What's new

SW adds 19 new flights

Maybe it's time to retire Fred? DELETED

Not typical of "most" WN employees.... Don't kill the passion of the Kool Aide drinkers. They make this place an enjoyable place to work.

Maybe you and WNforlife can sing this at the next deck party and get all misty-eyed:

I'd like to buy the world a home and furnish it with love,
Grow apple trees and honey bees, and snow white turtle doves.
I'd like to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony,
I'd like to buy the world a Coke and keep it company.
It's the real thing, Coke is what the world wants today.

Madison Avenue and airline management love those of your ilk!!!
Alright kids!!!

Go to your room and think about how you could have made this situation better............

......and no, I don''t care who started it.
On 5/15/2003 4:23:59 AM coolflyingfool wrote:

... Why no CLE, DTW, MCO, FLL, GEG, and PVD daily service to LAS on SWA?


Actually, SW will offer CLE-LAS Saturday service with the June schedule change. At the same time they are dropping the CLE-PHX flight. They face America West and Continental on the PHX route but only Continental to LAS.
My guess would be lack of additional A/C. I am of the understanding that new deliveries are already earmarked for increased service in existing markets. Perhaps these flights will come about with future deliveries.