Someone needs to inform the dumbass Trumka and the rest of his failed leadership team that the failure of the AFL-CIO is what is causing most of this labor strife issue.
The AFL-CIO claims to be the "political protector" of the working man.
NOT in this industry.
Otherwise the AFL-CIO would have succcessfully changed the Bankruptcy Laws, would have had this industry re-regulated, would have obtained restrictions on overseas aircraft maintenance, and would have limits on CEO pay. Has he gotten any of this done? Hell NO!
Hell the AFL-CIO cannot event stop Right-to-Work Laws and negative changes in the Workmans Comp Laws.
So how about this Trumka? Either get started succeeding at your own duties or dismantle your appointed position and the farse you are leading. Then maybe organized will return instead of you whimpering and blaming everyone or something else like most stooge liberals do.
Or keep on writing stupid whining ass letters, while you are failing, and watch organized labor completly dissappear. F'ing Idiot!