Sorry, MCI, but the more I read about the "details" on this, the more it looks like a film maker ripping open old wounds for self-promotion...
Call me skeptical -- "Roger and Me" used to be on my favorite movies list, for portraying what happened to my mother-in-law's home town of Flint, Michigan. Then I watched "Manufacturing Dissent" which not only debunked a bunch of stuff Moore portrayed in his films, but also showed how he was just a self promoting egomaniac, and not the truth seeker so many people think he is. I also found out that, unlike my mother-in-law, Moore didn't even live there despite calling it his home town...
The main difference between the government cover-ups and this is the fact that you had civilian and academic forensic specialists involved in the investigation of TWA 800.
If it was terrorism, don't you think one of Karl Rove or Dick Cheney's associates would have gladly portrayed it as such to prove that terrorism started on Clinton's watch, not W's?...