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Air Marshal Doing His Job

skycruiser said:
The huge difference is that Jet Blue offers a far superior product at the same SWA price.

They offer TV and blue potato chips.

What'll be interesting is as those 190's come online (with their 15% increase in operating costs) and the other costs increase, is to see if offering that product at "the same SWA price" will still be profitable.
continuous ignition said:
Sorry I don't agree... I think the legacy airline employees have changed the industry for the worse by their employees giving up of hard earned wages and benefits. These are something that has taken the ones who proceded us, decades to build upon but thrown out the window by the shuddering masses. People who didn't have the gumption to tell management to MANAGE and not destroy livelyhoods..

So you're of the mindset that any new company that starts up a business should automatically take up the same top heavy and disfuctional infastructure that the legacys have? What a concept! And what a crock!

How is it that Southwest is giving away tickets? Seems they have been able to make money for quite some time now.. I guess its just good ole WN cooking the books again eh?

And for what its worth, I've never seen those t-shirts you speak of... So can't comment on that...

Tell me this, who is WN deliberately targeting? Southwest is only going into cities that are hungry for that type of service. Its not Southwest's fault that some of those cities just happen to be served by airlines that are in financial difficulities. If they would have done something to control their costs, they might not be in the shape they are in.
Why do you think the legacy carriers are asking for concessions? Do you honestly beleive that the LCC's have nothing at all to do with this. Its alot easier to say what someone else should do when the outcome does'nt affect you one way or the other. Hopefully you will have the gumption to tell management to MANAGE
if you happen to find yourself facing this dilema someday. Do you think that these legacy airline employees want to be in this situation or that somehow its their own fault. And dont tell me you honestly beleive that WN is'nt targeting US air its quite obvious PHL,PIT,CLT. Gimme a break will ya!
Red Tail Bear said:
Why do you think the legacy carriers are asking for concessions? Do you honestly beleive that the LCC's have nothing at all to do with this. Its alot easier to say what someone else should do when the outcome does'nt affect you one way or the other. Hopefully you will have the gumption to tell management to MANAGE
if you happen to find yourself facing this dilema someday. Do you think that these legacy airline employees want to be in this situation or that somehow its their own fault. And dont tell me you honestly beleive that WN is'nt targeting US air its quite obvious PHL,PIT,CLT. Gimme a break will ya!

They are asking for consessions because their management has failed horribly! I don't for one second think that you all enjoy giving up what you have earned. But to do so without putting management's feet to the fire in regards to doing what they are paid to do; MANAGE is insane!

By the way, did any of you ever consider snap-back clauses to the amendments to your contracts?

As far as the outcome not affecting employees at Southwest, I think you're dead wrong. None of us want to see anyone out of work and unable to provide for their families. But at the same time, to see all these contracts being raped throughout the industry is sad. I'm sure that one day in the not so future the employees of WN will have to give a little to stay in competition with all the loss leaders flying under BK protection.

As for WN supposedly targeting USAirways at the cities you named, what would you do if you were in a management position at WN? Its quite obvious that the finances of USAirways are beyond WN's control. But at the same time, to sit back and allow that market share to be taken over by other competitors would be ludicrous.

I think if you were running a corporation and market forces had your competition on the brink and possibly on the verge of failure, you would move to protect that market for yourself, your employees and your stockholders. To do otherwise would be, lets face it... stupid!

WN is in a fantastic position to expand its operation into markets that weren't accesable years ago. So under your logic you would have them stay stymed in their own backyard. Sorry but I don't think WN's management is too worried about what you think. They are looking out for the bottom line.. Something other airlines should take note of and maybe try sometime.
skycruiser said:
An airline is ultimately responsible for knowing who it is they are allowing on their airplanes regardless of what the TSA is doing at the checkpoints.
You folks at SWA keep telling yourselves that and keep on believing that the legacy (I hate to break it to you but SWA is a legacy/major carrier) airlines will fall to the LCC competition while SWA thrives and survives. Jet Blue plans on having 274 aircraft in their fleet by the end of 2010 and with the E190 can reach into the same markets SWA currently enjoys. The huge difference is that Jet Blue offers a far superior product at the same SWA price.
USA Today JBU story (source)
Can you say US Airways?

Your right an airline is ultimately responsible for knowing who is on their airplane, regardless of their legal status, and the goverment hasnt given guidelines as to what is and what isnt acceptable forms of identification for domestic flights witihin the USA. So pretty much any foreigner coming into this country whether it be an illegal alien with a drivers license issued in lets say North Carolina to some European tourist with a foreign identity card or foreign passport would actually be fine to board any domestic flight so long as their not on a watch list, and have met all security requirements to board the airplane, once again airlines arent requiered to check for legal status of passengers, thats the goverments job.

And as far as Southwest not taking any competitor seriously, your wrong again on that point. SWA knows that JetBlue is a strong competitor and is well aware of how many aircraft they have coming in, what do you think, their just sitting around thinking " oh ya were invincible". Southwest has a fleet of over 425 aircraft with hundreds more on order, how do you think their fleet is going to look in 2010? They are the largest US domestic carrier and getting bigger, and they are well aware they must be competitive with everyone when it comes to keeping cost low and good customer service.

Please do us all a favor and do some research before you come on here talking trash, that way you wont sound so ignorant. Try The Wall Street Journal.
Okay, I have to address this statement:

"And dont tell me you honestly beleive that WN is'nt targeting US air its quite obvious PHL,PIT,CLT. Gimme a break will ya!"

WN isn't targeting USAir.

WN is targeting markets that are overcharged and underserved.

And those happen to be USAirways markets.

Southwest Leaders don't have so big of egos that they sit in the boardroom and say, "Let's go after USAir." It doesn't work like that. They simply choose those cities that make the best business sense. So quit acting like Southwest has it out for USAir. Southwest isn't out to kill USAir - Southwest is out to find markets where they'll make money.

USAir has hurt themselves. In an industry where airline seats have become commodities, the producer with the lowest cost usually wins. USAir has had one of the highest CASMs for years. Their management failed to acknowledge the changes in the industry that began long ago, and they continued to charge incredibly high fares to the last-minute travelers (especially those in their hubs where there was little or no low fare competition). And they let their own internal costs spiral out of control.

Whether you like it or not, it's called capitalism, and it's the basis for our country's economic system. It's made Southwest extremely successful, but if we're not careful, those same economic principles could result in our own downfall one day. I should hope that we (as in Southwest's Employees) never forget that.
walking into work this morning the same line with all the latino men has started back up again. It subsided after all the arrest were made. it now looks like there getting back into the swing of things again (just an observation)

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