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After all these years, the truth about TWA Flt.800!?

So looking through the IAM findings one is lead to believe that an external explosion took place in front of the L3 door - outside and most likely below the aircraft.

It's interesting that the only photos I've ever seen of the reconstructed fuselage is of the right side - from the overwing exit forward.
You know nyc, that my friend. is a astute observation!!!------- And neither has anyone else! And the CIA video depiction has the Aircraft climbing over one thousand feet----- after the front end of the fuesladge was blown away! ----- Right? Any pilots out there welling to tell us what happens to the C.G. when you lose that much weight? Could that Aircraft even stay in the air under those conditions, yet alone clamb?------ Oh! by the way, why did the CIA, FBI, and Navy, get involved with this anyway? Why was the NTSB shoved to the side on this case?-------- The TWA CEO, was in London at the time of the crash. Why did Clinton send an Air Force plane to pick him up, and where did it take him? ----- These are just a few of the questions that have gone unansweered all these years.
Oh, so none of NYC's mass media covered the Lockerbie crash?...

Tunnel vision can be hazardous. You might want to go get it checked out.

I never said that NYC media did cover Lockerbie, but not with the same intensity. By the way speaking of tunnels we have:

Brooklyn Battery Tunnel

Holland Tunnel

Lincoln Tunnel

Queens Midtown Tunnel

Tunnel vision? I'm OK.

With 24/7/365 NYC media I can see everything, anytime.
You know nyc, that my friend. is a astute observation!!!------- And neither has anyone else! And the CIA video depiction has the Aircraft climbing over one thousand feet----- after the front end of the fuesladge was blown away! ----- Right? Any pilots out there welling to tell us what happens to the C.G. when you lose that much weight? Could that Aircraft even stay in the air under those conditions, yet alone clamb?------ Oh! by the way, why did the CIA, FBI, and Navy, get involved with this anyway? Why was the NTSB shoved to the side on this case?-------- The TWA CEO, was in London at the time of the crash. Why did Clinton send an Air Force plane to pick him up, and where did it take him? ----- These are just a few of the questions that have gone unansweered all these years.
Interesting, I was surfing Google pics earlier this eve and did find a pic that showed just in front of the left side, by the L3 door, that was mentioned, and it showed a rather large gaping hole. I meant to copy the url but of course I forgot, and when I went back to the same search, it magically has disappeared. Not surprising to me. If this isn't a cover-up that is about to be unfolded, I'll be surprised again! I have never bought off on the center tank blast...
Believe what you want!
Interesting, I was surfing Google pics earlier this eve and did find a pic that showed just in front of the left side, by the L3 door, that was mentioned, and it showed a rather large gaping hole. I meant to copy the url but of course I forgot, and when I went back to the same search, it magically has disappeared. Not surprising to me. If this isn't a cover-up that is about to be unfolded, I'll be surprised again! I have never bought off on the center tank blast...
Believe what you want!
Found this.... I'll keep digging. Hope the link worked. Working Google & MSN at the same time sux!
The IAM has a top notch flight safety committee and are called upon to investigate at many crashes.

A former US lead mechanic use to be on the NTSB.

Flight Safety investigators at US for the IAM are based mostly in CLT.

I believe John Goglia is still with the NTSB
He isnt with the NTSB anymore, he served from 1995-2004.

This is perhaps as credible as Oliver Stone's investigation into JFK's assassination and Donald Trump's birth certificate investigation....
This is perhaps as credible as Oliver Stone's investigation into JFK's assassination and Donald Trump's birth certificate investigation....
Or as credible as Holder's explanation of "Fast and Furious", "Bengasi", " the IRS targeting", and "Big Brother's" tracking our phone calls, and maybe even this forum!!! ------But, we can trust our Government to tell us the truth, now can't we!? Especially since we have the same players now as then!
Sorry, MCI, but the more I read about the "details" on this, the more it looks like a film maker ripping open old wounds for self-promotion...

Call me skeptical -- "Roger and Me" used to be on my favorite movies list, for portraying what happened to my mother-in-law's home town of Flint, Michigan. Then I watched "Manufacturing Dissent" which not only debunked a bunch of stuff Moore portrayed in his films, but also showed how he was just a self promoting egomaniac, and not the truth seeker so many people think he is. I also found out that, unlike my mother-in-law, Moore didn't even live there despite calling it his home town...

The main difference between the government cover-ups and this is the fact that you had civilian and academic forensic specialists involved in the investigation of TWA 800.

If it was terrorism, don't you think one of Karl Rove or Dick Cheney's associates would have gladly portrayed it as such to prove that terrorism started on Clinton's watch, not W's?...
CBS this morning did a pretty good segment with ex FBI director (who was the first reporter on scene after this incedent). He interviewed an Air Force officer who witnessed an object spiraling toward the aircraft and striking the aircraft before it exploded mid air. After the intervirthe officer was given a gag order. They also confirmed air to air combat simulation using fighter jets in the vicinity at the moment of this flight going down. A cover up? Its possible. Wouldn't surprise me either way. The further I dig the more odd things seem. Quite frankly the investigation has lasted through Republican and Democrats reign.. so IF it was a cover up.. both parties are guilty. If it wasn't a cover up then the FAA is at fault for not grounding that fleet. Just my personal opinion.
If it was terrorism, don't you think one of Karl Rove or Dick Cheney's associates would have gladly portrayed it as such to prove that terrorism started on Clinton's watch, not W's?...
As much as I hate to say this Eric about our armed forces but if it was an accidental friendly fire..the cover up would possibly be sealed fofor life. I have the utmost respect for our armed forces but sometimes sh!t happens.
On a personal note.. my fat fingers on this crap phone is making my misspellings look ignorant!
It’s funny how all the this pops up in the shadow of what really is the most convincing evidence that our government can and will control the people of this country. The IRS story is the big smoking gun people!
Not to diminish others, but two things happened to draw our attention away from this and to make it disappear, the NSA whistleblower, and the TWA event [font="Calibri""]revisited[/font]. A warning to ALL! Do not forget the IRS scandal!!
Sorry, MCI, but the more I read about the "details" on this, the more it looks like a film maker ripping open old wounds for self-promotion...

Call me skeptical -- "Roger and Me" used to be on my favorite movies list, for portraying what happened to my mother-in-law's home town of Flint, Michigan. Then I watched "Manufacturing Dissent" which not only debunked a bunch of stuff Moore portrayed in his films, but also showed how he was just a self promoting egomaniac, and not the truth seeker so many people think he is. I also found out that, unlike my mother-in-law, Moore didn't even live there despite calling it his home town...

The main difference between the government cover-ups and this is the fact that you had civilian and academic forensic specialists involved in the investigation of TWA 800.

If it was terrorism, don't you think one of Karl Rove or Dick Cheney's associates would have gladly portrayed it as such to prove that terrorism started on Clinton's watch, not W's?...
What "details" are you reading Eolesen? "Civilian and academic forensic specialists"? You got to be kinding me! This whole thing was orchestrated by the FBI!!! -------Our people were told to keep their mouths shut, or they'de be looking out bared windows at Leavenworth!!!! -------- That's a "Federal" prison Eric!!!!