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AFA the mouthpiece for management AGAIN


Jan 30, 2005
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So here we are with the holiday season quickly approaching. We get this CBS message from corporate with the threatening tone of calling off and regardless of chronic health conditions covered by FMLA. Instead of AFA telling it's members to do the right thing yet not feel intimidated they cut and paste the letter from management on a UNION emailing system. I mean regardless of whether the union AGREES or DISAGREES it is grossly inappropriate. What the company is stating in that letter is not necessarily true. we DO have a contract to uphold and terms that are set. FMLA is a federal law and if ANYONE needs to use be it Christmas eve or new years 10 minutes before the ball drops it's none of their damn business. Next thing you'll hear is that your mother must delay her surgery until it better suites the company. AM I ALONE HERE? I know that Teddy X would NEVER have allowed this to happen. On that note a BIG CONGRATS to all uncontested members of the MEC.
Ahhh, but Teddy X appears to have been the victim of a palace revolt that appears to have been arranged by elements from both the company and folks that wanted her job and/or her gone.
Funny how when the company cites the contract language that allows them to require a doctors note, they alway leave out this part:

"when a supervisor
32 can demonstrate he/she has reasonable cause to believe that an individual
33 flight attendant’s use of sick leave may have been for other than legitimate
34 reasons."

A sick call this year, during the beginning of cold and flu season (aka "The Holidays" as streached out by Inflight Mgt.), by itself is not a reasonable cause to believe that sick calls are being used for other than legitimate reasons.
Like US Airways management what do you expect of an MEC that is so afraid of speaking out for the flight attendants they go hide and wee wee under the table. They can't even send it out with commentary or even the full contractual language as FLYGuyBWI pointed out. That is what is inapproporiate. If they are going to request anything they better have more then a crystal ball in the supervisors desk to prove "reasonable cause".
The real disservice is the fact that it was a cut and past with only a disclaimer word for word of the CBS message. All they did was convey managments screwed interpirtritation of holiday sick and by not commenting, they give it metrit! Do these people have one thought for themselves or would like to share with the people that put them in office to protect us?
Funny that LCC has no problem BRIBING the PHL ramp, to "try extra hard" to come in during the holidays(I-Pods, or whatever)

I would reason that most of you flt. crews have been with/through LCC's Holiday "BS" probably for a decade or two/three. I know if I(had been) a crew member, I'd have had a Looong time MD. in my back pocket, just for times like this(Uh...like sinus infections/Inflamed ears etc.)
I think this shows Gary Richardson on the West side has more kahunas than Mike Flores on the East........Flores just sent out a copy of the CBS message that we all got with a note saying AFA didn't agree with the company. What a pansy.

October 21, 2007

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

Suspiciously coinciding with the next week’s negotiations session and the anticipated company’s counter-offer to the AFA Joint Negotiations Committee’s proposal on Sick Leave, Inflight Services issued Must Read 07-240 Holiday Sick Time on October 17th. A similar document was sent to US Airways East Flight Attendants.

This Must Read document contains references to contractual matters and it would be remiss if members relied solely on a partial recitation by management of a contract section or be unaware of the full protections of the Collective Bargaining Agreement as well as the Family Medical Leave Act.

Inflight Services cites references to protected leave under FMLA. The Must Read indicates...Per Family Medical Leave Act guidelines, “An employee requesting FMLA must give 30-days notice to the extent that such advance notice is possible, i.e., for the expected birth or adoption of a child, or planned medical treatment for a child, spouse (as defined by state law), parent or an employee’s own serious health condition. If the leave is unexpected, certification must be provided within 15 days of the commencement of the leave.â€

Just to be clear, the text of the FMLA Law states; “employee must provide the employer at least 30 days advance notice before FMLA leave is to begin if the need for the leave is foreseeable based on an expected birth, placement for adoption or foster care, or planned medical treatment for a serious health condition of the employee or of a family member. If 30 days notice is not practicable, such as because of a lack of knowledge of approximately when leave will be required to begin, a change in circumstances, or a medical emergency, notice must be given as soon as practicable. (emphasis added)

FMLA is one of the most important pieces of legislation protecting working men and women across the country. As you recall, in Single Contract Negotiations management would like nothing better than to increase the amount of hours needed for America West Flight Attendants to qualify for FMLA; effectively eliminating this important benefit for many of our members.

You may find the full text of the FMLA Act by logging into the Department of Labor’s website at www.dol.gov/esa/whd/fmla/. AFA-CWA is working closely with our allies in the House and Senate to insure that all Flight Attendants are provided the protections of FMLA with a technical correction to the act. You can find out more on how to help in this important drive to take FMLA off the bargaining table by logging on to our Council 66 Legislative Affairs web page at www.afa66.org/legislative_affairs_homepage.htm.

Reading further into the Must Read document it states; InFlight Services reserves the right to invoke Section 15,E.,3 of the AWA/AFA Agreement, which states, "The InFlight Department may request a Doctor's note to verify illness or injury.â€

The full text of Section 15.E.3 reads; The Inflight Department may request a doctor's note to verify an illness or injury. The Company shall pay for such examinations conducted at the America West Clinic. The Flight Attendant must submit the receipt to the Company for reimbursement. (emphasis added)

You can draw your own conclusion as to why management would leave out an important piece of this section and who is obligated to pay for such examinations when the Inflight Department is requesting a doctor’s note to verify an illness or injury.

AFA-CWA will vigorously defend flight attendant’s contractual rights and are legitimately utilizing their sick leave to care for themselves or a family member- whether it is over the holidays or any other day of the year.

In Solidarity,
Gary Richardson- President
Master Executive Council
Association of Flight Attendants-CWA AFL-CIO
I recall looking at the pilot reserve screen one time and seeing the code "ALP" (unavailable for duty due to ALPA business) next to the name of an ALPA officer.

It was Thanksgiving.

Perhaps you should keep track of how many of the AFA officers -- who are reminding you not to call in sick -- actually fly over the holidays themselves.
That is what a our East MEC should have put out only with our contract language. Instead we got regurgitated and half ass information Tempe puts out. IMO Paul K stepped way over the line by leaving out the last three lines of the contract regarding doctors notes and trying to interpret FMLA law. I was not aware in his off time he acquired a law degree as he seemed so busy clawing his way through Inflight, Crystal City and now Tempe. Nice read Gary and AFA66.
Can someone give an answer to why the union would post the cbs message from the company if it were not "in agreement" with it? Do you folks in the union realize how this makes you LOOK? Now I GUARANTEE this will go with NO CORRECTION. This is total BS and THEY know it. Talk about a bunch of puppets. For Gods sake people gets some BALLS huh? 🙄
Can someone give an answer to why the union would post the cbs message from the company if it were not "in agreement" with it? Do you folks in the union realize how this makes you LOOK? Now I GUARANTEE this will go with NO CORRECTION. This is total BS and THEY know it. Talk about a bunch of puppets. For Gods sake people gets some BALLS huh? 🙄
Did anyone else who is on both the MEC East and West e-mail list notice that Gary sends something out and then a day or two later, Mike sends it out....like the BOD synopsis. Gary sent it out 2 days ago. Mike cut and pasted what Gary sent out and we got it on the East side today......Seems Gary has it together WAY more than Mike who seems to just be a follower. Nice leadership on the East side----NOT !
When our east MEC says anything it always reminds me of the adults talking on Peanuts. Whoah whoah whoah.....whoah whoah.... 🙄 or lately a marionette dancing on strings dangling from a stick. :lol:
OTOH if US Airways was so concerned about negativity they would create an incentive program that offers a positive reward for NOT calling off sick.

sky high states: Ohhh, but they do. They give you a.....<laughing>...... BIC PEN with LCC logo.


Pens with your logo
Contact us Monday through Friday 8am to 5pm EST at 860-388 ... Bic Steel Pen with Free black velour sleeve.

******50 Bic Steel Pens at $8.50 each.********

sky high states: Ohhh, but they do. They give you a.....<laughing>...... BIC PEN with LCC logo.


Pens with your logo
Contact us Monday through Friday 8am to 5pm EST at 860-388 ... Bic Steel Pen with Free black velour sleeve.

******50 Bic Steel Pens at $8.50 each.********
How about back in the late 90s when we got the outdated stale cheese round that everyone thought was a candle.....now THAT was a festive holiday gift to give every employee a warm fuzzy feeling
I think this shows Gary Richardson on the West side has more kahunas than Mike Flores on the East........Flores just sent out a copy of the CBS message that we all got with a note saying AFA didn't agree with the company. What a pansy.

October 21, 2007

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

Suspiciously coinciding with the next week’s negotiations session and the anticipated company’s counter-offer to the AFA Joint Negotiations Committee’s proposal on Sick Leave, Inflight Services issued Must Read 07-240 Holiday Sick Time on October 17th. A similar document was sent to US Airways East Flight Attendants.

This Must Read document contains references to contractual matters and it would be remiss if members relied solely on a partial recitation by management of a contract section or be unaware of the full protections of the Collective Bargaining Agreement as well as the Family Medical Leave Act.

Inflight Services cites references to protected leave under FMLA. The Must Read indicates...Per Family Medical Leave Act guidelines, “An employee requesting FMLA must give 30-days notice to the extent that such advance notice is possible, i.e., for the expected birth or adoption of a child, or planned medical treatment for a child, spouse (as defined by state law), parent or an employee’s own serious health condition. If the leave is unexpected, certification must be provided within 15 days of the commencement of the leave.â€

Just to be clear, the text of the FMLA Law states; “employee must provide the employer at least 30 days advance notice before FMLA leave is to begin if the need for the leave is foreseeable based on an expected birth, placement for adoption or foster care, or planned medical treatment for a serious health condition of the employee or of a family member. If 30 days notice is not practicable, such as because of a lack of knowledge of approximately when leave will be required to begin, a change in circumstances, or a medical emergency, notice must be given as soon as practicable. (emphasis added)

FMLA is one of the most important pieces of legislation protecting working men and women across the country. As you recall, in Single Contract Negotiations management would like nothing better than to increase the amount of hours needed for America West Flight Attendants to qualify for FMLA; effectively eliminating this important benefit for many of our members.

You may find the full text of the FMLA Act by logging into the Department of Labor’s website at www.dol.gov/esa/whd/fmla/. AFA-CWA is working closely with our allies in the House and Senate to insure that all Flight Attendants are provided the protections of FMLA with a technical correction to the act. You can find out more on how to help in this important drive to take FMLA off the bargaining table by logging on to our Council 66 Legislative Affairs web page at www.afa66.org/legislative_affairs_homepage.htm.

Reading further into the Must Read document it states; InFlight Services reserves the right to invoke Section 15,E.,3 of the AWA/AFA Agreement, which states, "The InFlight Department may request a Doctor's note to verify illness or injury.â€

The full text of Section 15.E.3 reads; The Inflight Department may request a doctor's note to verify an illness or injury. The Company shall pay for such examinations conducted at the America West Clinic. The Flight Attendant must submit the receipt to the Company for reimbursement. (emphasis added)

You can draw your own conclusion as to why management would leave out an important piece of this section and who is obligated to pay for such examinations when the Inflight Department is requesting a doctor’s note to verify an illness or injury.

AFA-CWA will vigorously defend flight attendant’s contractual rights and are legitimately utilizing their sick leave to care for themselves or a family member- whether it is over the holidays or any other day of the year.

In Solidarity,
Gary Richardson- President
Master Executive Council
Association of Flight Attendants-CWA AFL-CIO

I could not agree with you more....from what I understand, Mike has gotten a LOT of flack for this but still no E-Line Correction...It does make you wonder what's going on.....He needs to get with it and explain why he did what he did.
Did anyone else who is on both the MEC East and West e-mail list notice that Gary sends something out and then a day or two later, Mike sends it out....like the BOD synopsis. Gary sent it out 2 days ago. Mike cut and pasted what Gary sent out and we got it on the East side today......Seems Gary has it together WAY more than Mike who seems to just be a follower. Nice leadership on the East side----NOT !

Why Would Someone On The East Be On The West Email List? We Still Have Seperate Contracts>>Do I Care What Gary Richardson Has To Say...Isn't He The One That Wanted To Change The AFA Senority Issue? :huh: