Ok, point taken on the poking of fun...
I never said our airline was perfect.
So explain to me how WN doesn't care about the "human factor" and our managements cutthroat business model? By keeping costs low and fares affordable is cutthroat? I think holding people hostage for outrageous amounts of money to fly is the real cutthroat business model.
Southwest figures out what the operating costs are and what prices needed to be set at to pay expenses and make a small profit. So now its our management's fault that other airlines have higher expenses? We're only providing a service that is well in demand otherwise we would be in the poor house with most other carriers.
And believe me when I say its nice to hear you've never been laid off. I haven't either in my 13 or so years in this business. Got a lay off notice at TWA but bolted just before it was rescinded due to higher than normal attrition.
As I said before, I have nothing but respect for you guys at NWA. As a matter of fact I have or had quite a few friends working at MSP and DTW. And no matter how you look at it, we're all in this mess together. I just hope things turn around and ALL airlines start to prosper again soon. Its sad to see so many good people out of work and the rest having to take huge cuts to keep their jobs.
No one at WN that I know of snickers at the hardships being endured by other airlines. I think we all know that someday we may have to deal with these issues.