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After all that US has done to PIT, the customers stay loyal

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:up: :up:
Had trouble with "hospital". It would not take. The link is correct with the full hospital word+ http://. The link will show you the full honor roll list, if you care about facts.
Had trouble with "hospital". It would not take. The link is correct with the full hospital word+ http://. The link will show you the full honor roll list, if you care about facts.
I just like to RAZZ PIT people. My best friend graduated from there. Nothing wrong with the college. He is a PIT alumni and I am Penn State! So abit of rivalry. lol
I am a native of Pittsburgh. I have two sons that were educated in the Pittsburgh schools. One is an anesthesiologist and the other has his Master's degree in business. I don't appreciate your comments about Pittsburgh. I see your not a doctor or have a business degree.
I am a native of Pittsburgh. I have two sons that were educated in the Pittsburgh schools. One is an anesthesiologist and the other has his Master's degree in business. I don't appreciate your comments about Pittsburgh. I see your not a doctor or have a business degree.
So then My TAXES paid for their education.
So then My TAXES paid for their education.
Maybe they paid for their own education.....just because they live in pit and went to school in pit that YOUR taxes paid for their education. If you don't like PIT then good for you but keep it to yourself and off this thread. We all don't go around bashing your hometown on usaviation and nor should we....it's petty.
My sons don't need your taxes, my family is very wealthy. Their education was paid in cash.
My sons don't need your taxes, my family is very wealthy. Their education was paid in cash.
I didn't mean it to get personal, so I am sorry for that.
I stated in a post earlier,
I just like to RAZZ PIT people. My best friend graduated from there. Nothing wrong with the college. He is a PIT alumni and I am Penn State! So abit of rivalry.

But there is one bad thing about Pittsburgh, their beer, IC Lite, that was nasty tasting beer.
Why do these threads go so horribly wrong? While I don't agree with the pricing of Usairways it certainly shows that those little TV's on Jetblue are NOT enough to get people to change. If Pittsburgh is so resistant to change, why is it that Southwest does so well? Hmmmm 🙄 Also, for what it's worth, Pittsburgh may not be New York City or Philadelphia nor will it ever be but it is a very nice city and certainly one of the prettiest.
Why do these threads go so horribly wrong? While I don't agree with the pricing of Usairways it certainly shows that those little TV's on Jetblue are NOT enough to get people to change. If Pittsburgh is so resistant to change, why is it that Southwest does so well? Hmmmm 🙄
I think jetBlue's problem is that they go east to JFK and BOS. Travel to those cities have a loyal US FF base. Plus doesn't AA and DL have JFK nonstops? Also CO Xpress also flies to EWR which is easier than JFK. unless you are going to the island. With Southwest in PIT going multiple directions, the people seem to prefer that. If they are to connect at JFK/BOS, they always could get a nonstop via US or WN.
You must be talking about PIT Penitentuary. Those are the people that can't get into Penn State, U of Penn. John Hopkins.
PIT was number 14 nationwide in 2006. Not too shabby.
To differentiate between Hospital, Medical School and Overall School rankings, I collected the following information to un-confuse myself regarding the above posts:
The University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (Hospital) is ranked 14th in the nation (the highest in PA), it's Medical School is #16, however the University of Pittsburgh as a whole is only ranked #57 in the nation. Penn State's Medical School is not even ranked in the top 50 and Penn State as a whole is ranked #47. The University of Pennsylvania as a whole and it's Medical School and the John's Hopkins Medical School are in a completely different league than either PIT or Penn State. Possibly a more accurate example of Pittsburgh's better schools is Carnegie Mellon.

On topic:

My take on this whole issue about B6 reducing service is that I was shocked they ever started PIT in the first place. Seems to me the travel habits of the Pittsburg population is completely satisfied with US, WN, etal.. Why start another carrier in a city with such relatively low O&D, where a large part of the passenger base has to come from existing carrier loyalties. I wouldn't be surprised to see B6 exit PIT altogether if WN expands (as it says it will) and Jet Blue sees better opportunities for it's aircraft elsewhere. PIT is caught right in the middle of the airline pricing game. As soon as (and if) B6 drops routes or pulls out and someone else (US, for example) raises fares on those routes, the PIT crowd will scream, "we want another low cost carrier" - but of course will they support it (the new carrier) when US lowers their fares to compete?
I could care less about PIT. The typical attittude in PIT is that of loving sports. Do they start that in kindergarten? PIT people can't read, but they sure can recite sports statistics. I can't stand pittsburgh people, but the city's elite does keep it looking nice.

Hey Big "L"... B)

Lived in PIT all my life, graduated from PITT, and haven't been to a sports event since I was 19.
Pittsburgh travelers are so loyal to US that other carriers serving the market saw an average 16.5% increase in traffic YoY in Jan. CO led the pack with a 34.8% increase and NW had the second largest increase at 20.2%.

US? Down 7.9%.

Pittsburgh airport passenger traffic rises


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