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Air Marshal Doing His Job

Red Tail Bear said:
But if WN screens future employees like they do passengers they just might have a chance.

The airlines do not screen. The TSA or their designees do that.
If the airlines don't screen, then how do we become "selectees" and get to go into that special line when our boarding pass has s's all over it?
AA191 said:
If the airlines don't screen, then how do we become "selectees" and get to go into that special line when our boarding pass has s's all over it?

That's top secret info and black helicopters will shortly be hovering over your house for asking such questions.. Shame on you! j/k of course..

I really have no idea.

I would supect that its due to the hookup with TSA and the reservation computers at all airlines as well as things like buying a one way ticket with cash or something to that effect.
Red Tail Bear said:
I have not come here to bash your airline. I was just having a little fun pointing out that the perfect world you guys like to think you work in isn't so perfect after all. You are all so quick to pat yourselves on the back and to compare your airline to the others when there is no comparison, with the exception of F9, B6, Air Tran, etc. Cutting costs (of airline fares) is what WN is all about. Your management doesn't care much about the "human factor". After all it is your managements cutthroat business model that is responsible for thousands of lost jobs in this industry. And for the record almost 20yrs and 0 times laid-off. I rest my case!

Ok, point taken on the poking of fun...

I never said our airline was perfect.

So explain to me how WN doesn't care about the "human factor" and our managements cutthroat business model? By keeping costs low and fares affordable is cutthroat? I think holding people hostage for outrageous amounts of money to fly is the real cutthroat business model.

Southwest figures out what the operating costs are and what prices needed to be set at to pay expenses and make a small profit. So now its our management's fault that other airlines have higher expenses? We're only providing a service that is well in demand otherwise we would be in the poor house with most other carriers.

And believe me when I say its nice to hear you've never been laid off. I haven't either in my 13 or so years in this business. Got a lay off notice at TWA but bolted just before it was rescinded due to higher than normal attrition.

As I said before, I have nothing but respect for you guys at NWA. As a matter of fact I have or had quite a few friends working at MSP and DTW. And no matter how you look at it, we're all in this mess together. I just hope things turn around and ALL airlines start to prosper again soon. Its sad to see so many good people out of work and the rest having to take huge cuts to keep their jobs.

No one at WN that I know of snickers at the hardships being endured by other airlines. I think we all know that someday we may have to deal with these issues.
continuous ignition said:
Ok, point taken on the poking of fun...

I never said our airline was perfect.

So explain to me how WN doesn't care about the "human factor" and our managements cutthroat business model? By keeping costs low and fares affordable is cutthroat? I think holding people hostage for outrageous amounts of money to fly is the real cutthroat business model.

Southwest figures out what the operating costs are and what prices needed to be set at to pay expenses and make a small profit. So now its our management's fault that other airlines have higher expenses? We're only providing a service that is well in demand otherwise we would be in the poor house with most other carriers.

And believe me when I say its nice to hear you've never been laid off. I haven't either in my 13 or so years in this business. Got a lay off notice at TWA but bolted just before it was rescinded due to higher than normal attrition.

As I said before, I have nothing but respect for you guys at NWA. As a matter of fact I have or had quite a few friends working at MSP and DTW. And no matter how you look at it, we're all in this mess together. I just hope things turn around and ALL airlines start to prosper again soon. Its sad to see so many good people out of work and the rest having to take huge cuts to keep their jobs.

No one at WN that I know of snickers at the hardships being endured by other airlines. I think we all know that someday we may have to deal with these issues.
Deliberately targeting another carrier with the intention of driving them out of business is not a game, contrary to what those T shirts your ramp workers are wearing (game on/over) say. Keeping your costs low isn't hard when they are significantly lower than most other carriers, for obvious reasons. Affordable fares are one thing, practically giving them away is another. Its not your managements fault that other airlines expenses are higher, but creating an airline that does'nt have the type of expenses the existing carriers have creates problems within the industry. I realize business is business, but what the LCC's have done is changed the airline industry.And not for the better I might add. <_< <_< <_<
Red Tail Bear said:
Deliberately targeting another carrier with the intention of driving them out of business is not a game, contrary to what those T shirts your ramp workers are wearing (game on/over) say. Keeping your costs low isn't hard when they are significantly lower than most other carriers, for obvious reasons. Affordable fares are one thing, practically giving them away is another. Its not your managements fault that other airlines expenses are higher, but creating an airline that does'nt have the type of expenses the existing carriers have creates problems within the industry. I realize business is business, but what the LCC's have done is changed the airline industry.And not for the better I might add. <_< <_< <_<

Sorry I don't agree... I think the legacy airline employees have changed the industry for the worse by their employees giving up of hard earned wages and benefits. These are something that has taken the ones who proceded us, decades to build upon but thrown out the window by the shuddering masses. People who didn't have the gumption to tell management to MANAGE and not destroy livelyhoods..

So you're of the mindset that any new company that starts up a business should automatically take up the same top heavy and disfuctional infastructure that the legacys have? What a concept! And what a crock!

How is it that Southwest is giving away tickets? Seems they have been able to make money for quite some time now.. I guess its just good ole WN cooking the books again eh?

And for what its worth, I've never seen those t-shirts you speak of... So can't comment on that...

Tell me this, who is WN deliberately targeting? Southwest is only going into cities that are hungry for that type of service. Its not Southwest's fault that some of those cities just happen to be served by airlines that are in financial difficulities. If they would have done something to control their costs, they might not be in the shape they are in.
AA1B said:
Southwest Airlines is not the INS, its not their job to check the legal status of their passengers, their job is to make sure people who board their aircraft are screened properly for weapons and other items that may pose a security threat, and then after they are screened, fly them from point A to point B. Southwest will take anyones money for a ticket regardless of their legal status in this country, if you want to point fingers than maybe the TSA should get some ot the blame, arent they the ones checking ID s and boarding passes at the security checkpoints? They are after all a goverment agency, arent they.

An airline is ultimately responsible for knowing who it is they are allowing on their airplanes regardless of what the TSA is doing at the checkpoints.

continuous ignition said:
I'm not saying we're any more immune than other airlines to financial problems. I just think we have more pro-active management that also thinks about the "human factor" when deciding where to cut costs.

I have nothing but respect for other airline's employees and their employers. I just don't understand why you have to come here and bash our airline when your own company is such a wreck..

You folks at SWA keep telling yourselves that and keep on believing that the legacy (I hate to break it to you but SWA is a legacy/major carrier) airlines will fall to the LCC competition while SWA thrives and survives. Jet Blue plans on having 274 aircraft in their fleet by the end of 2010 and with the E190 can reach into the same markets SWA currently enjoys. The huge difference is that Jet Blue offers a far superior product at the same SWA price.
USA Today JBU story (source)

continuous ignition said:
Tell me this, who is WN deliberately targeting? Southwest is only going into cities that are hungry for that type of service. Its not Southwest's fault that some of those cities just happen to be served by airlines that are in financial difficulities. If they would have done something to control their costs, they might not be in the shape they are in.

Can you say US Airways?
skycruiser said:
An airline is ultimately responsible for knowing who it is they are allowing on their airplanes regardless of what the TSA is doing at the checkpoints.

You folks at SWA keep telling yourselves that and keep on believing that the legacy (I hate to break it to you but SWA is a legacy/major carrier) airlines will fall to the LCC competition while SWA thrives and survives. Jet Blue plans on having 274 aircraft in their fleet by the end of 2010 and with the E190 can reach into the same markets SWA currently enjoys. The huge difference is that Jet Blue offers a far superior product at the same SWA price.
USA Today JBU story (source)

Can you say US Airways?

In regards to competition, there is room for everybody! So long as WN doesn't have to continue to compete with airlines who operate at a loss by enjoying the benefits of bankruptcy. Its kind of hard to compete on a level playing field when the rules are so tilted in the favor of financially distressed carriers.

I think WN's management is fully aware of the difficulties that lay ahead for the airline in regards to carriers of jetBlue and the like. I think the main concern is to keep operating costs low or at an acceptable level and continue to grow and spread our fixed costs over a larger area. Nothing like stagnation to see your costs go through the roof. Wages and benefits tend to go upward as work groups age as well as infrastructure costs and maintaining the fleet.

And I guess next you will tell us that its Southwests fault for Wolf and Gangwals proposed merger with UAL. The golden parachutes for the revolving door of CEO's that have come and gone? Is it also Southwest's fault for world hunger?

Southwest has only done what market forces have allowed them to do.. They didn't hold anyone hostage. They didn't strong arm consumers into buying outrageous fares and they damn sure didn't cause the mess that is killing the industry today.

Management at other airlines should be held accountable for most problems facing their companies. Why is it you blame a company for providing a service that is desirable to consumers and just happens to make a profit? Its like a fat person pointing at a skinny person and saying "Its your fault I'm fat!" Sometimes people need to look inside their own house for the cause and solution of problems.

Southwest's goal is to worry about the 30,000+ employees, stockholders and consumers. Not if the prices they charge will enable the other airlines to make a profit.. To do so, would have management taking their eye off the proverbial ball.
Not something they have been known to do... Can't say the same for other airlines.
skycruiser said:
An airline is ultimately responsible for knowing who it is they are allowing on their airplanes regardless of what the TSA is doing at the checkpoints.


continuous ignition said:
In regards to competition, there is room for everybody! So long as WN doesn't have to continue to compete with airlines who operate at a loss by enjoying the benefits of bankruptcy. Its kind of hard to compete on a level playing field when the rules are so tilted in the favor of financially distressed carriers.

Southwest has traditionally avoided large airports to keep from directly competing with a another airline, but they choose to enter into both PHL and PIT after US was weekend by chapter 11. Everyone including the folks at US know SW is gunning for them and hitting them in their PHL hub makes it fairly obvious. Hey I have no issues with that but I am not going to try and play it off as a little friendly completion on the part of SW. Oh and speaking of friendly completion It will interesting to see, in the coming years, just how easy going SW is with it's competitors ravenously gobbling up every little bit of market share they can. Airtran, Jet Blue, and Frontier are all starting to set up camp in SW backyard with all first class seats, IFE, and meals, no frills and peanut fares won't stand SW out any more.
skycruiser said:
An airline is ultimately responsible for knowing who it is they are allowing on their airplanes regardless of what the TSA is doing at the checkpoints.

skycruiser said:
Airtran, Jet Blue, and Frontier are all starting to set up camp in SW backyard with all first class seats, IFE, and meals,

In what fantasy world or alternate universe do these all first class seat-equipped, meal-serving versions of AirTran, jetBlue, and Frontier exist? Not in the real world, Quagmire...
skycruiser said:
Oh and speaking of friendly completion It will interesting to see, in the coming years, just how easy going SW is with it's competitors ravenously gobbling up every little bit of market share they can.

Would you be so kind as to cite an airline that is profitable on market share alone? UAL leads in market share in Denver, yet they are in bankruptcy. US leads market share in PHL, but they are in bankruptcy for a second time. Delta leads market share in ATL, and they are edging towards BK. Sure, if you don't lead in market share, it's a potential for lost revenue, but if your market share comes at the expense of profit, I guess I'd rather have lost revenue than loss revenue.
Trip Confirmed said:
skycruiser said:
An airline is ultimately responsible for knowing who it is they are allowing on their airplanes regardless of what the TSA is doing at the checkpoints.

Why don't you two provide some kind of evidence to back up your statement?

You can't make an outrageous claim like that and expect everyone to believe you. You even admit that the TSA checks boarding passes at the checkpoints. What is the point, then, if none of that matters and the airline is "ultimately responsible"? Baloney.

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