners some have, like Lockerbie, and others havent, like the TWA 727 in Greece.