Sorry I don't agree... I think the legacy airline employees have changed the industry for the worse by their employees giving up of hard earned wages and benefits. These are something that has taken the ones who proceded us, decades to build upon but thrown out the window by the shuddering masses. People who didn't have the gumption to tell management to MANAGE and not destroy livelyhoods..
So you're of the mindset that any new company that starts up a business should automatically take up the same top heavy and disfuctional infastructure that the legacys have? What a concept! And what a crock!
How is it that Southwest is giving away tickets? Seems they have been able to make money for quite some time now.. I guess its just good ole WN cooking the books again eh?
And for what its worth, I've never seen those t-shirts you speak of... So can't comment on that...
Tell me this, who is WN deliberately targeting? Southwest is only going into cities that are hungry for that type of service. Its not Southwest's fault that some of those cities just happen to be served by airlines that are in financial difficulities. If they would have done something to control their costs, they might not be in the shape they are in.